Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (2024)

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (1)


Real Name: Roger Aubrey

Identity/Class: Human mutate (British) (World War I era to modern era)

Occupation: Adventurer;
former V-Battalion leader, retiree, freedom fighter, marine;
briefly posed as a reporter

Group Membership: Invaders (CaptainAmerica/Steve Rogers, Sharon Carter, Dryad/Peggy Carter, Nick Fury,Jr., the Redacted), Radio Company (Captain America/Steve Rogers, JohnKoroki,Pam);
formerly theV-Battalion (TheAngel/Thomas Halloway, Betty Barstow, Citizen V/Dallas Riordan, CitizenV/John Watkins III, Fred Davis, Eamonn, Guy Fontreaux, GoldenWoman/Gwenny Lou Sabuki, Goldfire/AmeikoSabuki, IronCross/Helmut Gruler, IreneMartinez, IsadoraMartinez, David Mitchell, Nuklo/Robert Frank, Jr., Piers, "Reb"Ralston, Riordan, Dr.Sam Sabuki,Spitfire/Jacqueline Falsworth, Topspin/Darren Mitchell, Vradec, MilesWarbeck/Miles Warton, Whizzer/Robert Frank, Sr., others);
the Invaders (Bucky/James Barnes, Captain America/SteveRogers, Human Torch/"Jim Hammond," Namor the Sub-Mariner/NamorMcKenzie, Spitfire/Jacqueline Falsworth, Toro/Thomas Raymond, UnionJack/Brian Falsworth (honorary member)); the Crusaders(CaptainWings/Roger Dicken, Ghost Girl/WendyHunt, theSpirit of '76/William Nasland, Thunderfist/PatrickMason, TommyLightning/Thomas Lovejoy), the Royal Marines

Affiliations: Atlanteans, the BlackMarvel (Dan Lyons), Black Panther (T'Challa), Black Widow(Claire Voyant), Black Widow (Natalia Romanova), Blazing Skull (MarkTodd), BlueDiamond(Elton Morrow), the Captain of the Railways (Aaron Fischer), Captain America (William Nasland), CaptainTerror (Dan Kane),CaptainWonder (Steve Jordan), Commander Hawley, Commcast(Gareb Bashur), Dr. Valerie Cooper, LordCedric Crichton, Mr. Crosswell, the Crusaders,theDefender (Don Stevens), GloriaDelacroix, the DynamicMan, Electro(robot), Lady JaneFalsworth; Montgomery, Lord Falsworth;the Fantastic Four (Human Torch/Johnny Storm, Invisible Woman/SusanRichards, Mister Fantastic/Reed Richards, Thing/Ben Grimm), Father Time(Larry Scott), the FieryMask (Jack Castle), LouisFrankel,the French underground (Monsieur Farrotte, Monsieur Lamonte, Rouen,others), Emma Frost, Golden Girl (Betsy Ross Mace),Hawkeye (Clint Barton), Tom Hoffman, Hotchkins(butler), theHowling Commandos (Izzy Cohen,"Dum-Dum" Dugan, Nick Fury, Sr., Eric Koenig,DinoManelli, "Reb"Ralston,others), the Human Torch ("Jim Hammond"), the Invaders, Jack Frost, Rick Jones,Justice (Vance Astrovik), Killraven (Jonathan Raven of Earth-691), KingGeorge VI,theLaughing Mask (DennisBurton), Jeff Mace, Major Whalen, MI13 (Captain Britain/Brian Braddock,Gloriana/Meggan Braddock, Spitfire/Jacqueline Falsworth, UnionJack/Joey Chapman), Miss America (MadelineJoyce), Miss Fury (Marla Drake), Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers), Namor theSub-Mariner (Namor McKenzie), Nigel, Night Raven,Nia Noble,Peter Noble, Oskar, thePhantom Reporter (Richard Jones), Red Raven, theRedeemers (Beetle/LeilaDavis, Citizen V/John Watkins III, Fixer/Norbert Ebersol, Meteorite/ValerieBarnhardt, Scream,Smuggler/ConradJosten), Nathaniel Richards, She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters), S.H.I.E.L.D., Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Howard Stark, TonyStark, AndreaSterman, Storm (Ororo Munroe), Tara(Invader-1), Thin Man (Bruce Dickson), Thunderbolts (Atlas/Erik Josten,Charcoal/CharlieBurlingame, Hawkeye/Clint Barton, Mach-3/Abner Jenkins, Moonstone/KarlaSofen, Songbird/Melissa Gold), theThunderer (Jerry Carstairs), Toro (Thomas Raymond), Union Jack (BrianFalsworth), USAgent (John Walker), the V-Battalion, Vision (Aarkus),Wasp (Janet Van Dyne), theWatcher (Uatu), the Wild Pack, Sam Wilson, the Winter Soldier(Bucky Barnes), Wolverine (James Howlett), Yellowjacket(Criti Noll), the Young Avengers (Hawkeye/Kate Bishop, Hulkling/DorrekVIII, Patriot/Eli Bradley, Speed/Tommy Shephard, Vision/Jonas,Wiccan/Billy Kaplan), likely Destroyer ("Keen" Marlow) (see comments);
formerly Alfie(William Leese)

Enemies: A.I.M. (M.O.D.O.K./GeorgeTarleton, others), Alfie(William Leese), Attila the Hun, Attuma,the Automaturks (Iron Sultan, others),BaronBlood (John Falsworth), Baron Strucker (Wolfgang von Strucker),Baron Zemo (Helmut Zemo), BaronessBlood (Lily Cromwell), theCollective Man(Han, Chang, Lin, Sun & Ho Tao-Yu, numerous others), theEverlasting (Ahqat, Marduk(Mesopotamian god), others), Fenris (Andrea& Andreas von Strucker), Flag-Smasher (Karl Morgenthau), HerrGrausum, Graviton(Franklin Hall), Henry Peter Gyrich, IronCross (Oskar Mors), MadamSatan, Martians, Master Man (Wilhelm Lohmer), Nazis (Capt.Brool, Carl, Col. Dietrich,Capt. Floo, Hermann Goering, Hans, Adolf Hitler, Capt. Krause, Schaeffer, Hauptmann Schmidt, Schnagel, Col.Schutter, Shmite, Storm (see comments),Gen. Von Hochstein, others), the Outer Circle (Love/Ana, Machine/IkaAgboje, Money/Etien Argent, Power/Wulf Fortunov, Revolution/GavriloPrincip), the Quiet Man, the Red Skull (Johann Shmidt), Sandman(William Baker), the Sculpture, Skrulls, Arnim Zola

Known Relatives: Unidentified father (presumably deceased)

Aliases: "The British Lion," "the Champion ofDemocracy," "Der Zerstorer" (German name for Destroyer), Dyna-Mite,"Enemyof Tyranny & Dictatorship," "Friend," "Grampa," "Kid," "LittleMan," Keene Marlow (see comments), "the MightyDestroyer," "the Mighty Wallflower," "Mitey," "Polo Partner" (radiocall name), "Pops," Radio Two, "Rog," "Sir," "Sugar," "the ValiantCommando fromWithin;"
impersonated Carl

Base of Operations: England, UK;
formerly themobile Vanguard vehicle/base; Berlin, Germany; a boat docked on theRiver Thames, England

First Appearance: (as Destroyer) All-WinnersComics I#6 (September, 1942);
(as Dyna-Mite) Invaders I#14 (March, 1977)

Powers/Abilities: Due to his ingestion of aSuper-Soldier Serum derivative, the Destroyer retained the strength andvitality of man half his age. The Serum also somewhat slowed his agingprocess, often appearing to be ten to twenty years younger than hisactual age. In his prime, the Destroyer had peak human strength andagility, sufficient to catch a speeding train on foot and swingan adult man around like a human baseball bat.

The Destroyer also had the abilityto shrink down to height of twelve inches at will, retaining thestrength of his full-sized self at tiny size, though he seldom usedthis ability and rarely even spoke of it.

Roger Aubrey was an exceptionalathlete and hand-to-hand combatant, especially in the martial art ofju-jitsu. He was also a skilled radio operator and decoder, excellingat puzzles. Aubrey was also very knowledgeable in engineering, havingstudied in the Royal Marines as a sapper (combat engineer).

Aubrey was a capable disguiseartist and actor, able to convince others he was who he claimed despitewearing disguises over his masked costume. He was also fluent inGerman and was an accomplished polo player.

The Destroyer occasionally usedconventional firearms such as Tommy guns in battle and he at least oncecarried a small emergency flashlight in his costume's pocket. Duringhis decades as leader of the V-Battalion, Roger Aubrey had access toadvanced technology including teleportation devices, advanced aircraftand other unspecified tech.

In his later years, Aubrey'seyesight was not as strong as it once was and he had taken to wearingglasses when not in costume (see comments).

Height: 6'2" (variable); (originally) 5'4"; (asDyna-Mite) 4"
Weight: 221 lbs. (variable); (originally) unrevealed (approximately 130 lbs.); (as Dyna-Mite)unrevealed (but less than 14 lbs.)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White (originally blonde, possibly occasionally dyed brown - see comments)

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (2)History:
(InvadersI#15 (fb) - BTS / Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Golden Age2004 - Destroyer entry - BTS / Captain America X#750 (fb) - BTS) - RogerAubrey was born in England in 1919, aBritish citizen, presumably in London specifically.

(Invaders I#15 (fb) - BTS) - Roger Aubrey was raisedin England as well.

(Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#10 (fb) -BTS) - In the home Roger was raised in, fists were more commonlyused than forgiveness, and he grew up ever never really feeling he wasthe son his father wanted, often being made well aware of his father'sdisdain. At age thirteen, Roger's father took him along their familyland as his father collected rent money, either beating the tenants forlack of payments or Roger himself for asking why the tenants were beingbeaten. When Roger's favorite tenant, Mr. Crosswell, was threatened byRoger's father as a way of teaching Roger a lesson about excuses, Rogerbecame angry at the unfairness of it all and leaped into the air,fearlessly punching his father and knocking him down Crosswell'sstairs, horrifying the fearful Mr. Crosswell.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Golden Age2004 - Destroyer entry - BTS) - Over the years, Aubrey never acquireda criminal record and he eventually went to college.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (3)(Invaders I#19 (fb) / Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#9 (fb) -BTS) - Roger was nicknamed "Dyna-Mite" (a pun on explosives) because of his explosive energy and shortstature.

(Invaders I#19 (fb)) - Roger Aubreybecame the dearestfriend and sometimes polo competitor to Brian Falsworth, son ofMontgomery, Lord Falsworth.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#1(fb) - BTS) - A photo was taken of Roger Aubrey and BrianFalsworth in suits.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Golden Age2004 - Destroyer entry - BTS) - Roger ultimately left college, hisdegree unfinished. At some point, Roger Aubrey and Brian Falsworthbecamelovers.

(Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#9 (fb) -BTS) - Roger Aubrey trained to be a sapper in the Royal Marines for atime. While he loved that line of work, Aubrey loved Brian more and didnot further his training in the Marines.

(Invaders I#19 (fb)) - By 1938, when the policyof appeasing Adolf Hitlerwent into affect in Britain, Lord Falsworth grew angry and warned thatsomethinghad to be done lest all of Europe fall under Hitler's rule, but BrianFalsworth argued that it was not their place to argue British policy,Roger siding with Brian on the matter. As the Falsworth familyarguments grew fiercer, the pacifist Brian refused to live under hisfather's roof and left in anger, taking Roger with him. As they left,Lord Falsworth grumbled that while he respected Brian and Roger'syouthful enthusiasm, they were as foolhardy British Prime MinisterChamberlain. Lady Falsworth reminded Montgomery that Brian and Rogerwere still just boys and would learn things in time. A short timelater,propaganda photos surfaced showing Brian and Roger in Berlin meetingwith Adolf Hitler in support of Britain's appeasem*nt policies and LordFalsworth, furious that his son was associating with Hitler, denouncedBrian.

(Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#9 (fb) - Four weeks later, Roger Aubrey and Brian Falsworth visiteda German pub together and discussed their feelings for one another,touching hands but neither willing to say the words the other wanted tohear. Aubrey joked that Brian didn't want Aubrey to say it first, as healways hated being second place. As Brian finally admitted he lovedRoger, German soldiers busted into the pub, gunning down innocentcivilians and forcing Roger and Brian to escape the burning pubtogether.

(Invaders I#19 (fb) - After World War IIofficiallybroke out in 1939, Roger Aubrey and Brian Falsworth attempted to departGermany entirely but they were not allowed to leave due to the Germanpropagandavictory caused by Brian Falsworth's prior support of appeasem*nt andtheirpassports were torn up by the Gestapo chief. Brian attacked the chiefin response and when Brian was arrested and sentenced to prison, Rogerbecame violent as well and was sentenced to execution. As Roger wasbeing arrested, Colonel Dietrich, a Nazi scientist working with ProjectCrusader, noted that Roger's short stature made him an ideal candidatefor experiments the scientist had planned for the Project and Roger wasreleased into Dietrich's custody. Roger was then shrunk down to size ofonly a few inches and brainwashed by Dietrich as part of ProjectCrusader's plot to assassinate Britain's King George VI.

(Invaders I#15 (fb) - BTS) - His memory of his pastlife erased over a period of years, Roger was told by ProjectCrusader's agent Alfie, who was posing as a British government agent,that he, alongside five other Project Crusader recruits, had wanted toenlist in World War II military service but could not. He was also toldthat he would be utilized in another fashion by his government liaisonAlfie, who granted each of the recruits a superhuman ability of somesort and controlled their technologically-granted powers via a powercutoff belt.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (4)(Invaders I#14 (fb) - BTS / Citizen V & theV-Battalion I#1 (fb)) - RogerAubrey officially joined Alfie's Crusaders group as Dyna-Mite,retaining his full human strength despite only being a few inches insize.

(Captain America X#750 (fb) - BTS) - During his timewith the Crusaders, Dyna-Mite enjoyed seeing the holographic "ghost"images generated by his teammate Ghost Girl.

(Invaders I#14) - InEngland with the Crusaders circa 1942, Dyna-Miteaccompanied the Crusaders into action against Hauptmann Schmidt and hisNazi agents.

(Invaders I#14 / Invaders I#15 (fb)) - Leaping from histeammate Spirit of '76's shoulder,Dyna-Mite punched one of the Nazi agents in the face as he introducedhimself.

(Invaders I#14) - The Crusaders made quick work ofthe Nazi agents, and Dyna-Mitegloated that they exorcised the Nazi devils. Arriving at ground levelshortly thereafter, the Invaders' Human Torch and Namor the Sub-Marinercommended the Crusaders on their work, and Dyna-Mite and his teammatesintroduced themselves to the Invaders as well. When the Spirit of '76mentioned not needing any superhuman powers other than his fists,Dyna-Mite reminded the Spirit about his bulletproof cloak, at whichpoint the Spirit of '76 claimed he could've taken down the Nazi agentswith or without the cloak. The Spirit then dragged the defeated Nazisoff to the authorities, and Dyna-Mite bade the Invaders a hearty"cheerio!" as the Crusaders departed the scene. Once the Invaders hadregrouped, they discussed Dyna-Mite and the other Crusaders. Thefollowing morning, Dyna-Mite and the Crusaders visited BuckinghamPalace to meet with King George VI about potentially replacing theInvaders as His Majesty's guard of honor.

(Invaders I#14 / Invaders I#15 (fb)) - To test theCrusaders, KingGeorge VI allowed Dyna-Mite to act as his personal bodyguard and laterthat day, ananarchist assassin attempted to assassinate King George,only to be defeated by Dyna-Mite after the Invaders were incorrectlyled into St. James Park by Alfie. Following the assassin'sdefeat, Dyna-Mite regrouped with the Crusaders and moments later, theInvaders arrived on the scene, having suspected they had been purposelymisdirected.

(Invaders I#14) - At first thinking the Crusaders tobe behind the attemptedassassination when they saw Dyna-Mite standing over the defeatedassassin, the Invaders quickly learned that Dyna-Mite had actuallyrescued King George VI, passing the test King George had set for theCrusaders. Moments after, it was officially announced that theCrusaders would serve as guard of honor for King George at the nextday's coronation of the battleship H.M.S. Hornblower, an announcementthatbrought Alfie to devious laughter.

(Invaders I#15) - Meeting at their boat headquarterson the docks of the River Thames, Dyna-Mite and the other Crusadersdiscussed their lack of knowledge regarding the origins of theirsuperhuman abilities, and the conversation was soon interrupted by thearrival of Alfie. When the Crusadersquestioned why they still had to meet in secret and take orders fromAlfie when they were now publicly known, Alfie responded by turning offGhost Girl's powers using his belt and reminding the other Crusaders thatthey were essentially bound into his service at the risk of losingtheir superhuman powers. Keeping up his ruse of being a governmentagent, Alfie also exclaimed that the only thing that should matter toDyna-Mite and his allies is that they would do anything for their kingand country, reminding them of their value to the king over a fullmilitary regiment. When the Spirit of '76 argued that the Invaders werethere should the Crusaders not be around to act as the honor guard forthe king, Alfie presented the Crusaders with seemingly incriminatingphotos of the Invaders and suggested the Invaders were actually secret Naziagents, further claiming that the Crusaders were created for that veryreason. Upon hearing this, Dyna-Mite questioned what organization Alfieworked for and who had created the Crusaders, and Alfie responded byclaiming he was not authorized to say. Alfie then attempted to provehimself by suggesting he would have given powers to Nazis instead ofheroes if he were an enemy, at which point Dyna-Mite questioned whetherAlfie could truly cancel his powers, considering that he had been atsmall size as long as he could remember. Challenging Dyna-Mite'squestions, Alfie asked Dyna-Mite just how far back he could rememberand Dyna-Mite paused, puzzled for a moment at his lack of memory,before proclaiming that he could only remember that he was born tobattle the British Empire's foes and he would until the day he died.Alfie then suggested that was all Dyna-Mite needed to know until thewar was over and departed, deliberately choosing his words to make theCrusaders think they were serving the British Navy.

Still suspicious of Alfie, thetiny Dyna-Mite secretly hitched a ride in Alfie's coat pocket andwitnessed Alfie subsequently reporting his mission to sabotage theHornblower coronation with an explosive champagne bottle back to hisNazi masters. Announcing that Alfie had not fooled him the way he hadthe other Crusaders, Dyna-Mite prepared to take Alfie into custody butAlfie hit Dyna-Mite with his radio receiver, knocking him through acrack in the floor into the River Thames. Assuming Dyna-Mite wasfinished, Alfie went back to his cab and monologued to himself that hewould tell the other Crusaders that Dyna-Mite had went on a secretmission alone. Unbeknownst to Alfie, Dyna-Mite minutes later pulledhimself out of the river and leaped onto the rear stirrup of a passinglorry to hitch a ride to warn the Invaders of Alfie's plannedtreachery. The weakened Dyna-Mite soon arrived at the Invaders'headquarters and feebly knocked on the door. The butler Hotchkinsanswered and immediately summoned the Invaders, to whom Dyna-Miteinformed of Alfie's plan to assassinate the King with the explosivechampagne bottle. The Invaders immediately went into action to stop thecoronation ceremony while Spitfire remained behind to nurse Dyna-Miteback to health. At the same time, as Captain Wings wondered to himself where Dyna-Mitewas, the Crusaders guarded the King until the Invaders burst onto thescene and ultimately hurled the champagne bottle into the river, whereit exploded harmlessly, exposing Alfie's assassination attempt andmaking the Crusaders realize they had been duped. King George VIthanked the Invaders for the rescue, and the Crusaders gave up theirpowers in shame at being tricked, with Captain Wings asking CaptainAmerica to give Dyna-Mite his regards when he next saw him. As theInvaders prepared to leave, Namor asked Captain America if he thoughtDyna-Mite would regain his full size with the destruction of Alfie'spower control belt.

(Invaders I#18 (fb) - BTS) - While the Invaders wereout dealing with Alfie's assassination plot, Spitfire and Lord Falsworth decided to take Dyna-Mite into Berlin in hopes ofrestoring the memory of who he was prior to becoming Dyna-Mite.

(Invaders I#15) - Returning to their headquarters,the Invaders were informed by Hotchkins that Lord Falsworthand his daughter Spitfire had departed with Dyna-Mite, leaving behind anote that the Invaders were not follow them lest they be forced to battlethem to the death.

(Invaders I#18) - Dyna-Mite accompanied Spitfire andLord Falsworth in a captured Nazi plane over Berlin,remaining in Spitfire's gear bag as they parachuted into the outskirtsof town, where they met with the Falsworths' old friend Oskar. A bitconfused as they got into Oskar's car, Dyna-Mite was informed of theFalsworths' friendship with Oskar, but Dyna-Mite explained that hisconfusion laid in how the Falsworths kept calling him Roger yet hestill had no memory of who he actually was prior to becoming Dyna-Mite. Spitfirepolitely explained that as the reason for their trip into Berlin, asDyna-Mite could only learn who he was in Berlin, but the frustratedDyna-Mite insisted he could still recall nothing at all.

(Invaders I#19) - From a small hideaway in Berlin,Dyna-Mite, Spitfire, Lord Falsworth and Oskar watched as Adolf Hitlerparaded the recently captured Invaders through town, and the heroic Destroyerwas seemingly blown up during a subsequent rescue attempt. When Spitfireremarked on what she would do if she were down in the streets alongsidethe Invaders, Dyna-Mite seconded her desire to help, but Lord Falsworthwarned that they would have both been dead within seconds. LordFalsworth then suggested they could perhaps yet do something to assistthe Invaders and asked Oskar to see if his German underground alliescould discover when the Invaders were set to be executed, noting howstrange it was that they had come to Berlin to help jog Dyna-Mite'smemories only to find the Invaders captured. Now recalling his fullname of Roger Aubrey, Dyna-Mite suggested the Falsworths could now callhim as such but admitted that he still couldn't recall anything else ofhis life prior to becoming Dyna-Mite. Knowing full well who Dyna-Mitereally was, Lord Falsworth, in an effort to help restore more ofDyna-Mite's memories, recounted the story of Roger Aubrey and his sonBrian's closeness, their leaving the Falsworth Manor together andmeeting with Hitler, and Lady Falsworth's subsequent death in 1941.Dyna-Mite regretfully responded that while he did believe LordFalsworth's story, he still did not truly recall who "Roger Aubrey"really was and Spitfire suggested they focus more on rescuing theInvaders instead of helping Dyna-Mite by finding Brian Falsworth. Oskarthen interrupted and suggested they could do both at the same timesince his information had Brian last seen seen as the Institute of NaziScience, prompting Lord Falsworth to suggest they could pay theInstitute a visit, both to see if they had managed to find a way toshrink a person down in size and rob them of their memory and toacquire weapons to use against the Nazis.

Soon arriving at the Institute forNazi Science, Dyna-Mite and his allies at first attempted to entersecretly but Spitfire rushed out of the car to battle the Nazi guardsand Dyna-Mite leaped from her cloak to aid in the battle. Dyna-Mitethen helped the Falsworths fight their way into the heart of theInstitute, where they encountered a Nazi scientist that Dyna-Miterecognized as Col. Dietrich, the man who had shrunk him down in size.Dyna-Mite immediately attacked the scientist, demanding to know how tocure himself of his shrunken stature, and Spitfire quickly pulledDyna-Mite off Dietrich before Dyna-Mite killed him and they were allleft in the dark. In exchange for the Falsworths keeping Dyna-Mite awayfrom him, Dietrich revealed how he had experimented on Roger Aubrey andbrainwashed him for Project Crusader's assassination plot and when theFalsworths asked about Roger's friend Brian, Dietrich explained howBrian had recently escaped captivity to become the heroic Destroyer.Surprised to hear that Brian was the Destroyer, whom they had earlierseen seemingly blown up, Dyna-Mite and Falsworths momentarily grievedbefore Col. Dietrich opened a trap door beneath them. Once inside thehidden chamber, Dyna-Mite and the Falsworths were subjected to knockoutgas. Spitfire was then taken to be executed alongside the othercaptured Invaders while Dyna-Mite, Oskar and Lord Falsworth were leftto die in the trap door chamber.

(Invaders I#21 (fb) / Invaders I#34 (fb)) - Dyna-Mite, Lord Falsworthand Oskar were soon rescued by the Destroyer, who revealed that he had not beenblown up in the earlier explosion, and he removed his mask to revealhimself as Brian Falsworth.

(Invaders I#21 (fb)) - Upon seeing Brian again,Dyna-Mite's fullmemory was restored and he expressed happiness at the family reunionbetween Brian and Lord Falsworth.

(Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#9 (fb) -BTS) - Upon first seeing Brian again, Aubrey was admittedly jealous ofBrian's Destroyer codename, given his own codename of Dyna-Mite (see comments).

(Invaders I#21 (fb)) - Following the brief reunion, LordFalsworth suggested they all go to the rescue of the Invaders and whenLord Falsworth mentioned his old Union Jack costume that he'd broughtalong just in case, Dyna-Mite witnessed Brian Falsworth assume themantle of Union Jack from his father and rush off into battle to rescuethe Invaders, all the while wishing he could accompany Brian. Lord Falsworthquickly reminded Dyna-Mite that they had their own parts to play in therescue and when they arrived at an airstrip minutes later, Dyna-Mitewas tasked with downing the Nazis so that Oskar and Lord Falsworthcould utilize their uniforms as disguises.

(Invaders I#20) - After the escaping Adolf Hitler andCol. Dietrich boarded the Nazi bomber housing the disguised Oskar andLord Falsworth with Captain America's shield in tow, Dyna-Mite made hisway into the underside of Cap's shield and remained there as Hitlerbeat the shield and plotted his revenge against the Invaders.

(Invaders I#21) - Dyna-Mite remained on the underside of the shield, dealing with thevibrations of Hitler banging on it, and recalled how Brian hadrescued Lord Falsworth, Oskar and himself. When Hitler grumbly asked ifthe pilots were in position to drop bombs on the Invaders, completelyunaware that Lord Falsworth and Oskar had replaced the real pilots,Dyna-Mite made his move, leaping from Captain America's shield to punchout one of Hitler's guards. As the shocked Hitler watched, Dyna-Mitethen jumped from the guard to Col. Dietrich. With Hitler's guardsdowned, Dyna-Mite prepared to go after Hitler himself but Hitlerescaped the bomber via parachute. Lord Falsworth groaned about Hitler'sescape and Dyna-Mite opted to celebrate their smaller victory until LordFalsworth reminded him that the Invaders were still fighting on the groundbelow. The Nazis soon deduced that the bomber had been commandeered andMaster Man leaped up towards the plane housing Dyna-Mite, LordFalsworth and Oskar, only to be met with a bomb. The Invaders then madetheir way up to the plane, where they were met by the victorious cheersof Dyna-Mite. Dyna-Mite's demeanor soon went grim with worry that,while he had regained his memory, he might be stuck in diminutive sizeforever but Spitfire and the Invaders threatened the recovering Col.Dietrich into agreeing to restore Roger to his normal size. The bombersoon ran low on fuel but Lord Falsworth was able to safely land it inthe English channel, where the Royal Navy rescued the heroes onboard.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (5)(Invaders I#22) - The Invaders and their allies were picked up bythe H.M.S. Forester and as they were boarding the ship, Dyna-Mitejumped up over a railing and surprised Lord Falsworth, who blurted outDyna-Mite's real name. Feeling as if he had become somewhat of an unwillingcostumed hero in the first place, Dyna-Mite suggested Lord Falsworth start calling him byhis real name of Roger Aubrey all the time, as he didn't intend to go by an alterego that needed guarding. Lord Falsworth agreed to do so and noted thatCol. Dietrich was now being taken aboard the Forester and couldhopefully restore Roger to normal. Roger then remained on LordFalsworth's shoulder until the Forester reached port. Once docked,Roger accompanied the Invaders and their allies onto a hospital planethat was to take the injured Invader Toro for medical treatment.

(Invaders I#23) - As part of the process of ensuring he was restored to hisfull size, Roger Aubrey remained at Falsworth Manor to interrogate Col.Dietrich alongside Lord Falsworth and Oskar.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (6)(Invaders I#26 (fb) - BTS) - Col. Dietrich successfullyprovided Roger Aubrey with an antidote that restored his normal stature.

(Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#9 (fb) - BTS) - After being restored to his normal size, Roger Aubreydecided to combine his two loves (Brian and engineering) into a newmission statement.

(Invaders I#26) - Union Jack, Spitfire, CaptainAmerica, Namor and the Human Torch returned to Falsworth Manor andfound Col. Dietrich still in the company of Lord Falsworth and Oskar.When Union Jack asked Lord Falsworth if Dietrich had cured RogerAubrey of his diminutive stature, Roger appeared in Brian's Destroyercostume and suggested Union Jack ask him himself. The Invaders immediatelynoticed that Roger was at his normal height and Union Jack quicklyquestioned why Roger was in his old Destroyer uniform.

(Invaders I#26 / Invaders I#34 (fb)) - Roger replied thathe wished to assume the mantle of the Destroyer with Brian Falsworth'spermission now that his normal height had been restored and whenCaptain America asked if Roger wished to join the Invaders, Rogerresponded in the negative, instead wishing to fight the Nazis alonebehind enemy lines in Germany.

(Invaders I#26) - Brian expressed pride in Roger'sdecision before the Invaders rushed off to catch a plane to Californiato check on their still-injured teammate Toro.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion#1 (fb)) - In his new identity ofthe Destroyer, Roger Aubrey replaced Brian Falsworth behind enemy linesand continued the work Brian had begun.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Golden Age 2004 -Destroyer entry - BTS) - Aubrey kept his new dual identity a secret.

(Thunderbolts I#47 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Roger Aubreyreceived a derivative version of the Super-Soldier Serum that granted himthe vigor of a person half his age.

(Captain America X#750 (fb) - BTS) - Despite claiming to hateCaptain America's speeches, suggesting Cap instead use his fistsinstead of his words against the Nazis, Roger Aubrey secretly lovedpoetry.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (7)(Invaders I#34 (fb)) - During one of Roger's sabotage missions asthe new Destroyer, he was overpowered by the superhumanly strong MasterMan, who captured Roger and donned the Destroyer costume to discreditthe hero.

(Invaders I#34) - Upon seeing several newspaper articles suggestingthe Destroyer had gone bad, the Invaders and Lord Falsworth worriedthat perhaps Roger had been brainwashed once again. The discussion wasinterrupted when a radio report came in about the Destroyer seeminglybombing London Bridge. The Invaders rushed to the Bridge and when theyspotted a German plane with the seeming Destroyer leaving the scene,Captain America, Union Jack and Spitfire flew after the plane whileNamor and the Human Torch handled the rescue efforts at London Bridge.After the heroic trio followed the plane to the British Moors, UnionJack and Spitfire ventured closer to the "Destroyer"'s castleheadquarters and soon learned that the "Destroyer" was actually a Naziimpersonator. Crashing into the castle, Union Jack engaged the impostorwhile Spitfire searched the castle for Roger Aubrey, whom she soonfound in a dungeon prison cell. Upon hearing how Master Man hadcaptured Roger and assumed his identity to discredit the hero, Spitfirefreed Roger and the two made their way back to Union Jack, who had beenknocked out by the unmasked Master Man. Following on the ground asMaster Man leaped towards a departing German plane with Union Jack intow, Spitfire and Roger subsequently witnessed Union Jack knock himselffree of the Master Man's grip and fall towards the ground. As Spitfirecreated an updraft to slow Union Jack's fall using her superhuman speedabilities, Roger Aubrey ran up and caught Union Jack. Weary, Union Jackbegan to thank Roger for the save but a smiling Roger referenced theircompetitive relationship and remarked that they were tied once more.Spitfire interrupted their reminiscing to remind them that Master Manwas getting away but Union Jack suggested they would never be able tocatch him and Roger noted that he at least got the Destroyer costumeback, which he planned to use to restore the good name of theDestroyer.

(Invaders I#34 / Citizen V & the V-Battalion#1 (fb) / CaptainAmerica: Sentinel of Liberty II#1 (fb) - BTS) - Days later, onceCaptain America had picked up the heroicfriends in Namor's flagship, Roger donned the Destroyer costume oncemore and proclaimed how great it was to be back in a costume. CaptainAmerica then reiterated his earlier offer of Invaders membership to theDestroyer, but Roger again declined, feeling he could fight the Nazisbest alone on their own soil. He then remarked that if the Invaders hadsuch a need for his own fighting methods, he would agree to join theInvaders on an honorary basis before excusing himself to begin hisheroic solo work. Union Jack wished the Destroyer well as he departed.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (8)(Marvels I#1) - In mid-1942, the Destroyer participated in anair attack on aGerman bunker alongside numerous other superheroes of the time,parachuting into the bunker with a gun.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (9)(All-Winners Comics I#6/2) - In September, after Naziscientist Professor Schultz and sculptor Lubitch destroyed themselvesbringing life to a monstrous statue, the statue attacked a group of Britishsoldiers on behalf of Adolf Hitler, and the Destroyer went into actionagainst the Sculpture. The two fought fiercely until the moonwaned and the creature fled. Unable to match the living statue's speed,the Destroyer pondered how it could be dealt with until one of the Britishsoldiers called for help. Learning the man had a broken arm, theDestroyer also discovered that the man's group objective was the Naziammunition factory, la Tenet. As the Destroyer helped the Britishcommando make his way to la Tenet in an effort to complete his mission,the statue located a Nazi base and was ordered by the Nazis to kill the Destroyer.

When the Destroyer and the commando approached la Tenet,they were assaulted by five Nazi soldiers, but the Destroyer and thecommando made quick work of three of them while the other two soldierssurrendered. The Destroyer then grabbed a satchel of bombs and had thecommando hold the surrendered Nazis at bay while he made his waytowards la Tenet to destroy it. Soon finding a lone Nazi sentry, theDestroyer snuck up and got the sentry in a sleeper hold, knocking himout and stealing his uniform to use as a disguise. Freely movingthroughout the factory in disguise, the Destroyer planted a bomb in anartillery room before the other soldiers recognized him. The Destroyerimmediately attempted to run for cover but was shot in the arm. Despitehis injury, the Destroyer attempted to fend off his pursuers but he waseventually overcome by force of numbers and placed into a dungeon cell.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (10)

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (11)The Nazis then sent the Sculptureinto the cell to destroy the bound Destroyer but uponrecognizing his opponent, the colossus again fled and during thedistraction, the injured commando snuck into the cell and freed theDestroyer mere moments before dying from injuries suffered at the hands ofthe Sculpture. Confirming the commando's death, the Destroyer notedthathe had died for a great cause and quickly made his way out of laTenet before it exploded due to the bomb the Destroyer hadearlier planted. Returning to London under the guise of Americanreporter Keene Marlow, Roger Aubrey broadcasted a BBC news reportconfirming not only the destruction of la Tenet but theexplosion-caused immobility of the formerly living Sculpture,which "Marlow" suggested was a lasting a monument to the deceased British commando's fearlessness.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (12)Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (13)(All-Winners Comics I#7/5) - A couple of months later, before a group of Nazis including Colonel Schutter attackedSwitzerland, they decided to take care of the Destroyer to keep himfrom interfering. To lure the Destroyer into their trap, the Nazisbegan spreading rumors that they planned to invade England and, whileundercover behind enemy lines, the Destroyer soon overheard the rumor and decided to go toBrest to allow himself to be captured in an effort to learn more.Hitching a ride on speeding train to Brest, the Destroyer invaded theNazis' stronghold and discovered their plans to actually invade Switzerland rather thanEngland. Quickly realizing the rumor had been planted and that he had beenled into a trap, the Destroyer stashed the Switzerland invasion plansin his belt seconds before Colonel Schutter and his men surrounded himand demanded the return of the invasion plans. Grabbing one of thesoldiers, the Destroyer used him as a human baseball bat to knock theother soldiers out of his way, and he escaped outside. Sneaking into abuilding to avoid pursuing soldiers, the Destroyer read more of theinvasion plans to learn that the Nazis planned to start their Swiss invasionat Sekingen.

Deciding to go there to stop theinvasion before it began,the Destroyer was soon met by the pursuing soldiers but he fought back,knocking the soldiers back long enough to duck around the corner.Finding himself facing more soldiers, the Destroyerused a fire escape ladder to swing over the soldiers then confiscatedone of the Nazis' cars. Driving his way to a German airport, theDestroyer stole a plane and flew to the Swiss border, where he fired onsome of the invading German soldiers. His ammunition spent, theDestroyer safely landed the plane in a snowy forest and made his way toan explosives shack to acquire explosives to use against the Germantanks.While the Destroyer was carrying a box of explosives towards the tanks,Colonel Schutterconfronted the hero one-on-one and the two fought furiously untilthe Destroyer defeated Schutter, tied him up and shoved him into atank. With Schutter captive, the Destroyer then used the confiscatedtank to attack the other tanks, but Schutter soon escaped his bounds andattackedonce more. As the two fought inside the tank, the tank went careeningdown a hill and the other tanks pursued what they thought was a runawaytank. When the tanks neared the explosives shack, the Destroyer jumpedout of the tank, leaving Schutter and the other tanks to crash into theexplosives shack. Confident that the subsequent explosions hadsufficiently haltedSchutter's plans to invade Switzerland, the Destroyer ran off into thewoods.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (14)Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (15)(All-Winners Comics I#8/5 (fb)) - Traveling to Berchtesgden, Germany towards the end of 1942 to observe Adolf Hitler, theDestroyer witnessed a meeting between Hitler, the demonic Madam Satanand her ally from history, Attila the Hun. From his vantage point up ina nearby tree, the Destroyer at first thought he was seeing things, buthe decided to keep his eyes peeled in case they were all up tosomething. Upon witnessing Madam Satan turn some of Hitler's lackeysinto stone with a gas emitted from her cigarette, the Destroyerrealized the true danger of Madam Satan and jumped from the tree toclimb the vines growing up the side of Hitler's estate. Busting throughthe window, the Destroyer announced himself by hurling Hitler acrossthe room. Dodging a knife attack from Attila the Hun, the Destroyerretaliated by punching Attila and kicking Hitler in the rear. MadamSatan quickly ordered Attila to use the special gas against theDestroyer, who recognized the attack and held his breath as a trio ofHitler's guards arrived and were turned to stone. When Attila projectedanother dose of the gas via his cigarette, the Destroyer, running outof breath, punched Attila but ran out of air and inhaled, quicklyturning the stone due to the gas.

After Hitler confirmed that theDestroyer was indeed rigid as stone, Madam Satan tricked Hitler intopunching the Destroyer to further confirm the transformation and Hitlerdid so, hurting his hand and prompting laughter from both Madam Satanand Attila. Grumbling at having been the butt of a joke, Hitlernonetheless opted to use the stone Destroyer as an ornament to boostthe morale of his troops and later that night, Hitler displayed thestone Destroyer atop a dinner table as his men enjoyed a celebratoryvictory feast. As the party progressed, a drunken Nazi soldier passedout and his lit cigar rolled over to the foot of the stone Destroyer,the fire partially reviving him. Using his restored legs, the Destroyerran into the room where Attila slept and fully revived himself by thefire, only to be spotted by Madam Satan. Madam Satan immediately triedto hit the Destroyer with a dose of the special gas again, but theDestroyer knocked the cigarette from her hands. Madam Satan respondedby summoning Attila, and the Destroyer was knocked off-balance byAttila's violent attempt to kill him. Forced onto his back by achokehold from Attila, the Destroyer ultimately kicked Attila into thefire and the Hun disappeared in a cloud of dark smoke, returning to theafterlife in Hades. A terrified Madam Satan followed suit and similarlydisappeared as the Destroyer rounded up the arriving Nazireinforcements. After stopping a machine gunner using Madam Satan'sdropped cigarette, the Destroyer went after Hitler with the cigarettebut he was stopped from transforming Hitler into stone by an Allied airraid outside. Noting the irony that Hitler's life was saved by his ownenemies' attack, the Destroyer deduced that the heat of the attacklikely restored the Nazis that had been transformed into stone, and hedestroyed the gas-emitting cigarette, figuring it would be toodangerous in the wrong hands.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (16)(All-Winners Comics I#8/5) - In March 1943, the Destroyerrecounted the story of his mission against Madam Satan, Attila the Hunand Adolf Hitler, noting that perhaps the fates had willed for Hitlerto escape that day. He then monologued that he would one day be present withmillions at his side for Hitler's final reckoning, promising to himselfthat Hitler would not escape that attack.

(USA Comics I#8/2) - In early 1943, theDestroyer met with the French underground in occupied France, where hewas tasked with helping captive rebels escape using a chemical thatsimulated death for twenty-four hours. Agreeing to help, the Destroyerstalked his way to the Gestapo headquarters and quickly took down aguard to assume his identity as a cover. Taking over guard duty fromanother guard, the Destroyer passed the death-simulating chemical tothe captive Monsieurs Lamonte and Farrotte then walked away, only tofind himself stalked by a suspicious Nazi guard. After punching out theguard, the Destroyer coerced the guard to subsequently help trapNazi leader Captain Brool. The next evening, the Destroyer returned tosecret French underground agent Rouen at the morgue to find MonsieursLamonte and Farrotte awaking from the death-simulating chemical. OnceLamonte and Farrotte had fully regained their composure, the Destroyerprepared to lead them from the morgue but found himself facing CaptainBrool. At first making quick work of Brool and his agents, theDestroyer was eventually surrounded by Brool's agents but was rescuedby Rouen and the French underground. While the Nazis were held captiveoutside, Rouen set explosives in the morgue and the Destroyer helpedlead Rouen, Farrotte and Lamonte into the sewers alongside the captiveCaptain Brool, the subsequent explosion covering their escape. In thesewers, the Destroyer introduced Brool to their secret ally, the naziguard he had earlier punched out, and the guard admitted the French werequite clever in their plot to trap Brool in the morgue. The guard wasthen tied up as well and before departing, the Destroyer asked theresistance fighters what they planned to do with the captive Nazis.Upon hearing the fighters remarks on possibly killing their captives,the Destroyer bid the French underground goodbye and suggested they lethim know if they ever again needed help bringing back the dead.

(All-Winners Comics I#9/5 (fb) - BTS) - In his efforts to keep an eye on anyone in trouble, theDestroyer witnessed spy Gloria Delacroix and a fellow spy posing as herfather attempting to escape Berlin, and he decided to secretly followthem to help cover their escape.

(All-Winners Comics I#9/5) - Hidden inside thehay of a horsedrawn cart, the Destroyer sent the driverless cart intothe fray of a group of Nazis led by Capt. Krause, who wereinterrogating the stopped Gloria Delacroix and her "father." Emergingfrom the hay, the Destroyer mowed down several of the Nazis with aTommy gun and freed Gloria and her father. As he ran out of bullets,the Destroyer realized Capt. Krause had taken Gloria hostage so hehurled his empty gun at Krause, hitting him and absconding with Gloriafor her own safety. Ushering Gloria and her spy partner towards anearby Nazi automobile, the Destroyer knocked out the driver, butGloria's partner was shot by the recovering Krause. As he died,Gloria's partner handed the Destroyer important papers to give toGloria. and the Destroyer did as requested, turning the papers over toGloria before they fled in a confiscated Nazi car and leaving her deceased partnerbehind. During their travels, the Destroyer explained to Gloria how hehad discovered their attempted escape and decided to follow them in aneffort to help them escape Germany. They soon came upon a Nazibarricade, but the Destroyer plowed the car right through the barricade.The pair were then set upon by a German Luftwaffe plane housing Capt.Krause and his lackey, who hit the car's gas tank followed by itstires, forcing the car to roll over.

After making sure Gloria stayedconscious following the car crash, the Destroyer opted to fake theirdeaths and when Krause and his soldier checked on them, the Destroyerrevealed his ruse and kicked Krause into the mud. The Destroyer thenlifted Krause up with his legs and tossed him into the crashed car.When Krause took Gloria hostage once more, Gloria kicked Krause in theshin, leaving him open for a punch from the Destroyer. Krause respondedby hurling a wrench at the hero, but the Destroyer dodged and hit Krausein the stomach. Krause again hurled the wrench, this time hitting theDestroyer in the face, and the Destroyer retaliated by using the wrenchto knock Krause out. The duo then decided to use Krause's plane to flyto England, taking the captive Krause with them for questioning. Uponarriving in England, the Destroyer dumped the unconscious Krause out ofthe plane with a parachute and suggested Gloria do the same to explainthe situation to the authorities. The Destroyer then opted to fly backto Germany to continue his work there.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (17)(USA Comics I#9/2 (fb) - BTS) - Upon learning thatseveral of Hitler's generals were taking a train to a conference withHitler, the Destroyer disguised himself as a Nazi gunner and pluggedthe other gunners' guns with wax so they would backfire if he werediscovered.

(USA Comics I#9/2) - While still in disguise, theDestroyer rescued attempted bomber Louis Frankel from execution,and the two made their way to the top of the train, where the Destroyerrevealed his ruse to Frankel. Devising a plan to stop the generals,the Destroyer and Frankel made their way to the front of the train,where the Destroyer helped Frankel into the front car of the trainbefore uncoupling the rest of the train from the front car. Frankelthen separated the front car from its engine as the Destroyer venturedinto the slowing back cars to confront the Nazi generals inside.After knocking out one of the Nazi agents, the Destroyer was held atgunpoint by another but the gun backfired due to the previously-placed wax. Another guard soon pulled a Tommy gunon the Destroyer, but the hero was rescued by Frankel, who shot theguard and held the other guards at gunpoint. The Destroyer then pickedup the dropped Tommy gun and ordered the Nazi generals to depart thetrain car as the front train car returned to pick up the passengers ofthe uncoupled back cars. Nazi soldiers emerged from the front car, andthe Destroyer held them off with the Tommy gun until nightfall, atwhich point the Destroyer devised a plan to take care of the generals.Ordering the generals to run by firing the Tommy gun at them, theDestroyer and Frankel watched as the other Nazi soldiers gunned down theirown generals, thinking they were the Destroyer and Frankel. TheDestroyer then had Frankel uncouple the flat car from the rest of the trainwhile he rounded up the remaining Nazi soldiers. The two then venturedinto the engine car, surprising the conductor and engineer intofleeing. The Destroyer and Frankel then commandeered the engine car androde it safety. Days later, the Destroyer and Frankel relaxed in anunderground hideout and listened to the radio reports that the Nazigenerals had died "heroically" under fire from a RAF plane. Knowing thetruth behind the generals' deaths, Frankel laughed to the Destroyer that itmust have been some RAF plane.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (18)(Avengers/InvadersI#12) - The Destroyer was one of the numerous heroes andfacsimiles of heroes summoned by Cosmic Cube-wielding soldier PaulAnselm in the winter of 1943 to aid in defeating the Red Skull. DespiteAubrey being summoned in his Destroyer identity, Anselm also used theCube to create a facsimile ofAubrey in his Dyna-Mite identity to assist in the battle (seecomments).

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (19)(Kid Komics I#4/2) - As bombs fell on Berlin in 1943, the Destroyer smiled and thoughtto himself how the city could not hold out much longer under that kindof fire. Soon noticing Hermann Goering emerge from a bunker to getinto an automobile, the suspicious Destroyer hitched a ride on the backof the car to investigate what Goering was up to. When Goering stoppedat the bunker of a Dr. Schmaltz, the Destroyer was spotted by a guardbut the hero quickly took down the guard and made his way into thebomb-proof building. Secretly witnessing Goering and Schmaltztalking about some sort of device that would prevent Allied bombs fromhitting Berlin, the Destroyer became determined to find out more aboutthis device and he soon tackled an assistant, Carl, stealing hisuniform and posing as him to get closer to Dr. Schmaltz.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (20)Returning toDr. Schmaltz disguised as Carl, the Destroyer asked about the secret device, learning itwas a force-field generator, and when Dr. Schmaltz realized the Destroyerwas not Carl, the hero attempted to rough up Dr. Schmaltz for moreinformation. Schmaltz surprisingly fought back, knocking the Destroyeraside and summoning guards. The Destroyer made quick work of the guardsbut Schmaltz threatened to activate the machine, sending a millionvolts into the hero. Reluctantly backing off, the Destroyer was takencaptive and held until nightfall to bear witness to the activation ofDr. Schmaltz's machine. The machine was soon activated and as itcreated a force-field around Berlin that deflected Allied bombs backupon their planes, sparks from the machine set fire to the ropesbinding the Destroyer. Enduring the pain and suspecting he might haveburn scars from his experience, the Destroyer ultimately freed himselfand tackled Dr. Schmaltz. Schmaltz summoned more guards, but theDestroyer dodged their gunfire to rush the force-field machine. Beforehe could take any action against the machine, however, the guard'sbullets hit the machine, short-circuiting it and causing an explosion that killed Schmaltz. Feeling as if Schmaltz had met hisfate, the Destroyer ventured back outside to see the Allied bombsh*tting Berlin.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (21)(All-Winners Comics I#11/5) - In December 1943, the Destroyerarrived outside Hitler's stronghold in Berchtesgarten, Bavaria and hebegan to plan on how to get inside. Soon noticing a Nazi patrol passingby, the Destroyer climbed a nearby tree and then pounced on a stragglingpatrolman, stealing his uniform to disguise himself. Making his wayonto the property with the group of patrolmen, the Destroyer discardedhis disguise once on the grounds and ventured into the stronghold,where he found several men acting as doubles for Hitler. Deciding tomake a grand entrance, the Destroyer applied a fake mustache onto theoutside of his mask and walked right into the group of Hitlers,claiming he was the one and only true Hitler and terrifying the doublesinto fleeing. The doubles summoned guards but the Destroyer took downtwo of them with a hurled chair and soon cornered the Hitler doubles ina hallway. The Hitler doubles fired on the Destroyer but each misseddue to fear causing their hands to shake.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (22) More guards soon arrived, butthe Destroyer made quick work of them as well before opting to hideuntil the real Hitler returned. Venturing through a set of doors, theDestroyer found himself in Hitler's private office and when he noticeda light behind a set of curtains, the Destroyer pulled open thecurtains to find a seriously ill and bedridden Adolf Hitler. Poking hishead into another nearby door, the Destroyer overheard doctorsdiscussing Hitler's apparently incurable condition. Realizing this wasthe true Hitler and the one set to arrive shortly was yet another double, theDestroyer considered killing the sick Hitler but opted to let fatehandle that. Brazenly revealing his presence to the doctors, theDestroyer claimed that the cure for Hitler was to let the world live inpeace, as Hitler's sickness was one of a guilty conscience. Leaving thedoctors to ponder his suggestions, the Destroyer departed and stoppedon a nearby hillside to ponder the situation himself, wondering ifperhaps the man who had brought death to millions was now causing hisown death.

(USA Comics I#11/2 (fb) - BTS) - The Destroyer metwith British agent Tom Hoffman in his home in a small coastal town inHolland. Together, they worked on a secret plan to be implemented thatnight.

(USA Comics I#11/2) - When a townsperson enteredthe room to warn of approaching Nazi secret police, the Destroyeracknowledged his plan with Tom before departing through a secret outletto the roof. As the Destroyer watched from the roof, three Nazi agentsled by Schaeffer entered Tom's home and interrogated him on theDestroyer's whereabouts. Tom claimed the Destroyer had forced his wayinto the home for food under threat of death then escaped through theback when the Nazis arrived but Schaeffer nonetheless had Tom's homesearched. Finding no sign of the Destroyer, Schaeffer and his mendeparted, at which point the Destroyer climbed down the drainage pipe.The Destroyer was quickly spotted by the Nazis, but the hero avoidedtheir gunfire and escaped into the sewers.

Schaeffer ordered guards towatch over the area, but the Destroyer ventured through the sewers andemerged near a small cottage some distance away. Upon emerging, the Destroyer used a small pocket flashlight to signal Britishcommandos led by Commander Hawley off the coast of Holland. Travelingback through the sewers with Hawley and his men, theDestroyer led the commandos in an attack on a German radio propagandatower. When a slew of Nazi soldiers attacked in retaliation, theDestroyer and the commandos attempted to retreat back into the sewersbut a German grenade sealed the sewer entrance, trapping them in afirefight. Forced to fight back, the Destroyer had the commandos createa shield of protection around him with their equipment, and he got closeenough to shoot down a German motorcycle soldier. He then stole thesoldier's motorcycles and drove off to recruit reinforcements from theRoyal Marines. Returning a short time later with Royal Marines and atank, the Destroyer led the Marines in a tank attack on the Nazisoldiers with the Destroyer himself mowing several down with the stolenmotorcycle. With the soldiers defeated and the radio tower destroyed,the Destroyer, the Marines and the commandos all rode back to safetyaboard the tank. With the commandos' mission completed, the Destroyersuggested they move on out before Nazi reinforcements arrived while hedecided to stay and continue the fight against Hitler.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (23)(All-Winners Comics I#12/5 (fb) - BTS) - TheDestroyer was contacted by the French underground and told to meet asecret British commando on the coast of France.

(All-Winners Comics I#12/5) - Arriving on the Frenchcoast, the Destroyer was met by British commando Major Whalen, whopresented the Destroyer with plans for a second front of attack on theAxis powers. Whalen then ordered the Destroyer to deliver the plansback to the French underground and whispered a secret mission in thehero's ear before the Destroyer departed, promising not to fail theMajor. The Destroyer was quickly spotted by a Nazi guard, but the heroeasily downed him, unaware that the guard remained conscious enough tooverhear that the Destroyer was carrying the plans for the secondfront. Soon finding himself pursued by more guards led by a man namedSchnagel, the Destroyer distracted one of the guards by tossing a hatat him and then stole the guard's car to continue on his way. Deliberatelyleaving a trail for the Nazis to follow, the Destroyer made his way toa French underground safehouse and delivered the plans, knowing theguards would be right behind him. When the Nazis arrived as expected,the French underground fought back, and the Destroyer allowed himself tobe captured and the plans to be taken by Schnagel. Learning from theDestroyer's plans of a proposed second front at Chappelle, Schnagelordered his men from the coast to Chappelle, allowing the Destroyer towitness the second front invasion get smashed by the relocated Nazi soldiers. When no second frontappeared at Chappelle and an Allied beachhead occurred along the coastinstead, Schnagel was informed of the new beachhead and he immediatelywent to the Destroyer, only to find that the Destroyer had escaped with a noteleft behind explaining how the entire second front plans mission wasstaged to distract the Germans away from the Allied powers' trueintended beachhead location along the coast.

(Kid Komics I#5/2) - Witnessing a single German tankpulling a slew of others in 1944, the puzzled Destroyer leaped onto one of thetanks to investigate, only to discover it was made of cardboard. Ridingthe fake tank to its destination, the Destroyer poked his head out tolook around and found the German Gen. Von Hochstein and hismen. Despite the Destroyer's fighting back, Von Hochstein ordered hismen to get the fake tanks into position and suspected the Nazis wantedthe Allied to attack the fake tanks for a reason. Following the faketanks into the nearby fields, the Destroyer confronted one of thesoldiers and forced him to explain how the fake tanks would lure Alliedattacks to a location near a dam which would be destroyed to flood theAllies. When Allied planes began bombing the area, the soldier waskilled, and the Destroyer rushed to the top of the dam, where he foundmore Nazi soldiers planting explosives. The Destroyer made quick workof the Nazis and sent a message back to Allied leaders not to wastetime engaging the fake German forces at the dam, instead suggesting theAllied attacks go more north. Having successfully informed the Alliedleaders of the attack to the north, the Destroyer stood atop the damand waved victoriously to the remaining Allied soldiers below. He thenannounced his plans to return to Berlin, wishing to be there when theAllied powers marched into the city.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (24)(Marvel Comics Presents I#156/2) - During a night in which he plannedfor stealth and subtle sabotage, the Destroyer was surprised by asudden light and the sound of anti-aircraft guns firing on a Britishbomber. Determined to stop the Germans from firing on the bomber, theDestroyer tossed a Nazi soldier into the spotlight, drawing theattention of more Nazi guards. Laughing as the guards pointed a secondspotlight on him, the Destroyer acrobatically dodged their gunfire anddrew even more attention to himself. As the bomber neared, they noticedthat the Nazi spotlights were all directed at the British bomber'starget thanks tothe Destroyer purposely drawing the spotlights' attention to hismovements. Whenthe bomber dropped its payload onto the target, the Destroyer quicklymoved away from the target to avoid getting blown up. Narrowly avoidingthe explosions, the Destroyer was knocked from a rooftop but caught aNazi flag during the fall, using it as a makeshift parachuteto land safely. Once back on the ground, the Destroyer saluted thebomber with a "V for victory" sign and commended the pilots on a goodjob before running off into the night.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (25)(Kid Komics I#6/2 (fb) - BTS) - The Destroyer arranged tomeet with a German forced labor worker to learn information about asecret weapon the Nazis were building to stop Allied planes.

(Kid Komics I#6/2) - That night, as the labor worker madehis way to his meeting with the Destroyer, he was stopped by two Nazisoldiers who demanded to know what business he had being out thatlate. Having been waiting on the worker, the Destroyer ventured out ofthe shadows and wrangled the Nazi soldiers, announcing that the workerhad business with him. He then easily took down the two soldiers butwhen more arrived on the scene, the Destroyer suggested they leave, andthe worker led the hero to the slave workers' quarters, where theworkers could provide all of the information the Destroyer needed onthe Nazis' secret weapon. Subsequently learning from the workers thatthe secret weapon was a gigantic magnetic intended to pull planes intothe line of German fire, the Destroyer decided to infiltrate theworkers' factory in disguise to destroy the magnet.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (26) Soon after, the Nazis learned of the Destroyer'spresence near the factory and, deducing that the hero might be hidingout in the workers' quarters, they torched the quarters to draw thehero out. Unfortunately for the Nazis, the Destroyer and the workershad gotten to safety in a hidden tunnel dug by the workers in the caseof anemergency. From there, the Destroyer donned some of the workers'clothes to disguise himself as one of them and entered the factoryunhalted by the guards. Once inside, the Destroyer regrouped with theworkers and revealed his plan to have the workers purposely spill smallamounts of gunpowder during their work on the magnet so that he couldsubsequently set the powder off. The workers immediately got to workscattering gunpowder and the Destroyer helped gather crates of dynamiteto surround the magnet. Moments after the Destroyer lit the gunpowder,however, the workers were discovered by the guards, and the Destroyerrevealed his ruse, engaging the guards. The Destroyer easily took downthe two guards and then led the workers in fighting their way out of thefactory mere moments before the factory exploded, destroying the magnetin the process. A short time after, the Destroyer said his goodbyes tothe freed workers, promising that he would be back with 100,000,000others just like himself. He then asked the workers to keep up theirgood work.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (27)(Marvel's Voices: Pride I#1 (fb)) - At some point, Roger Aubrey wentinto action as the Destroyer, fighting side-by-side with BrianFalsworth as Union Jack.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#1 (fb) - BTS) - Aphoto was taken of the Destroyer fighting alongside Union Jack.

(Midnight Sons Unlimited I#9 (fb) - BTS) - The Destroyer had spent somuch time based in Germany that rumors began to spread that he haddefected to join the Nazis.

(Midnight Sons Unlimited I#9) - Following anattack by the armored German Iron Cross (Oskar Mors) at the Club Copain January 1945, Union Jackand the American hero Blazing Skull opted to track the Iron Cross tothe town of Schreckstadt, and Union Jack radioed Roger Aubrey forassistance. Informing the Destroyer of Iron Cross' impending arrival inSchreckstadt, Union Jack asked if the Destroyer could engage thearmored Nazi until the Blazing Skull could arrive. Flying the BlazingSkull to Schreckstadt in his Infiltrator airship, Union Jack informedthe Skull that he would be working with the Destroyer, whom the BlazingSkull had heard defected to the Nazis. Union Jack assured the Skullthat the rumors of the Destroyer becoming a Nazi were untrue beforedropping the Skull off at the rendezvous point. Already waiting for theBlazing Skull, the Destroyer greeted the Skull by berating the hero forarriving with a flaming head. When German soldiers arrived on thescene, the Destroyer attacked the Blazing Skull and tied him up for theGermans. He then accompanied the soldiers back to the Iron Cross andpresented the bound Blazing Skull to them, playing up rumors that hehad joined the Nazis. As the Iron Cross gloated about his plan to useV3s to hit strategic targets, the Destroyer snuck away and beganhacking into the V3s, only to be caught and turned over to the IronCrossas well. Before the Iron Cross could deal with the Destroyer, thehero claimed he would prove his loyalty to the Nazis and grabbed aflamethrower. Secretly knowing the Blazing Skull was impervious tofire,the Destroyer used the flamethrower on the Skull. Completely unfazed bythe flames, the Blazing Skull then aided the Destroyer, who turned theflamethrower against the Nazis, by gathering evidence of the V3s. Thetwo heroes then made their way to a motorcycle the Destroyer hadarranged for their escape and along the way, the Destroyer apologizedfor earlier roughing the Skull up, explaining that it was the only wayto get the Blazing Skull inside Iron Cross' base, as he manned themotorcycle's machine gun. As they drove off, the Blazing Skull placed aV3 target transmitter onto the Iron Cross' chest to draw one of thelaunched V3s to the Iron Cross, where it exploded.

(The Twelve: Spearhead#1) - On April 11, 1945, the Destroyerwas present near the Blazing Skull at a military command center asvarious superheroes prepared for an attack on Berlin, Germany. Whilethere, he witnessed the arrival of the Phantom Reporter and the HowlingCommandos.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (28)(The Twelve I#1) - A few days later, on April 25, 1945, theDestroyer joined numerous other superheroes in the massive attack onBerlin. During the attack, the Destroyer ran through thebattlefield punching out several Nazi agents, clearing the way for someof the superhumanly strong heroes to overturn tanks and take downlarger swaths of Nazi soldiers (see comments).

(Sub-Mariner: Marvels Snapshots#1 (fb) - BTS) - During the attack onBerlin, a photo was taken of the Destroyer and the numerous otherheroes storming Berlin. Later that same day, the photo was used on thefront page of the Daily Globenewspaper in an article titled "America's 'Marvels' Invade Berlin,"written by Betty Dean.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion I#1 (fb)) - Following the end of thewar, RogerAubrey returned home to England emotionally scarred from havingwitnessed the horrors of World War II firsthand in the concentrationcamps and destruction in Russia and Poland.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#1 (fb) - BTS) -Having experienced horrors behind enemy lines during World War II,Roger Aubrey gained a soft spot for the country of Israel.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion I#1 (fb)) - The Destroyer soonbeganworking with Union Jack and Spitfire to rebuild London.

(Sub-Mariner: Marvels Snapshot#1 (fb) - BTS) - BySpring 1946, Betty Dean had framed the newspaper article showing theDestroyer and America's other superheroes invading Berlin.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion I#1 (fb)) - In early 1948, the Destroyer, Union Jack and Spitfire worked withSymkaria's Wild Pack organization to hunt down escaped Nazi warcriminals such asthe Red Skull.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (29)(History of the Marvel Universe II#2) - While working with Union Jackand Spitfire to hunt down Nazi war criminals, the Destroyer battled thevampire Baron Blood.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion I#1 (fb)) - Following a meeting with the American All-Winners Squadgroup in late 1948 alongside the vigilante Angel, Roger Aubreydecided to form an internationalsuperhuman fighting force of his own.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion I#3 (fb) - BTS) - A short time later, Aubreyallied with Betty Barstow, recently known as the heroic Silver Scorpion,while working to form his international organization.

(Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#7 (fb) - BTS) - In the winterof 1949, Roger Aubrey was involved in a mission in Mykonos, Greecealongside Peggy Carter in which a group called the Automaturksattempted to go after the Caduceus Staff. During the mission, Aubreyand Carter learned that the Automaturks' apparent leader, the IronSultan, had been reprogrammed by the true mastermind, Nazi geneticistArnim Zola.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion I#1 (fb) / History of the MarvelUniverse II#2 (fb) - BTS) - By1951, Roger Aubrey had formed his international fighting force into areactivated version of the V-Battalion, an organization whose originalincarnation was formed during World War II by the heroic Citizen V(John Watkins, Sr.). With the reactivated V-Battalion, Aubrey helpedbattle would-be villains in secret.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion I#2 (fb)) - Shortly after the reactivation of the V-Battalion, the Destroyer, theAngel and Union Jack attempted to recruit Namor the Sub-Mariner intothe organization but Namor declined, not fully trusting Roger Aubrey.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#4 (fb) - BTS) - Atsome point, Roger Aubrey made very extensive V-Battalion filesincluding an entry on the android Human Torch's past murder of AdolfHitler.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (30)(CitizenV & the V- Battalion: The Everlasting#1 (fb) - BTS) - In 1953,Roger Aubrey sent Citizen V (Paulette Brazee) on a missionto Buenos Aires, Argentina and shortly after, Aubrey and BrianFalsworth were involved in a car crash. Brian died in Aubrey's armsfrom injuries suffered in the crash and Aubrey barely survived with ahead injury and having to use crutches for mobility.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#1 (fb)) - A stillvery injured Roger Aubrey attended the funeral ofBrian Falsworth alongside the Falsworth family, the V-Battalion andnumerous heroes Brian had fought alongside as Union Jack. During theservice, Aubrey apologized to Montgomery,

Lord Falsworth, feeling as ifhe should have done more to save Brian. Lord Falsworth informed Aubreythat he was lucky to have survived the crash himself and admitted thathe knew how much Brian's death was hurting Aubrey since the two weresuch "good friends." Muttering to himself how Lord Falsworth had noidea how close the two were, Roger Aubrey whispered his thoughts thatBrian should have died in battle and apologized at Brian's grave thathe hadn't, recalling Brian in action as Union Jack. The V-Battalion'sThomas Halloway (formerly the Angel) then confronted Aubrey and askedif Lord Falsworth saidanything about continuing to help fund the V-Battalion, to which Aubreyreplied that he felt it would have been inappropriate to ask LordFalsworth a question like that when his son had just died. HelmutGruler then asked if Spitfire would be staying with the V-Battalion, andAubrey admitted he didn't know, suggesting they instead let her findsome solace in the arms of her beau Lord Crichton. Halloway thenexclaimed that, without Lord Falsworth's funding and political clout,the V-Battalion would be finished and Aubrey responded by nearlyblurting out in anger how he'd just lost his lover but he quicklycovered his words, instead commenting how he'd just saw his friend diein his arms. Grabbing Halloway's wrist, Aubrey insisted he was notfinished but rather, just tired, and he explained that Union Jack'sdeath would definitely change things with the V-Battalion, havingreinforced the fleeting nature of all of their lives. Aubrey thenhobbled off on his crutches, claiming that the time had come to startthinking about the future and leaving Gruler and Halloway to discusshis outburst and what it meant for the future of the V-Battalion.(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HCVol. 3 - Destroyer (Marlow / Aubrey) entry - BTS) - Montgomery, LordFalsworth never approved of Aubrey's relationship with his son Brian (see comments).

(New Invaders I#4 (fb) - BTS) - Roger Aubreyintended to honor the now-deceased Brian by succeeding him as UnionJack but the still-disapproving LordFalsworth instead suggested Aubrey choose a different identity that hewas "better suited" for.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC Vol. 3 - Destroyer(Marlow / Aubrey) entry - BTS) - Lord Falsworth ultimately refused toallow Roger Aubrey to become the new Union Jack.

(Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#7 (fb) - BTS) - BrianFalsworth left a large sum of money to Roger Aubrey in his will,effectively making Aubrey incredibly rich.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#1 (fb)) -A short time later, after Citizen V brought the V-Battalion a strangebow belonging to the assassin Aqhat, the V-Battalion spent two yearsstudying it to learn about the energy arrows it fired. In 1955,Roger Aubrey turned the bow over to an Israeli museum sincethe bow and identity of Aqhat was based on Hebrew mythology.

(Agents of Atlas I#3 (fb) - BTS) - When the President waskidnapped in 1959, FBI agent Jimmy Woo gathered files on allsuperhumans who might be available to help rescue the Presidentincluding the Destroyer and many other heroes of the time (see comments).

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion I#2 (fb)) - Sometime later, the Destroyer and the V-Battalion uncovered a group ofshapeshifting alien Skrulls, keeping their technology out of the wronghands by killing the Skrulls.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (31)(CitizenV & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#2 (fb)) - Pulled away from theconstruction of the V-Battalion's newheadquarters circa 1971, John Watkins, Jr. was sent to Riyadh, SaudiArabia toenlist the help of psychic Amahl Farouk in determining what theEverlasting (a name that came up several times over the years as theV-Battalion investigated Aqhat's bow) was and during the meeting,Farouk read Watkins' mind,learning that Watkins' superior, Roger Aubrey, despised not being incontrol. Watkins laughed that Aubrey despised everything but especiallynot being in control and Farouk agreed to perform a telepathic searchof the Everlasting for Watkins. Watkins then returned to Aubrey with aname discovered by Farouk, "Marduk," and Aubrey became annoyed that itwas all Farouk was able to find out about the Everlasting. Assured thatthe name was all Farouk could get, Aubrey began questioning what"Marduk" meant and Watkins revealed that it was the name of an ancientBabylonian god. When Aubrey expressed a bit of worry, Watkinsquestioned him, and Aubrey admitted that Brian Falsworth's death hadmade him realize how time was fleeting. He then speculated that anorganization calling itself the Everlasting could have immortality onits side and expressed that the V-Battalion may fail to solve theworld's problems within the current generation.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (32)(Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#3 (fb)) - In 1981,Roger Aubrey traveled to Zurich, Switzerland tomeet with renowned mythology expert Zoltan Nestor (completely unawarethat Nestor was actually the ancient god Marduk himself), who showedAubrey oneof the helms of the Asgardian Heimdall. As Nestor explained the helm toAubrey, Aubrey jokingly asked if Nestor had found the helmet in hismother's attic, prompting Nestor to joke back that Asgardians tended toleave their belongings everywhere. The two then got down to businessand Aubrey showed a computer tablet image of the Sumerian deity Marduk.At first surprised at the technology Aubrey was utilizing todisplay such an image, Nestor asked why Aubrey was wanting to know moreabout Marduk, and Aubrey expressed suspicions that Marduk might have anunhealthy interest in the present day. Nestor followed up by asking ifAubrey simply didn't want gods ruling the people or if perhaps hehimself wished to rule the gods and Aubrey shook hands with Nestor,remarking that perhaps it was a little of both. Aubrey then assuredNestor that his assistance would be for the betterment of mankind andNestor replied that he was sure that was the case Aubrey then promisedto be in touch again about Marduk.

After Aubrey departed, Nestorrevealed himself to be Marduk and met with his agents Aqhat andPapahanau-Moku (secretly Whiro posing as Papa) to discuss how much Aubrey truly knew about him andthe Everlasting. Marduk / Nestor replied Aubrey knew just enough towarrant their concern but not enough to be a real threat to theirplans. Papahanau-Mokuthen asked what they should do about Aubrey, suggesting killing himoutright, but Marduk / Nestor suggested they instead derail Aubrey'sinterests by providing him "answers" that would lead Aubrey's searchastray. He also noted to Papahanau-Moku and Aqhat that Aubrey's timewould eventually pass like all beings of flesh, smiling and commentingthat even ifAubrey did not pass, he had been touched by Marduk and belonged to himforevermore.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion I#2 (fb)) - TheDestroyer and the V-Battalion laterhelped save the world from an otherdimensional attack and subsequentlypetitioned the cosmic Watcher to spare mankind for the scientificexcesses of a few. The Watcher agreed and allowed the V-Battalion todepart with Howard Stark and Nathaniel Richards.

(Thunderbolts I#42 (fb)) - Some years later, Aubrey, still active as the Destroyer, and the other V-Battalionmembers witnessed the heroic death of V-Battalion operative Mr. Riordan.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion I#2 (fb) - BTS) - As time passed, Roger Aubrey redesigned and updated hisDestroyer costume. At some point, Aubrey founded the Holocaust Centerin Dachau.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion I#2 (fb)) - The Destroyer and the V-Battalion gatheredtogether to view the mutant-detecting Cerebro computer system, secretlyhelping to prevent the genocide of the entire mutant race. Not longafter, having retired his identity of the Destroyer, Aubrey subtlelyused his influence to ensure V-Battalion member Robert "Reb" Ralston'selection as a United States senator.

(Thunderbolts I#39 (fb) - BTS) - Over the course of his previous fifty years, RogerAubrey compromised many people and things including James Riordan andhis daughter, Dallas, who suggested Aubrey had even compromised his ownbeliefs.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC Vol. 3 - Destroyer(Marlow / Aubrey) entry - BTS) - Having worked behind-the-scenes for decades, Roger Aubreyand his allies built the V-Battalion into an extremely covert worldwideorganization, essentially unknown to even to other superhuman champions.

(Captain America X#750 (fb) - BTS) - At some point in his life, RogerAubrey twice saved the life of the heroic Wolverine, never lettingWolverine forget it.

(X-Men: The Chaos Engine, Book 3 - Red Skull (fb) - BTS) - During hishigh school years, young Leonard Mathias Jackson was taught a historylesson about the horrors of World War II and he seemed to relate moreto the villains like the Red Skull, Baron Blood and Master Man whilehis fellow classmates were more interested in the costumed heroes likeCaptain America, Miss America, the Patriot, the Destroyer and others.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (33)(Thunderbolts I#40 (fb) - BTS) - Roger Aubrey andthe V-Battalion Penance Council made a vow that their Symkarian Masada Castle base wouldnever be stained by bloodshed. In the modern era,the revived Captain America told his Avengers teammate Hawkeye many stories about theDestroyer.

(Thunderbolts I#49 (fb) - BTS) - After an unsanctioned Citizen Vappeared on the scene with the Thunderbolts group, Roger Aubrey and theV-Battalion were supplied information on the Thunderbolts from secretV-Battalion operative Miles Warton, who had earlier been placed firstin New York mayor's office and later theCommission on Superhuman Activities.Learning from Warton of a conspiracy within the CSA to destroy theThunderbolts and confirming Warton's information when the CSA raidedthe castle of Baron (Helmut) Zemo, Aubrey and the V-Battalion opted tostop the conspiracy by secretly creating their own group of superhumanagents, dubbed the Redeemers, using the CSA's own materials.

(Thunderbolts I#42 (fb)) - When Dallas Riordan, granddaughter of formerV-Battalion operative Mr. Riordan, was fired by the mayor, Roger Aubreygreeted her in a limousine as she left and offered Dallas her"grandfather's inheritance" in the form of a position within theV-Battalion and the mantle of Citizen V.

(Thunderbolts I#49 (fb) - BTS) - After learning the CSA's Henry PeterGyrich was behind the conspiracy to kill the Thunderbolts as part oflarger scheme to destroy all superhumans using Omega-32, Roger Aubreyand the V-Battalion sought to act quickly and decided to have theirnewest Citizen V (Dallas Riordan) assassinate Gyrich.

(Thunderbolts I#35) - Roger Aubrey and severalmembers of the V-Battalion monitored a training session for their newCitizen V. When agents Eamonn, Piers and Vradec notedsome of the collateral damage to the training mannequins, Citizen Vremarked that, in war, innocent lives unfortunately often got killed.Roger responded in agreement but noted that innocents were not socavalierly killed as Citizen V had just exhibited in her trainingsession and he warned Citizen V to never lose sight of the fact thatthe V-Battalion's war was being fought to protect innocent lives anddefend their rights. Remarking that why they fought was much moreimportant than who, Roger then suggested Citizen V remember that whenshe was debriefed on her next mission. With that note, Roger had Eamonnpresent Citizen V with her next mission, one of assassination. Ashocked Citizen V claimed she could not kill her assigned target butRoger commented that the V-Battalion had their reasons, remindingCitizen V of her orders. As he left, he warned that if Dallas could notfulfill her obligations as Citizen V, the V-Battalion would be forcedto replace her.

(Thunderbolts I#49 (fb) - BTS) - When Citizen V refused to terminateHenry Peter Gyrich and defected from the V-Battalion, Aubrey and therest of the V-Battalion's Penance Council felt forced to initiate theirRedeemer program as a contingency program to stop Gyrich.

(Thunderbolts I#38 - BTS) - To protect the V-Battalion's secrecy, RogerAubrey and the rest of theV-Battalion hunted Citizen V to Mt. Charteris, where the Thunderboltsbecame involved in the fight. As the battle progressed, Roger and theV-Battalion's Penance Council projected a hologram of themselves to theThunderbolts, warning that the group was risking their livesunnecessarily since Citizen V was V-Battalion property and must performas ordered or cede her mantle to someone else.

(Thunderbolts I#39 - BTS) - The holographic projection of Aubrey andthe Penance Council remained in the air as Citizen V revealed herselfto the Thunderbolts as their former ally Dallas Riordan. Aubrey'sholographic projection then proclaimed that Dallas had performed aswell as could be expected but that she must renounce her title or riskher family name becoming tarnished for her transgression. Suggestingthat giving back the mantle of Citizen V would only allow theV-Battalion to sink further into a moral cesspool, Dallas commentedthat Citizen V's heritage should mean more to Roger, prompting Aubreyto warn against compromising the V-Battalion's secrecy. Dallas thenargued that perhaps the V-Battalion needed their secrets compromised,remarking that Aubrey had compromised her father, herself and Aubrey'sown beliefs over the past few decades. Before their feud couldcontinue, however, the cowl of the Crimson Cowl appeared and envelopedDallas, leaving Citizen V's mask behind and surprising both theThunderbolts and Roger Aubrey.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (34)(Thunderbolts I#40) - The holographic projections of Aubrey and thePenance Council remained and when Betty Barstow questioned what theThunderbolts had done with Dallas Riordan, Hawkeye explained that theywere just as surprised at Dallas' disappearance as the V-Battalion was.Aubrey admitted his respect for Hawkeye and his work with the Avengers,noting that they had tolerated Dallas' previous refusal to apprehendthe Thunderbolts out of that same respect. He then announced that theV-Battalion had no further reason to fight the Thunderbolts and thatthe V-Battalion would depart without any further altercation. An angryAtlas instead attacked the V-Battalion ground soldiers, emotional athaving reunited with then lost Dallas, and Aubrey ordered the evacuation of allinjured V-Battalion personnel and a retreat from the scene, leaving theThunderbolts to deal with the avalanche caused by Atlas' attack.Reappearing over the European nation of Symkaria, Roger Aubrey orderedthe V-Battalion to reconvene at a later time for a damage report andpersonnel status update from their mission to Mt. Charteris, remarkingthat he wanted every nut, screw and guard accounted for.

When the Thunderbolts' Mach-2 and his reluctant allySandman later tracked Mach-2's teammate Atlas to the Vanguard inSymkaria and attacked, Roger Aubrey announced the attack to the otherPenanceCouncil members, prompting Councilman Helmut Gruler to remark that theV-Battalion had no one to blame but themselves for the attack aftertheir existence had been earlier revealed to the Thunderbolts. Aubreyadmitted Gruler was right and suggested the Penance Council suit up andprovide a hands-on solution to the problem for the first time in years.After suiting up, Roger Aubrey ordered the V-Battalion to stand downbefore confronting the Thunderbolts, who had regrouped with theirteammates Mach-2 and Atlas. Announcing that it was the V-Battalion'sfault that things had come to a fight, Aubrey, dressed in his Destroyercostume, apologized for unwisely starting the fight with theThunderbolts but further announced that they were prepared to end it.

(Thunderbolts I#41) - Once more active as the Destroyer, Aubrey ledthe V-Battalion Penance Council in a fight against the Thunderbolts,warning that the Thunderbolts' actions jeopardized half a century'sworth of carefully crafted V-Battalion isolation. During the battle,Hawkeye mentioned that he had been told a lot about the Destroyer fromCaptain America, sarcastically commenting that Aubrey must be at leasttwo hundred years old. Correcting Hawkeye that he was a spry eighty,the Destroyer remarked on how it pained him to see how far Hawkeye hadfallen from the example set by Captain America. Hawkeye soon becamedistracted by the injury of his ionic teammate Atlas, and the Destroyerasked if Hawkeye's attention always wandered before he became a teamleader. Upon hearing that the escaping Sandman had been aiding theThunderbolts, a surprised Destroyer questioned whether Sandman hadjoined the Thunderbolts, but Hawkeye assured the Destroyer that he hadonly allied with Sandman to find their way through Symkaria. TheDestroyer then questioned Hawkeye's morality, asking whether the meansmattered as long as the ends were satisfied, but the ThunderboltSongbird accused the Destroyer of hypocrisy, given Dallas Riordan'sclaims that she had went rogue from V-Battalion because they hadbetrayed what they stood for. The fight was soon interrupted when theThunderbolt Moonstone rendered everyone present intangible and flew offinto space, prompting the Destroyer to comment that Moonstone's actionshad the desired effect of halting the hostilities. He then admitted thetwo teams' fighting was unnecessary and tried to explain that theV-Battalion was simply trying to protect their privacy. Aubrey thenquietly questioned where the escaped Sandman might go and Hawkeyerevealed that Sandman had only agreed to aid the Thunderbolts ingetting into Symkaria in order to go after Silver Sable. The two groupsthen reluctantly decided to work together to apprehend Sandman, withthe Destroyer commending Hawkeye on his rousing speech that convinced theThunderbolts to work with the V-Battalion. The Destroyer and the Penance Council thenaccompanied the Thunderbolts to Silver Sable, who provided theDestroyer with access codes that allowed them to get past her securityto confront the Sandman, who was attacking Sable's Wild Pack team.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (35)(Thunderbolts I#41 / Thunderbolts I#42 (fb)) - During the subsequentbrief battle, the Destroyer dodged the Sandman's attacks, noting howsurprisingly fast Sandman was.

(Thunderbolts I#41) - After Sandman was subdued, the Destroyer admittedhe would rather have the Thunderbolts working with the V-Battalion instead ofa*gainst them. Hawkeye agreed, and the Destroyer asked what theThunderbolts would do with Sandman, to which Hawkeye answered he wouldbe dropped off at Seagate Prison. At that point, Atlas snatched upDestroyer, who agreed to come clean about Dallas Riordan's connectionswith the V-Battalion.

(Thunderbolts I#42 (fb)) - Roger Aubrey and Penance Council memberBetty Barstow informed Atlas of Dallas Riordan's past, explaining howshe had become the newest Citizen V and how she had refused a directorder and defected from the V-Battalion.

(Thunderbolts I#41 - BTS) - Aubrey and the Penance Council then briefedAtlas on the situation with Dallas as the other Thunderbolts worked onfiguring out where Moonstone had flown.

(Thunderbolts I#45 - BTS) - When John Watkins III awoke from a coma inLondon after five years, the nurse Lydia reported the occurrence to theV-Battalion, insisting that they inform Roger Aubrey.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (36)(Thunderbolts I#46) - Lydia informed John Watkins III that he hadvisitors and then led Roger Aubrey and Betty Barstow into John's room,where Roger commented on how good it was to see John up and about. Johnresponded by sarcastically asking if he heard real emotion in the twoPenance Council members' voices, wondering aloud if he might mean moreto Aubrey and Barstow than a return on the V-Battalion's long-terminvestment. Taking note of John's cynicism, Aubrey sarcasticallyreplied that it was a pity John's sense of humor remained intactfollowing his comatose state. Announcing to Aubrey that more than hissense of humor remained, John leaped from his bed and carved a giant"V" onto the wall, remarking that it was time to fully assume hisresponsibilities.

(Thunderbolts I#47) - Roger Aubrey was training at the V-Battalion'sCastle Masada in his Destroyer costume when Betty Barstow entered theroom. When the Destroyer warned Barstow that it was too dangerous forher to be in the room, Barstow ignored warnings and assured him thatwhile she did not have a Super-Soldier Serum derivative in her veins likeAubrey did, she was still quick enough to hit an "off" button. She thenhit a button on the training room's computers, accidentally hitting thebutton that increased the level of the training simulation to a lethallevel. The Destroyer quickly dodged the incoming dangers and touchedthe "off" button with his toes, commenting to Barstow that while he hadbeen wearing his Destroyer costume more often of late, he had no desireto play the role of superhero again. Barstow apologized, remarking thather memory wasn't as sharp as it once was, but Aubrey assured Barstowthat she had solved many a mystery in her day and that whatever memoryshe had left was more than most had to begin with. Barstow thankedAubrey for his chivalry before showing him footage from Burton Canyon,Colorado of the Scourge battling the Thunderbolts' Atlas. Upon seeingthe footage, Aubrey noted that "the weapon" had been activated and theV-Battalion had been right to order the assassination. Barstow arguedthat Dallas Riordan had been correct in questioning the assassinationorders but Aubrey argued that they had no other choice. He thensuggested they contact V-Battalion spy Warbeck (Miles Warton) to accelerate theircontingency plans. Communicating with Warbeck to ensure he was watchingthe feed from Colorado, Aubrey witnessed the Scourge utilizesize-altering Pym Particles. Hours later, Warbeck met with John WatkinsIII to deliver a suit of Beetle armor and Watkins remarked that Aubreyhad devised quite a gambit. When Watkins wondered if their upcomingtarget would appreciate the irony of the situation, Warbeck mentionedthat the target was the most humorless man he knew, to which Watkinsreplied "next to Roger, of course."

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (37)(Thunderbolts I#49 (fb) - BTS) - Roger Aubrey set out to find writerAndrea Sterman, the only person he felt was capable of convincing Dr.Valerie Cooper that there was a conspiracy within the Commission onSuperhuman Activities.

(Thunderbolts I#48) - Roger Aubrey visited the home of Andrea Sterman,saving her from being assassinated by deflecting a hard air bullet withSterman's hat rack. Picking up the bullet, Aubrey suggested thepanicked Sterman come with him if she wished to survive past sunset.

(Thunderbolts I#49) - Aubrey brought Sterman to the V-Battalion'sCastle Masada in Symkaria, where Sterman joked that her being kidnappedwould make for a good book. Assuring Sterman she had not beenkidnapped, Aubrey explained that his request that she convince Cooper, of a conspiracywithin the Commission. Upon seeing Sterman,Dr. Cooper sarcastically commented to Aubrey that the V-Battalion's"big secret" was being kept by someone who had shilled her most recentbook on The Jerry Springer Show.Despite Dr. Cooper's comment, Sterman then informed Aubrey, the PenanceCouncil and Dr. Cooper about how the CSA had absconded with Jack Monroeand coerced him into becoming the new Scourge of the Underworldassassin using nano-probes. She continued, explaining how the newScourge was tasked with assassinating the Thunderbolts and how he hadalready killed the Thunderbolt Jolt, reporter Gayle Rogers and Roxxonemployee Roberta Haggert. Aubrey confirmed Sterman's story, revealingto Dr. Cooper that a secret V-Battalion operative within the CSA, MilesWarton, had passed information about the conspiracy from the CSA to theV-Battalion. Following a brief discussion regarding the reasoning fornot simply blowing up the Thunderbolts in their headquarters, Aubreyquietly watched as Dr. Cooper deduced the CSA conspirator's identity asHenry Peter Gyrich, who wished to draw out the anguish suffered by theThunderbolts before their supposed deaths.

(Thunderbolts I#50 (fb) - BTS) - Roger Aubrey and Valerie Coopercontacted the assembled Redeemers team to announce that they were readyfor the assault on Gyrich. Learning that Miles Warton hadnot returned from his dinner, Aubrey noted how odd Warton'sdisappearance was since Warton knew of the V-Battalion's plans to beginthe attack that night.

(Thunderbolts I#50) - One day after Gyrich's defeat andexposure as being under the control of nano-probes himself, Citizen Vreported back to Roger Aubrey and the V-Battalion. A frustrated Aubreyquestioned who was truly behind the CSA conspiracy since Gyrich himself was being controlled and when Citizen Vresponded that the entire conspiracy idea was Gyrich's and that Gyrichhad merely been nudged into action by the nano-probes, Aubrey notedthat whoever had nudged Gyrich had to be found. Aubrey continued,commenting that whoever had enough power to infiltrate the deepestrecesses of the most secretive government agency was someone theV-Battalion wanted either stopped or recruited.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion I#2 (fb) - BTS) - Aubrey becameincreasingly impatient during the V-Battalion's day to day activities.

(Thunderbolts I#51 (fb) - BTS) - Roger Aubrey and the V-Battalionfronted a Project: Earth mission into Latveria to rescue Dallas Riordan.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion I#1) - One week aftersaving the world, Roger Aubrey led a V-Battalion assault on China'sPa-Mie Shan Mountains.

(Thunderbolts I#51) - Roger Aubrey contacted the mutant Commcast torequest his assistance in filtering through various communications in thearea to locate Dallas. Commcast revealed his prior knowledge of who Dallas wasand her importance to the V-Battalion, at which point Aubrey assuredCommcast he meant no disrespect to Commcast's abilities and that heonly needed Commcast to relay the info he acquired to a S.H.I.E.L.D. convoysent to the scene. When Aubrey promised he would owe Commcast, Commcastagreed to Aubrey's request for that very reason, asking why theV-Battalion did not simply fly their Vanguard ship over to destroyLatveria. Aubrey replied that they were busy blowing something else up.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion I#1) - As the attack on the Pa-Mie ShanMountains concluded, Aubrey projected a large hologram of himselfwarning that if China continued to service illegal organizations, theV-Battalion would return to target their buildings then hospitals thenhomes. He then turned his attention towards Citizen V's activities inAtlanta, Georgia against the thief Diamondback. When Diamondback tosseda vial containing an antidote to poison she had administered to twoV-Battalion agents, Aubrey attempted to guide Citizen V, who turned offhis communicator, angering Aubrey. Penance Council member Fred Davisattempted to reach Citizen V again but he refused to answer, and theannoyed Aubrey ultimately had Davis stop trying, figuring Citizen Vwould contact them when he wanted to. Grumbling that Citizen V'spenchant for doing things his own way had gotten him into trouble inthe past, Aubrey walked out of the room, commenting that Citizen V hadbeen downright impossible since recovering from his coma. AsAubrey walked out, Andrea Sterman noticed how tired both Aubrey andBetty Barstow looked. Aubrey then visited Helmut Gruler's room toinform him that his recent absences from Penance Council meetingshad become awkward. Learning that the one hundred and three-year-oldGruler was dying, with his Iron Cross armor the only thing stillkeeping him alive, Aubrey admitted that he still valued Gruler's inputand agreed to keep the Iron Cross on a live link. When the Iron Crosssarcastically asked if he could turn off the link like Citizen V,Aubrey grumbled and left the room, only to be confronted by BettyBarstow, who could not recall a time she had seen Aubrey so flustered.The still-annoyed Aubrey replied that he was surprised Barstow recalledanything at all with the way her memoryhad been lately. Barstow replied that Aubrey's comments were uncalledfor and when Aubrey began to suggest he be allowed to vent frustrationsgiven how long he had known Barstow, Barstow revealed that she hadAlzheimer's Disease. Shocked, Aubrey then joked that Gruler and Barstowhad planned their terminal situations in an effort to leave Aubreyleading a bunch of children. Aubrey then assured Barstow thatAlzheimer's would not affect what she brought to the V-Battalion beforewalking off, leaving Barstow to mutter that their operation was allthat mattered to him.

Returning to the Vanguard's Abyss Bridge, Aubreyfound Fred Davis communicating with Citizen V, and he learned thatV-Battalion agents Eamonn and Piers had been killed byDiamondback. Citizen V then revealed to Davis and Aubrey that,while he had been unable to prevent Eamonn and Piers' deaths, he hadtracked Diamondback to Brooklyn. Before the two Penance Council memberscould argue against Citizen V's subsequent actions, he turned off hiscommunicator, prompting an angry Aubrey to mutter what he would do to Citizen V ifhe were forty years younger. Davis suggested Citizen V's actions wentbeyond simple rudeness, as he had grown up with Eamonn and Piers, andAubrey admitted that, while Citizen V had perhaps went into field dutya bit too soon, his past injuries had earned Citizen V some latitudefor the time being. As Davis and Aubrey left the room, V-Battalionguest Andrea Sterman thought back on Aubrey's heroic career, noting howBrian Falsworth and Roger Aubrey swapping heroic identities during the1940s sounded slightly hom*osexual but also curiously wondering aboutthe psychological toll of decades of dedication and sacrifice. WhenCitizen V later tracked nano-probes inside Diamondback to an A.I.M. base,Roger Aubrey and the rest of the Penance Council arrived at the base inthe Vanguard and demanded A.I.M. present the voice modulation program(VMP) controlling the nano-probes or risk obliteration. When MODOK respondedthat the back and forth with the V-Battalion was pointless since theVMP was already being field-tested in Atlantis.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (38)(Citizen V & the V-Battalion I#2) - Immediately traveling toAtlantis via the Vanguard, Aubrey and the rest of the V-Battalionassaulted Atlantis, forcing the nano-probe-controlled Atlanteans tohalt anattack on a Russian submarine to protect their main city. Fred Davisimmediately asked how the V-Battalion should handle such a bigsituation and when Betty Barstow suggested they pray, Roger Aubreysuggested Davis instead contact the commissary to see how much Old Baythey had in stock, joking that they would be frying a lot of fish thatnight. Watching Aubrey, Andrea Sterman took note of Aubrey's joking andsuspected an ethical conflict was raging inside the Penance Councilleader. As the battle progressed, Davis informed Aubrey that a Fenriscraft was departing the A.I.M. island where they had previouslyconfronted MODOK Aubrey ordered Davis to track the Fenris twinsand let Citizen V handle them while he dealt with MODOK OrderingDavis to open a communication channel with MODOK, Aubrey threatenedto detonate Quistilium warheads on A.I.M. island and have theV-Battalion salvage what was left unless MODOK cooperated withtheir orders. MODOK claimed the V-Battalion could not back uptheir threat but Aubrey commented that he would be happy to show MODOKwhy he was called the Destroyer and suggested MODOK askChina if he was bluffing. When MODOK appeared indecisive, Aubreyrepeated his threat to bomb MODOK into the Stone Age if he refusedto cooperate, prompting MODOK to talk.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (39)A short time later, as the battle against themind-controlled Atlanteans worsened, Iron Cross contacted Roger Aubreyand demanded options other than slaughtering the Atlanteans. WhenAubrey mentioned that genocide may be the best option with thebarbarian Attuma in charge of Atlantis, Namor the Sub-Marinersent a communication to Aubrey advising against such action, havingbeen contacted by V-Battalion member Irene Martinez. When Namoradmitted that he did not originally join the V-Battalion due to hismistrust of Aubrey and remarked that he was disappointed to have beenproven right, an angry Aubrey demanded Namor give him anotheralternative, suggesting perhaps he could use Namor's voice with the VMPto order the Atlanteans to be free under Namor's newly-imposed rule.Further attempting to goad Namor into that action by reminding him ofthe lives that could be saved if Namor participated in such an action,Aubrey and Betty Barstow warned that they would soon have no choice butto kill the attacking Atlanteans. Agreeing to provide Aubrey and theV-Battalion with any Atlantean medical information they needed to helpstop the mind-controlled Atlanteans, Namor refused to reassume his roleas Atlantean ruler by brainwashing hispeople. Without Namor's full cooperation, Aubrey ordered Iron Cross andthe other agents in the water to warm the waters around them to providebetter flow of sound. Aubrey then utilized the VMP information providedby MODOK and the medical information provided by Namor to halt theattacking Atlanteans using his own voice to command the nano-probesthrough the VMP. Slyly smiling as the other V-Battalion appearedshocked by his actions, Aubrey then ordered Betty Barstow to debriefthe mission team as he left the room, further commenting that he wantedthe Vanguard back in low orbit until they could find the personoriginally responsible for the VMP nano-probes. Once Aubrey left, FredDavis and Betty Barstow exchanged worried glances and Andrea Stermancommented that she would be worried Aubrey might use the VMP to controlanyone infected by the VMP nano-probes as well. Barstow quickly came toAubrey's defense, reminding Sterman of the sacrifices andaccomplishments Aubrey had made over the past decades before askingDavis to meet her in Iron Cross' quarters in one hour.

An hour later, Barstow, Davis and Iron Cross met todiscuss how dangerous Roger Aubrey truly was, noting that he rarelyever crossed the line. Davis noted that Aubrey had become increasinglyimpatient and the foursome discussed whether they would stay true tothemselves if the time came where their loyalty to themselves or Aubreywould be tested. Forty minutes later, Aubrey led an attack on A.I.M. inhis Destroyer identity, much to the confusion of the terroristorganization, who assumed they would be safe after MODOK hadprovided the V-Battalion with information. When Nuklo referred to theDestroyer by his real name, MODOK was shocked that the Destroyerhe was battling was the same Destroyer active during World War II andwondered how the V-Battalion could have waged a secret war for fiftyyears without detection. The Destroyer replied that they had dealt withthreats in much the same manner as they were dealing with MODOK:efficiently, cleanly and permanently. A terrified MODOK thenclaimed he could tell the V-Battalion who was behind the entire nano-probeoperation, prompting the Destroyer to remark that the information mightensure MODOK survived into the next day.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion I#3) - After the V-Battalionlearned that Baron Strucker was behind the nano-probe conspiracy andCitizen V infiltrated Strucker's headquarters, Citizen V contacted theVanguard to discuss his next course of action and when he askedV-Battalion member Vradec about reprogramming the nano-probes rather thandestroying them, Vradec questioned whether Roger Aubrey had givenCitizen V authorization for such an action. Citizen V replied bystating that he was the one in the field while Aubrey sat on a pedestaland demanded that he be allowed more flexibility in the field. Vradecthen sent the V-Battalion's Guy Fontreaux to the Abyss Bridge of theVanguard to request Aubrey's authorization for Citizen V. RecognizingFontreaux's voice without even seeing him, the very busy Aubrey gaveFontreaux authorization for Citizen V. Having watched the exchange,Andrea Sterman quickly realized that the V-Battalion did not haveenough manpower to stop the atmospheric release of the nano-probes, and shesuspected Aubrey had intended to reprogram the nano-probes for his voicecommands all along. Having heard the authorization code, Fred Davisquestioned Aubrey, who sternly reiterated his commands to adisapproving Davis. Noticing that Betty Barstow also disapproved butwas not confronting Aubrey about his actions, Andrea Sterman confrontedAubrey herself, and Aubrey outright admitted his actions were wrongbefore ordering Davis to have Iron Cross inspect the satellites housingthe nano-probes.

Watching from the Vanguard as Iron Cross patched hisarmor into one of the satellites, Aubrey and the V-Battalion discoveredthat the satellites had been manufactured by Oracle, Inc., a companyformerly ran by former World War II heroic android the Human Torch.Sending a communication over to the Torch in his dual identity as JimHammond, Aubrey surprised Hammond, who thought Aubrey to be long dead.The two then argued about the satellites as the V-Battalion fieldagents failed to stop the satellites by destroying the communicationsignal of a single satellite. When Hammond reminded Aubrey that he wasno longer the head of Oracle, Aubrey angrily reminded Hammond that hehad been in charge when the satellites were created and he demandedthat Hammond tell the V-Battalion how to disable them, promptingHammond to argue that the world was already compromised if it wasdependent on Aubrey to save it. Iron Cross suggested the two halt theirarguments, and Hammond reluctantly sent Aubrey the codes to shut downthe satellites. Aubrey immediately transmitted the codes to Iron Crossbut the armored hero quickly realized he lacked the power to shut downthe entire array. Aubrey suggested feeding power from the Vanguard intoIron Cross, but Iron Cross argued that the Vanguard's power wouldoverload communications, instead suggesting he use all power within hisarmor to accomplish the goal at the loss of his own life. As Iron Crossprepared to destroy the satellite array, Citizen V battled BaronStrucker at his base, commenting that Roger Aubrey might spareStrucker's life if he surrendered. Citizen V eventually defeatedStrucker, severing his arm, and rushed to the VMP computers as Aubreyquietly watched both the Iron Cross and Citizen V's actions from theVanguard. Realizing Iron Cross was not scuttling the satellites butrather, reprogramming the VMP codes, the V-Battalion looked to Aubreyin wonder of whose voice commands were being programmed into the VMP.Iron Cross ultimately sacrificed his life to stop the satellite doorsfrom opening to drop their nano-probe payload and Aubrey said goodbye fromthe Vanguard as Iron Cross' armor ceased functioning, thereby ceasingits life support functions. The younger V-Battalion agents then broughtIron Cross' corpse back to the Vanguard and when Betty Barstow askedwhy they could not have found another way to stop the nano-probes, Aubreyreplied that they could have with something they did not have: time.

After the V-Battalion spent eighteen hours disablingthe other satellites, they returned to Masada Castle, where Aubreygrieved Iron Cross' death by throwing himself into intense physicaltraining in his Destroyer costume. Barstow eventually came to check onhim and asked if he was coming to Iron Cross' funeral service or if hewould continue hiding. When Aubrey insisted he was not hiding butgrieving, Barstow questioned whether that was possible. Demanding toknow why Barstow was angry with him, Aubrey exclaimed that he did notwant Iron Cross to die and Barstow revealed that she was not angry withAubrey for Iron Cross' death but rather, she was curious whether Aubreywould have truly used the VMP nano-probes to enslave the planet with hisown vision of peace. Aubrey became silent and Barstow admitted that shewas angry because, after all their years fighting together, she was notsure what Aubrey's answer to that would have been. The Destroyer thendeparted to check on Iron Cross' corpse and found Citizen V by IronCross' side. Citizen V questioned why Aubrey was in his Destroyercostume and Aubrey explained that he found it comforting to slip intothe past in times like these. Figuring Citizen V could relate, theDestroyer suggested that Iron Cross did not have to die if they hadjust waited a bit longer for Citizen V to reprogram the nano-probes butCitizen V expressed his thoughts that Iron Cross had wished to stopboth Strucker and Aubrey from using the nano-probes. The Destroyer thenrevealed his knowledge that Citizen V had attempted to reprogram thenano-probes to his own voice commands rather than Aubrey's but Citizen Vclaimed he only did so because Aubrey could only live so long and theyhad to prepare for the future. Agreeing with the need to prepare, theDestroyer revealed a plan to reconceive Baron Strucker's idea into onefor peace. He then suggested it might be time for Citizen V to returnto the Thunderbolts and after that, there would be peace on Earth nomatter the cost after sixty years of fighting.

(Thunderbolts I#57) - Following Graviton's capture of most of Earth'sheroes and his attempt to reshape Earth in his own image, Roger Aubreyand most of the V-Battalion took the Vanguard into orbit perV-Battalion protocol. Having little choice but to stand idly by withthe Vanguard's structural integrity at 14%, Aubrey asked how longbefore they could return to Earth's atmosphere. Informed that it would be atleast ten hours before the Vanguard could return to Earth, Aubrey askedfor a status update on Citizen V, and he was told that the V-Battalionwas still trying to raise him but if he were still alive, Aubrey couldbe sure Citizen V was trying to do something about Graviton. With thehelp of the retired Mach-2 and Songbird, Citizen V ultimately managedto get a communication to the Vanguard asking for Roger to activateV-Battalion protocols M-3 and SB-2. Despite some misgivings from BettyBarstow, Roger Aubrey ordered new armor for Mach-2 and new carapacetechnology for Songbird into an escape pod that was launched to Earth.

(Thunderbolts I#58) - Monitoring the situation with Graviton from theVanguard, Roger Aubrey was informed of gravimetric spikes in Coloradoand it was suggested by Betty Barstow that they get Citizen V out ofColorado. Aubrey agreed and ordered all remaining power rerouted to theteleporter. Barstow reminded Aubrey that the first time they used theteleporter was the last but Aubrey argued that it was pretty much thesame if Citizen V died on Earth or in their teleporter: He would stillbe dead. Just as the situation with Graviton reached its peak, theVanguard managed to pull enough power into their teleporter, and Aubreyordered Citizen V teleported back to the Vanguard.

(Thunderbolts I#60 (fb) - BTS) - During the Aubrey-orderedteleportation of Citizen V, a bio-modem link with Citizen V's mindestablished by Baron Zemo was severed. Following the revelationthat Zemo had access to Citizen V's mind, Roger Aubrey ordered aworldwide search for the Thunderbolts and traces of Zemo's bio-modemfrequency, only to find nothing and no one other than Songbird.

(Thunderbolts I#60) - Roger Aubrey and the rest of the Penance Councilwere informed of a medical scan of Citizen V, which now showed himclean of conflicting encephalograms. Aubrey was assured that whateverhad been controlling Citizen V's mind since he awoke from his coma wasgone. Citizen V then acrobatically jumped down in front of the PenanceCouncil, happily proclaiming that he was finally back and ready todesign a new costume for himself, but a stern Aubrey reminded Citizen Vthat his mind had housed that of Baron Zemo, who had access toinformation on the V-Battalion from his mind. When Aubreywondered what Zemo planned to do with the information he had accessed,Citizen V reminded Aubrey that they had searched the world for theThunderbolts since the teleportation and found nothing, questioningwhether it mattered what Zemo accessed if he was dead. Citizen V thensuggested Aubrey look at the bright side, noting that if Zemo had notsought refuge inside Citizen V's mind, Citizen V would have neverawakened from his coma in the first place. When Citizen V proclaimed that he was back andready for action, Roger Aubrey asked how Citizen V would like tocapture a "dead man."

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (40)(Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#1 (fb) - BTS) - Atsome point, Roger Aubrey felt Andrea Sterman had learned too much aboutthe V-Battalion and he refused to let her leave the Vanguard. By thetime he came to that decision, Sterman had gotten so used to beingaround the V-Battalion that she had come to enjoy being there.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#1) - Following one ofthe Citizen V's missions in which he encountered the bowman Aqhat,Roger Aubrey and the rest of the V-Battalion's Penance Council viewedfootage and images taken from the cameras within Citizen V's mask. Uponreviewing the images, Aubrey suggested they go pick up Citizen V ineastern Europe. Once Citizen V was back aboard the Vanguard, hequestioned how Aqhat could be alive when the V-Battalion knew Aqhat tobe dead circa 1953, and Aubrey explained that this Aqhat could not bethe same man the 1950s Citizen V had encountered, noting that Aqhat'sbow had been stolen from its Israeli museum display three weeks earlier. WhenCitizen V assumed that meant that this Aqhat was someone assuming themantle, Aubrey corrected him, further explaining that V-Battalionscientists had originally determined that Aqhat's bow could only befired by someone with the properties of its original wielder. Citizen Vthen suggested some sort of reincarnation, prompting Aubrey to questionwhy anyone want to live their life over when life was miserable enoughthe first time. He then proposed more questions such as who had rescuedAqhat from Citizen V, why Oracle, Inc. was helping the terroristULTIMATUM organization (whom Aqhat was aiding) foment civil strife andwhat Oracle might gain from such an alliance.

Citizen V insisted theV-Battalion would find the answers it sought and when he mentioned theycould do it without Aubrey, Aubrey glanced over at Betty Barstow andasked what Citizen V was talking about. Barstow then suggested thatperhaps Aubrey needed a vacation after the death of Iron Cross, but anangry Aubrey insisted he was the same he had been for fifty years,unchanged by Iron Cross' death, and that the only peace he expected wasthat of the grave once he had brought peace to the world. The argumentwas interrupted by Vradec, who informed the Penance Council that Aqhathad been tracked to Beijing, China. Aubrey immediately ordered theVanguard to Beijing then ordered Fred Davis to have the V-Battalion'sOne-Eyed Team look into Oracle, Inc.'s records to see what the companyhad turned into following Jim Hammond's departure.Fred Davis asked why Aubrey didn't simply ask Hammond himself, andAubrey reminded Davis about how much he disliked Hammond and reiteratedhis orders a bit more politely. Aubrey then left the room, unaware thatAndrea Sterman suspected he was tired of life, having spent it fightingfor the unattainable goal of world peace. Retiring to his quarters,Roger Aubrey picked up an old photo of himself with Brian Falsworth andlongingly whispered Brian's name. Moments later, the Vanguard arrivedin Beijing and Citizen V ventured outside to investigate the area,prompting Aubrey to ask for a status report. A shocked Citizen Vreported back that everyone in China appeared to be dead.

(Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#2) - Roger AubreyhadCitizen V inspect the fallen in China and questioned whether theywere asleep rather than dead. With the Penance Council, Aubrey viewedthe footage of the confirmed-sleeping Chinese natives, and Fred Davissoon presented Aubrey with ananalysis of the situation from the V-Battalion Steam Team. Aubrey theninformed Citizen V that something appeared to be forcing the Chinesepeople to sleep and the energy source was traced to the same pointwhere Citizen V's tracer had tracked Aqhat. Citizen V sarcasticallysuggested that Aubrey not sound too eager to get the source into hisownhands, and Aubrey countered Citizen V could imagine thepotential uses for something that could put an entire nation to sleepjust as much as he could. Aubrey and the Penance Council then monitoredCitizen V's activities and when a giant sand-like creature erupted fromAqhat's location, Aubrey appeared stunned and asked if the others hadany suggestions. When Nuklo suggested the phrase "the bigger they are,the harder they fall," Aubrey agreed and sent Nuklo, Topspin andGoldfire out to engage the creature alongside several V-Battalion jets.

Soon determining the creature to be a giganticincarnation of the mutant Collective Man, Aubrey witnessed the Collective Man kill Goldfire inthe blink of an eye and he immediately pulled back the V-Battalionforces. Citizen V then engaged and captured Aqhat, and the V-BattalionSteam Team recovered the equipment used to transform the Collective Maninto a giant monster, with Roger Aubrey subsequently informing BettyBarstow that the equipment was too damaged to use to reverse theCollective Man's transformation. As the Steam Team worked to bring theequipment back to the Vanguard, Citizen V reported that they needed tostop the Collective Man before he drained the lives of billions andAubrey, realizing the situation, wondered if perhaps there was a way toinstead speed up the life-draining. Surprisedthat Aubrey would even suggest such a thing, Citizen V insteadsuggested they learn what the life-draining process was for, and heinterrogated Aqhat, learning that the deaths were to fuel somethingcalled the Genesis Well. Upon hearing this information and the pleadingfrom Betty Barstow that Collective Man was also a victim, Aubreyreluctantly decided that if they could not reverse the Collective Man'stransformation and if the V-Battalion refused to take advantage of him,the Collective Man had to be stopped. Andrea Sterman quickly remindedAubrey that the V-Battalion didn't have the firepower to destroy theCollective Man, and Aubrey agreed, proposing two possible solutions:allow the Collective Man to drain the lives of billions or pull theplug on the Chinese people he had already absorbed as a fuel source.Despite his insistence that he was merely being practical and logical,Aubrey was reminded by Citizen V that killing those who made up theCollective Man would only fuel the Genesis Well as Aqhat intended.Aubrey nonetheless ordered an attack on those who made up theCollective Man, hoping to only kill enough to weaken the CollectiveMan. Citizen V overrode Roger Aubrey's orders and instead punctured theCollective Man, destroying his assembled form. After Citizen V wasrescued from the scene, he met with Roger Aubrey, who consideredCitizen V lucky to have survived. Citizen V reminded Aubrey that theV-Battalion worked to sacrifice the least for the most while Aubrey'searlier suggestions would sacrifice many to stop a single opponent.Citizen V then questioned when Roger Aubrey had started contradictingeverything for which he had fought his entire life.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (41)(Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#3) - As theFlag-Smasher and his ULTIMATUM agents attacked various countries acrossthe world, Roger Aubrey set in a chair in the V-Battalion's Vanguardbase and remarked that death was coming, suggesting they open the door.Knowing that ULTIMATUM had been getting its weaponry from Oracle, Inc.,Aubrey and the V-Battalion's Penance Council reached out to JimHammond, the original android Human Torch and former CEO of Oracle,Inc. Antagonistically noting how much Aubrey had aged since their last encounter, Hammond wasquestioned about why Oracle had been helping ULTIMATUM, but Hammondresponded by remarking on the V-Battalion's seeming desperation in reaching outto him. Aubrey argued that if they could not cut off ULTIMATUM'sweapons supply at its source, the small attacks could turn into aworldwide inferno. Hammond still proved less than cooperative withAubrey, noting that he was in London. Aubrey turned his back on Hammondand gave him three minutes to get ready. Within minutes as expected,the Vanguard was in London, and Hammond was aboard the Vanguard toassist. Still somewhat antagonistic towards Aubrey, Hammond sarcasticallyasked why they didn't have a teleporter and Aubrey grumbled that theteleporter was Skrull tech that rarely worked, commenting that he optedto use it on Hammond anyway but Betty Barstow disagreed. They then gotto work, and Aubrey and Barstow brought Hammond by a medical bay wheremedical scans of Aqhat had provided vital information. As Aubreyremained quiet, Barstow informed Hammond of how Aqhat worked for a mannamed Marduk, whom the V-Battalion had discovered also went by the nameof Zoltan Nestor, a name Hammond immediately recognized as the man whosucceeded him as CEO of Oracle, Inc.

Later, after the V-Battalion cut fourteen ofOracle's weapons distribution points, Roger Aubrey reached back out toCitizen V and demanded he restore his comm-link to provide a statusreport. Upon learning that Citizen V had provided Flag-Smasher thecountry of Rumekistan to rule in exchange for ULTIMATUM's immediateceasefire, Aubrey demanded to know what sort of game Citizen V wasplaying and asked if he thought Rumekistan would just hand theircountry over to Flag-Smasher. When Citizen V mentioned that Rumekistanofficials would be asleep thanks to the powers of the Collective Man,Betty Barstow questioned what Aubrey's plans for the Collective Man'sremains were, and Aubrey admitted he had a similar idea to the oneCitizen V was utilizing. Despite not particularly agreeing with CitizenV's plans, Aubrey then watched as Citizen V utilized the CollectiveMan's remains to project Rumekistan into a state of sleep in order toturn the country over to Flag-Smasher. Hammond questioned whetherAubrey was just going to let Citizen V finish such a plan, and Aubreyreplied that it would be hypocritical of him not to let Citizen Vcomplete his plan as well as that the action did serve to stall Marduk's plans. Hedid note that Citizen V nonetheless had a lot to answer for. As CitizenV continued with his plan, Marduk and

Papahanau-Moku (Whiro) prepared Marduk's GenesisWell, and "Papa" remarked on how Marduk had once stated years ago thatAubrey's continued involvement in their plans would only lead to morekilling. Smiling, Marduk commented on how rude it was for Aubrey not tocooperate with his plans, noting that Aubrey would have to be punishedand since they had shaken hands years ago, Aubrey's soul remainedMarduk's for the taking. Marduk then snapped his fingers and Aubreyfell to the ground dead, with Betty Barstow and Jim Hammond rushing to his sidein fear of what had happened.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (42)(Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#4) - As Mardukgloated about his plan to regain his immortality via his physical deathand how Roger Aubrey's own death helped fuel his own, Roger Aubrey's corpse was scanned by the V-Battalion but no apparentcause of death existed. When Jim Hammond noted that it was almost as ifAubrey's life was stolen, an upset Betty Barstow asked what it matteredif Aubrey was still dead. Andrea Sterman noted Barstow's past detectiveskills and asked if Barstow wanted to find out if Aubrey had beenmurdered, but Barstow remarked that everything seemed so pointless nowand reminded Hammond that everything Aubrey had done was in an attemptto bring the world peace. Having learned of Aubrey's apparent death,Citizen V angrily confronted the captive Aqhat to learn how Aubrey'ssoul could be saved from Marduk. Citizen V subsequently departed toconfront Marduk, and the Vanguard followed behind, ready to assist him.As the Vanguard appeared at Marduk's Black Sea oil refineryheadquarters, Andrea Sterman and Jim Hammond discussed theV-Battalion's bloodthirsty methods, and Sterman reminded Hammond of hismurder of Adolf Hitler, prompting Hammond to groan at how completeRoger Aubrey's files were. When Sterman mentioned that the war neverended for Aubrey, Hammond replied that Aubrey's kind of thinking hadcorrupted Aubrey's morals.

Citizen V eventually made his way in to confrontMarduk, who devoured Roger Aubrey's soul before hurling Citizen V'ssword through V's midsection. Marduk then began to experience severestomach pains and learned that Aubrey's soul (appearing in the form ofAubrey's original Destroyer identity and costume) was internallyfighting against being absorbed by Marduk from beyond the grave.Teaming with other souls devoured by Marduk, the Destroyer continuedhis fight against Marduk internally as a recovering Citizen V foughtthe god externally. Eventually, Citizen V used explosives to destroyMarduk's Genesis Well, freeing the souls inside to aid the Destroyer infighting, and Marduk was soon torn apart by the souls in the Well. Mostof the souls passed on into the afterlife, but Aubrey's soulreturned to his physical body mere seconds before a V-Battalionmortician was to perform an autopsy on his corpse. Reports then made theirway back to Citizen V that Aubrey had been restored to life.
Two days later, Aubrey attended the funeral of V-Battalion operativeGoldfire. At the service, Aubrey commended Goldfire on being a goodsoldier, and Topspin questioned whether the war ever ended. Aubreyreplied that while the war never ended, soldiers could lay down theirarms when they didn't have any fight left in them. Later that day, Roger Aubrey informed the rest ofthe Penance Council that he was leaving the V-Battalion. A shockedBetty Barstow asked why, and Aubrey answered that, since he could noteven find peace in death, he had to find it in life. Admitting he nolonger wished to be a Destroyer, Aubrey nominated Jim Hammond as hisreplacement and Hammond, while surprised, agreed to become the new headof the V-Battalion.

(New Invaders I#2 (fb) - BTS) - Following his retirement from theV-Battalion, Roger Aubrey (still in his Destroyer identity) was one of thefirst allies recruited by the new Invaders organization.

(New Invaders I#2 - BTS) - While showing the new Invaders hisInfiltratorship / base of operations, the Thin Man displayed screensshowing various allies his reorganized Invaders had made including RedRaven, the Blue Diamond, the otherdimensional Vision (Aarkus), the V-Battalion'sCitizen V and what appeared to be a new Iron Cross (see comments).

(New Invaders I#5 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Roger Aubrey developedthe ability to shrink down to size of 12 inches while retaining hisfull human strength. However, he chose not to advertise this abilityand rarely used it (see comments).

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (43)(New Invaders I#4 (fb) - BTS) - As he prepared to visit a Gay andLesbian Pride fest known as the Dymhurst Common Outright Festival,Roger Aubrey was told people would be wearing costumes.

(New Invaders I#4) - Roger Aubrey and his friend Nigel attended theDymhurst Common Outright Festival in the UK, less than twentykilometers from ancestral Falsworth Manor, where Roger wore a shirtthat bore the logo of the mighty Destroyer. Nigel immediatelycomplained that Roger looked like the grim reaper at a Pride festivaland noted that, despite Roger being surrounded by many strapping lads,Roger had spent the day grousing like an old woman. When Aubreygrumbled that he had left Jim Hammond in charge of his life's work,only to watch Hammond leave in less than a year to join the newInvaders, Nigel reminded Aubrey that he had offered his own services to the newInvaders. Growing tired of Aubrey's gripes, Nigel decided to get thetwo some drinks and while walking around, Aubrey was met by a pair ofleather-clad festgoers. When one began aggressively flirting with him,Aubrey accused the man of giving the gay community a bad name beforethreatening to nail the man's tongue to his forehead. Assuming thatAubrey was a fan of the Punisher due to the skull on his shirt, the mancontinued flirting until lightning rained down, electrocuting the twoleather-clad men. Aubrey managed to duck for cover and soon, a group ofvampires leaped down from the skies, prompting Aubrey to rip a piece ofwood from a nearby window sill and impale one of the vampires with it.Another vampire attacked in retaliation, turning into mist when Aubreyslashed at him. When Aubrey managed to destroy that vampire as well,the vampire group ganged up on him and used their lightning attack todown Aubrey.

Aubrey eventually regained consciousness with Nigelstanding over him, and he immediately reached out to the new Invaders ontheir Infiltrator ship to inform them of the vampire attack and itsproximity to Falsworth Manor. The new Invaders subsequently held ameeting in which the Thin Man discussed the attack, and both Spitfireand Union Jack were sent to meet Aubrey at Falsworth Manor. As theandroid Human Torch decided to accompany Union Jack and Spitfire andbring the android Tara with him, the vampire Herr Grausum reported backto Baroness Blood that the Destroyer had opposed their attack at theDymhurst Common Outright Festival. Baroness Blood asked Grausum if theDestroyer lived and when Grausum replied in the affirmative, BaronessBlood commended Grausum on leaving Aubrey alive, as it would lure theInvaders into their clutches. Unaware of Baroness Blood's plans,Spitfire, Union Jack, the Human Torch and Tara soon arrived atFalsworth Manor and were greeted by Roger Aubrey and the Manor'sbutler, Hotchkins. When Spitfire asked if Aubrey was sure theattacking vampires were agents of Baroness Blood, Aubrey admitted hecouldn't be sure but noted that the original Baron Blood could affectthe weather and the vampires he encountered were manipulatinglightning. He also noted that the vampires were not afraid of the sun,prompting Spitfire to note that if perhaps Aubrey had attended her sonKenneth's funeral, he might have been better prepared. Union Jack theninformed Aubrey that Kenneth had been transformed into a vampire byBaroness Blood, who had acquired the means to overcome sunlight. AsUnion Jack mentioned how he had tried to save Kenneth, a grumblingAubrey remarked on Union Jack's failure and insulted him by referringto him as "Junior Jack." Union Jack angrily corrected Aubrey, and Aubreyexplained how he had once tried to honor Brian Falsworth's death bybecoming the new Union Jack, only to have Brian's father, LordFalsworth, refuse such an idea. Union Jack reminded Aubrey thatAubrey's issues with Lord Falsworth had nothing to do with him, andSpitfire agreed, acknowledging Aubrey's love for Brian but noting thatJoey Chapman was nonetheless the new Union Jack and that he was verybrave. They all then decided to get some rest before renewing theirinvestigation and when Spitfire pulled Union Jack into another room,calling him "Jim" instead of "Joey," Union Jack sarcastically commentedon the insult to a shocked Human Torch, prompting Aubrey to wink andsarcastically remark "Me-ow."

After Union Jack and Spitfire went to bed, RogerAubrey asked Tara if he could have a private conversation with theHuman Torch. Once Tara had departed to her room, Aubrey demanded toknow why the Human Torch was with the new Invaders. The Torch respondedthat he could ask the same of Aubrey, and Aubrey noted thatthey may have to take the Invaders' Infiltrator ship. Falsworth Manorwas soon rocked by a huge strike of lightning, prompting all inside torush to Spitfire's room, only to find it empty and half the outer wallmissing.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (44)(New Invaders I#5) - Roger Aubrey watched as Union Jack yelled into thenight about the missing Spitfire and he later accompanied the other newInvaders to confront Baroness Blood after they learned of Spitfire'scapture. Using the Human Torch's blood connection to Spitfire, theInvaders and Aubrey ventured into Falsworth Caverns, where Union Jackhad the Invaders' Infiltrator ship scan for vampires based on a hunch.While the Invaders were sneaking into Baroness Blood's base using the Caverns, two vampires attacked Aubrey, who briefly shrankdown in size as he shot the vampires, returning to normal size when heheard a noise behind him. Quickly realizing the noise was just UnionJack, who admitted he had no idea Aubrey could get smaller, Aubreyremarked that it wasn't a trait he cared to advertise before askingUnion Jack how he knew the Caverns would house vampires. Union Jackexpressed his thoughts that Baroness Blood could not come up withoriginal ideas and the original Baron Blood had used Falsworth Cavernsin the 1940s. More vampires soon attacked and briefly downed UnionJack, prompting Aubrey to destroy them with silver bullets beforesarcastically commenting on how expensive silver bullets were. Thefoursome then made their way to Spitfire, arriving just as BaronessBlood was attempting to recapture the escaping Spitfire. The HumanTorch made quick work of the vampires, but Baroness Blood escaped withthe infant John Crichton while Aubrey tended to the injured Spitfire.Following the rescue of Spitfire, the Human Torch asked Roger Aubrey toresume command of the V-Battalion on a temporary basis while the Torchremained with the new Invaders until the threat of the Neo-Nazi AxisMundi organization could be contained. Roger Aubrey later visited BrianFalsworth's grave with Nigel, remarking on how he had been to visitBrian's sister Jacqueline (Spitfire). Referring to Jacqueline as awitch, Aubrey nonetheless mentioned that he loved her and, while theywere not blood related, Jacqueline and himself would always be family.Speaking as if to inform the deceased Brian, Aubrey then mentioned thatJacqueline's current boyfriend Joey Chapman was a bit rough around theedges but a fine Union Jack, hoping to assure the deceased Brian thatthe Union Jack tradition was secure. He then laid some flowers onBrian's grave.

(New Invaders I#9) - Following the destruction of the android HumanTorch while trying to save the new Invaders from a programmed Tara,Roger Aubrey attended the Torch's funeral alongside numerous otherheroes and Nigel, where he solemnly proclaimed Jim Hammond to be anally and brother.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (45)(Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America - Iron Man) - After CaptainAmerica was seemingly killed following the superhero civil war, Roger Aubreyattended his funeral alongside Betty Barstow. During Sam Wilson'seulogy in which he asked those who served alongside Cap to stand, healso asked any superheroes from Cap's World War II days and those keepthose legacies alive to stand. When Sam asked those from that erathat had given up their heroic identities to also stand, both Aubreyand Barstow stood with a few other retired heroes.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (46)(All-New Invaders I#10) - The Destroyer, Union Jack and Spitfire cameupon a Martian ship while patrolling Britain. After Spitfire expressedwishes that Captain Britain were there, she asked for opinions as towhether the three of them could take down the ship, and the Destroyerremarked that they had it in the bag. When Union Jack asked if theDestroyer was sure he was up to the fight, the appalled Destroyerreminded Union Jack that he was an incredibly vain older gay gentlemanwho probably was in the gym more than Union Jack himself was. TheDestroyer then suggested they get down to business, as time waited forno man, and the trio rushed into action despite wondering why theMartian ship was there in the first place.

(All-New Invaders I#12 (fb)) - During the subsequent battle, theDestroyer leaped onto the top of the Martian ship, and Union Jackfollowed suit, both attacking the ship directly. When the ship began toglow, Spitfire suggested the two leap free and as the Destroyer andUnion Jack jumped to safety, the Martin ship disappeared. Following theship's disappearance, the trio opted to review Lord Falsworth'swritings and discovered a writing from 1922 mentioning an earlierMartian incursion from October, 1917.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (47)(All-New Invaders I#12) - After reviewing Lord Falsworth'swritings, the Destroyer, Union Jack and Spitfire realized that Martianincursions had been happening on and off for more than a century. AsUnion Jack began to question what the Martians were there for, theWinter Soldier arrived and interrupted, noting to the trio that thebetter question would be who the Martians were there for. The WinterSoldier then introduced the trio to Earth-691's Killraven, whom theMartians were after for his knowledge.

(All-New Invaders I#15 - BTS) - While discussing recent eventsinvolving the Invaders, the android Human Torch, Namor the Sub-Marinerand the then-elderly Steve Rogers discussed the unresolved threats theInvaders had been involved in, including the Winter Soldier workingwith the Destroyer, Spitfire, Union Jack and Earth-691's Killravenagainst the recent Martian incursion.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (48)(Fantastic Four V#643) - When the enigmatic Quiet Man unleashedinterdimensional monsters on the world, the Destroyer and Britain'sMI13 organization fought back against the monsters in London.

(Marvel's Voices: Pride I#1 - BTS) - While documenting LGBTQ+ historywithin the superhero community, the mutant Prodigy recorded entries onvarious LGBTQ+ superhumans, noting lovers Union Jack and the Destroyerthat were active during World War II.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (49)(Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#1 (fb) - BTS) - Roger Aubreyjoined a radio group of those who lived through World War II dubbedRadio Company. As part of Radio Company, Aubrey used the call sign ofRadio Two.

(Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#1) - In the wee hours of amorning, Aubrey (as Radio Two) reached out to Radio Company and askedif anyone was interested in watching the sunrise over some tea. CaptainAmerica (using his call sign of Radio Four) responded that he was stillup, noting that the moon was also still up and that Aubrey would haveto report back about the sunrise. Cap then asked how Aubrey had beendoing, and Aubrey replied that everything hurt and his Super-SoldierSerum had been working over time, joking that they didn't all get spatime in the Arctic Sea. Cap responded back, joking how the "MightyDestroyer" complained in his old age, at which point Aubrey joked backthat at least he wasn't in a country about to throw a garish party foritself. Radio Company's John and Pam then chimed in, noting that thenext day was also Cap's birthday before a string of recorded numbersinterrupted their broadcast. Pam tried to brush off the numbers assimply an old code interfering with their broadcast, but Aubrey notedthat the numbers were not interfering the day before and that thesecode numbers must be new. Pam then became intrigued by the potentialpuzzle and when John also expressed interest in getting to the bottomof the puzzle, Aubrey asked Cap if he thought the code numberswere worth their time. Cap smiled and broadcasted back for RadioCompany to assemble. As each of the Radio Company members began workingon the puzzle of the code numbers, Roger Aubrey first determined thatthe numbers were a substitution cipher similar to the Enigma Machineand he became convinced that the puzzle lied in the numbers themselvesrather than any sort of machine. With Radio Company's help, CaptainAmerica soon deduced an attack set for the following day and the nextday, he and the Winter Soldier scoped out the local parade andeventually saw some activity near the docks involving someone dressedas the Destroyer. When the Winter Soldier noted that Roger Aubrey wasclose to ninety years old and Brian Falsworth was dead, Cap interruptedto state that this Destroyer appeared to be someone new and that hewould regret wearing the colors of men Cap respected. During thesubsequent battle against the new Destroyer, Captain America noted thatthe man appeared to possess his strength, Roger Aubrey's attitude andThor's lightning.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (50)(Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#2) - While Captain America wasout on patrol, Roger Aubrey radioed in to report they had receivedanother coded radio message, confirming that it was the fourth one thatweek. Informing Cap that he was running the message through RadioCompany's decoder device, Aubrey further noted that while the messagedid not seem to suggest another kid had stolen his Destroyer identity,it appeared to be part of some larger game. Discussing the matter withCap via radio, Aubrey warned that he had not seen such a war machinesince Hydra or any political power capable of making moves such as theones mentioned in the coded messages. John and Pam both chimed in aswell, agreeing with Aubrey. When Pam mentioned having to use her brainto figure out the coded puzzles, Captain America noted that he thoughtbetter while moving, prompting Aubrey to reply that it was a terriblething to say to an almost-centenarian. He then sarcastically remarkedon how people had no idea what kind of person Captain America could be,prompting Cap to remind Aubrey about the old phrase regarding glasshouses and how he felt Aubrey was the only person who enjoyed punchingNazis as much as Cap himself did back in the day. Aubrey then continuedhis work trying to decode the radio message and became confused as towhat "Secure the Forge" meant.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (51)(Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#7 (fb) - BTS) - CaptainAmerica and Roger Aubrey continued working, eventually discovering thatthe messages were being sent by an old organization called the OuterCircle. The two then began tracking the Outer Circle.

(Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#7) - Namor the Sub-Mariner metwith a slightly disillusioned Steve Rogers to return his missing shieldand when Rogers began to explain how he and Roger Aubrey had uncoveredsomething, Namor admitted his surprise that "Dyna-Mite" was still alive.Rogers calmly explained that Aubrey preferred the codename of theDestroyer, and Namor commended Aubrey on choosing that codename. Rogersthen continued, explaining how he and Aubrey had been tracking theOuter Circle and how the Winter Soldier had seemingly joined the group.After Namor reminded Rogers of how the Winter Soldier had always beenin the shadows while Captain America shined in the light, he badeCaptain America farewell and asked Cap to give his best to "Dyna-Mite."As Rogers returned home, he heard Aubrey speaking over his radio,thinking Rogers was asleep and trying to wake him up. Rogersimmediately jumped on the radio and asked if Aubrey had learned ofanother move in the coded messages. Aubrey replied that he had not butthat he had perhaps found something else. He then revealed that sinceBrian Falsworth's will had left him rich, he was able to feign interestin advanced home security and had buyers with connections to A.I.M.When Rogers tried to dissuade Aubrey from associating with A.I.M.,Aubrey explained that his false interest and contacts had oddly foundno A.I.M. tech on the market anywhere, suggesting that either someonehad bought all of the A.I.M. tech on the market or A.I.M. was planningsomething new. As the two discussed the possibility that A.I.M. wasplanning something big, Aubrey admitted his delight in stating that theDestroyer was reporting for duty before asking Steve Rogers what hisorders were. Feeling as if he had once again fallen into a situationthat was too big to take on alone that was too vague to understand,Rogers remained silent as Aubrey questioned whether Rogers was still on theradio line.

Steve Rogers later met up with Sharon Carter and thetwo made some calls to recruit allies to help uncover the conspiracythat Aubrey seemed to have discovered. Using his private jet, Aubreyflew in everyone Cap called and they soon all met up in-person in anunderground bunker. Captain America exchanged happy greetings withAubrey, noting that Namor also said hello and prompting Aubrey tosarcastically remark that Namor saying hello should be put on histombstone. Cap then informed everyone present of the conspiracy of theOuter Circle and how they had apparently influenced and even directedseveral ofthe biggest organizations such as Hydra, A.I.M., the F.B.I., Interpoland even S.H.I.E.L.D. When Black Widow questioned who the Outer Circleleaders were, Aubrey replied that they had only learned the leaders'aliases: Love, Power, Money, Machine and Revolution. He also confirmedthat Revolution had recently been executed, his seat willingly taken byBucky Barnes. As Captain America revealed a piece of Neganite found inBarnes' apartment, Aubrey recognized it as being similar to what wasused in the Caduceus Staff during a mission involving Peggy Carter backin 1949. Carter also recalled the 1949 mission and noted to the othersthat the true mastermind in that mission was Arnim Zola. Zola'spotential involvement prompted Hawkeye to mention a damaged Zolafacility beneath downtown New York and the group decided to meet backin two days to prepare a trap for the Outer Circle in Zola's damagedfacility.

(Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#8 (fb) - BTS) - Prior to theirtakeover of Manhattan, A.I.M. transported Captain America, Roger Aubreyand Cap's other allies out of the city.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (52)(Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#8) - Five days later, Roger Aubrey regrouped withCaptain America, Nick Fury, Jr., Sharon Carter, the Redacted and PeggyCarter in Kansas, where Captain America had been transported to. Whilediscussing what had happened to them and how most of the group had fivedays of no memory, Sharon Carter noticed subdermal scar tissue behindher ear and Aubrey quickly noticed the same about himself. When Furyand Peggy Carter also noticed similar scar tissue, the entire grouprealized that not only had their bodies been moved but their minds hadbeen tampered with. Sharon then asked what they planned to do abouttheir situation, and Aubrey suggested having a psychic read their mindsin hopes of getting to the bottom of the mystery. Captain America thenpsychically summoned Emma Frost, who owed Cap a favor, and Frost agreedto help restore some of their memories by psychically reading thecollective scar tissue left behind from the mental tampering. Frostultimately discovered the presence of M.O.D.O.C. in their minds andwhen each of the group came to, each dealt with the anger aboutM.O.D.O.C. stealing secrets from their minds in their own way, Aubreypunching a large dent into the door of the train car they were in.Determined to stop A.I.M. and retake Manhattan, Captain Americagathered up his band of allies and Roger Aubrey donned his originalDestroyer costume as Cap dubbed his group the Invaders.

(Captain America X#750 / 2 (fb) - BTS) - At some point during his time withthe Invaders, Aubrey bragged to Nick Fury, Jr. about how much he couldstill bench-press, prompting Fury to joke that he didn't care how muchAubrey could bench-press, as he still "smelled like old people."

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (53)(Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#9) - The Destroyer and his newInvaders teammates invaded Manhattan, riding in atop a train andleaping from it when it collided with another train on the tracks.Landing in the heart of Manhattan, the Destroyer was partnered withSharon Carter and the two were tasked with destroying A.I.M. Commandand Control. During the attack, Sharon jokingly asked if the cardio wastoo much for Aubrey, who joked back that at his age, he was happy hisheart was still pumping at all. He then exclaimed that while he mightget old, smashing crypto-fascists never did as he punched an A.I.M.agent in the face. Upon locating A.I.M. Command and Control, theDestroyer asked if Sharon happened to have rocket boots, and Sharonjoked that she must have left those in her other purse, prompting theDestroyer to remark "Same." Sharon then handed the Destroyer a roll ofmicrofilament and ordered him not to let it go under any circ*mstances.The confused Destroyer asked where Sharon was going, and she smiled,asking if Aubrey was still Super-Soldier'ed under his costume and howhis throwing arm was. The Destroyer then hurled Sharon, who pulled theDestroyer along with her using the microfilament,and the two smashed their way into A.I.M. Command. As they battledA.I.M., the Destroyer remarked to himself that Brian would have lovedSharon, whom he commented was their "exact kind of trouble." WhenSharon mentioned that they needed to take down A.I.M. Command, theDestroyer revealed his engineering background while explaining why he'dfirst taken the Destroyer identity and suggested they set explosivescharges at key engineering points on the building, remarking that theDestroyer wasn't just a name but a promise. The two then blew upA.I.M. Command. The Destroyer and Sharon subsequently regrouped with the otherInvaders as M.O.D.O.C. arrived on the scene in a large UFO. M.O.D.O.C.then attacked their minds, telepathically forcing them into illusorysituations, with the Destroyer finding himself surrounded by World WarII-era soldiers.

(Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#10) - Within M.O.D.O.C.'stelepathic illusions, the Destroyer next found himself reliving themoment that Brian Falsworth first expressed his love for him and theGerman attack that followed. While the Destroyer was still stuck in hisillusory world, Peggy Carter realized she was trapped in an illusionand reminded M.O.D.O.C. that he'd trapped dynamite in the form of RogerAubrey. Soon realizing as well that he was trapped in an illusion,Roger Aubrey refused to relive events, instead announcing thatM.O.D.O.C. would live to regret his intrusion. Gloatingly asking if hewould regret his actions because Aubrey had regained self-awareness,M.O.D.O.C.was informed by a tearful Aubrey that M.O.D.O.C. would instead regretthe act of assuming the form of the only man Aubrey ever loved.Proclaiming that it had been decades since Brian had died but therewasn't a day that went by that Brian's actions didn't remind Aubrey ofhow far he was willing to go to resist, Aubrey began manifesting hisDestroyer costume within his illusion, exclaiming that M.O.D.O.C.hadn't caged him but rather, inspired him to fight back. Smashingthrough M.O.D.O.C.'s illusions, the Destroyer fought his way to hisInvaders teammates, freeing each of them while informing M.O.D.O.C. ofthe childhood that had made him the person he was. When M.O.D.O.C.gloatingly asked if the Destroyer thought his fists could hurt him intothe realm of the mind, the Destroyer replied that he wasn't using hisfists but rather, hitting M.O.D.O.C. with fearlessness, compassion,solidarity, hope and love as the now-freed Invaders joined in theattack on M.O.D.O.C. The Invaders eventually smashed their waycompletely free of M.O.D.O.C.'s telepathic hold, and the Destroyerconfronted M.O.D.O.C. personally, demanding the whereabouts ofM.O.D.O.C.'s superior in the Outer Circle, the Power. Aubrey thenordered the shocked M.O.D.O.C. to inform the Outer Circle that theInvaders were coming for him. M.O.D.O.C. did as ordered, causing thePower to release MODOK from the innards of M.O.D.O.C. himself.Aubrey barely had time to order Sharon Carter to get back before thenewly-emerged MODOK blasted the Destroyer apart, his mask droppingand shattering on the ground.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (54)(Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#11) - As the Destroyer'ssmoldering corpse fell to the ground, a grieving Sharon Carterattempted to free herself from Captain America's hold in an effort toavenge Roger. Unaware they were being watched from afar by BuckyBarnes, Captain America ordered Sharon to get down and sternlyconfirmed to Sharon that while Roger was now dead, they didn't have tobe. An emotional Sharon exclaimed that she would kill MODOK, andCap admitted he had no doubt in his mind of that but suggested hehandle the Outer Circle's Power while Sharon and the other Invadersdealt with MODOK. Sharon agreed, remarking that they would takedown MODOK for Roger and from afar, Bucky Barnes whispered "forRoger." After taking down the Power, Captain America spoke, knowingBucky Barnes could hear him, noting that Roger Aubrey was dead andaccusing Barnes of playing Aubrey like a pawn. Barnes, remaining stern,insisted Aubrey had made his own choices and so did Cap based on theclues Barnes himself had left behind. In the aftermath of the battle,Sharon picked up Roger's shattered Destroyer mask and revealed howimpressed she had been with Aubrey's actions during the mission, askingCaptain America what the point was of Barnes' recent actions if hestill let a man like Roger Aubrey burn to death. Cap and Sharon thenshared a hug as the other Invaders gathered around Aubrey's corpse. Oneweek later at a cookout, Nick Fury, Jr. discussed with Sharon Carterthe need for Captain America to receive some sort of care followingBucky Barnes' recent manipulations and the loss of Roger Aubrey.

(Captain America: Cold War Alpha - BTS) - When the heroic Nomad methis father Captain America for dinner, Nomad admitted his worry forCaptain America after Bucky Barnes departed and Roger Aubrey died.Later, after Nomad was captured by Peggy Carter, who appeared to beacting as an agent of Barnes, Sharon Carter informed Misty Knight thatPeggy had apparently gone rogue and gotten Roger Aubrey killed in theprocess.

(Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#12 - BTS) - The Black Widowconfronted Bucky Barnes in his guise as the Outer Circle's Revolution,and Barnes claimed that no one was burning by his actions that didn'tdeserve it, prompting the Black Widow to remind him about RogerAubrey's death. Barnes responded by insisting that he had nothing to dowith Aubrey's death. As the two discussed Barnes' recent actions, SteveRogers, Sam Wilson, Misty Knight and Sharon Carter were battlingmonsters from Dimension Z in Alaska and when Sharon took down one ofthe creatures, she spoke aloud to the deceased Roger Aubrey, asking ifhe was seeing her destructive actions as the promise he'd once made inregards to his codename.

(Captain America: Cold War Omega - BTS) - As Sam Wilson and SharonCarter located and confronted Peggy Carter and Bucky Barnes, withSharon assuming the identity of Destroyer, Peggy remarked that RogerAubrey would be honored to see Sharon taking over the Destroyeridentity.

(Captain America X#750 / 2) - Following Nomad assuming the throne ofDimension Z and Captain America deciding to stay in Dimension Z toassist, Captain America emerged from his self-imposed exile to attendRoger Aubrey's funeral. Regrouping with his then-recent friends, Captraveled to England and arrived at the funeral service to see severalof Aubrey's surviving decades-old and modern era friends and allies.During the service, many of his friends and former teammates spokeabout how great Aubrey was and Sharon Carter spoke about how Aubrey haddestroyed everything that tried to rule his life and tell him what hecouldn't be. Sharon then donned her Destroyer mask and reiteratedAubrey's own words by saying the Destroyer was not a name but apromise. Captain America then walked to the podium and revealed Aubrey'ssecret love of poetry, reading from a dog-eared page in an old poetrybook Cap had found in Aubrey's study. After Cap read the poem aloud,Aubrey's coffin was draped in the British flag and carried to thecemetery by pallbearers Namor, Sharon Carter, the Redacted, CaptainAmerica, Captain Wings and Jim Hammond. At the cemetery, Aubrey waslaid to rest next to his lover Brian Falsworth with a tombstone thatread "Roger Aubrey: A Man of Love and Destroyer of Hate (1919-2023)" (see comments). As the serviceconcluded and attendees were departing, Peggy Carter remained behind toput flowers on Aubrey's grave. She was met by Aubrey's Radio Companyfriends Pam and John, who offered her an umbrella, stating that therewas no need for a friend of Roger's to go through the rain alone andinviting her into Radio Company. A short distance away, Bucky Barnes,having watched Aubrey's service from the shadows, was confronted byCaptain America, who admitted Barnes' decision to remove Nomad from theOuter Circle's clutches by having him rule Dimension Z made sense. Capalso assured Barnes that the blame for Aubrey's death no longer restedon Barnes, as Aubrey had willing sacrificed his own life to save others.

(Love Unlimited Infinity Comic#49 (fb) - BTS) - Upon his death, RogerAubrey left a sizable donation for the establishment of a series ofcenters designed to help those most in need of inspiration and hope.

(Love Unlimited Infinity Comic#49 - BTS) - Captain America appeared inNew York City at the dedication of the inaugural Roger Aubrey Center.While speaking to the visitors, Cap revealed how Aubrey had taught himto never falter and never give in to weakness. Explaining how Aubreyhad lived during a time when living his true self was almost impossibleand yet, Aubrey had done just that, Captain America remarked thatAubrey's home country of England and the entire world owed adebt to Roger and Brian Falsworth's love, courage and sacrifices.Following the dedication, Captain America met with the attending AaronFischer and when Cap mentioned how much the Roger Aubrey Centers couldhelp those in the LGBTQ community like Fischer, Fischer argued thatAubrey's Centers weren't even a drop in the bucket when there wereentire states demonizing his community.

(Captain America: Finale#1 - BTS) - Following the destruction of theOuter Circle, Steve Rogers went for a morning run and as he passed theNew York Public Library, its entrance was draped with bannersrecognizing and honoring the fallen Destroyer.

(Thunderbolts V#1 - BTS) - During a battle with the Red Skull, whocommented on Sharon Carter choosing the identity of men he claimed tohave crushed countless times, Sharon Carter blocked the Skull's attackand exclaimed that both Brian Falsworth and Roger Aubrey said hello.

Comments: Technically created (due to retcon)by an unidentified writer and Mike Sekowsky. Actually created by RoyThomas, Frank Robbins and Frank Springer.

Originally, the Destroyer was asingular character, Kevin "Keen" Marlow, who fought during the 1940sbut later retcons revealed that the Destroyer identity was actuallyshared by both Marlow and Briton Brian Falsworth, the lover of RogerAubrey, who assumed the mantle of the Destroyer himself in 1942 afterBrian assumed the mantle of Union Jack from his father. These retconsplace Roger Aubrey as the Destroyer in All-Winners Comics I#6(September, 1942) despite the original story being written as if itwere "Keen" Marlow. Since Roger took over the Destroyer identity fromBrian Falsworth, he also continued to play along with the ruse thatthere was only a single Destroyer and thereby shared the Destroyeridentity withMarlow much as Brian Falsworth had done. As part of that ruse, one canassume that, in the reference to the Destroyer being Marlow inAll-Winners Comics I#6 despite it being retconned that it is actuallyRoger Aubrey in that story, Roger was merely impersonating"Keene" Marlow to continue the ruse of there being a single Destroyer toconfuse the Nazis. This would be the only time Roger would be shown to impersonate "Keen" Marlow.

Interesting note about the abovementioned retcon: While the original stories were written (and intendedat the time) as if all of the Golden Age Destroyer stories were thesame character, the later retcon that there were three differentDestroyers active during the 1940s is kind of supported by a line inthe Golden Age Destroyer story in Kid Komics I#6 (1944). In that issue, a Nazileader reports back to his bosses that the Destroyer, "der REALDestroyer" was there, suggesting that the Nazis had encountered morethan one Destroyer at some point and deduced that some might be doubles or stand-ins.Perhaps that line was what inspired the later retcons that there wereindeed three different Destroyers ("Keen" Marlowe, Brian Falsworth& Roger Aubrey) with at least two active (Marlowe and eitherFalsworth or Aubrey, depending on the year) at the same time at anygiven time during World War II.

Perhaps due to outdated ComicsCode Authorityrestrictions or even social culture at the time of his earlier comicbook appearances, Roger Aubrey's hom*osexuality was not even hinted atuntil 2001's Citizen V & the V-Battalion#1 and eventhen, it was ONLY hinted at by a off-handed statement thought by AndreaSterman, who noted the swapping of heroic identities between BrianFalsworth and Roger Aubrey sounded "gayer" than it really was. Prior tothat, Brian and Roger had only been referred to as "good friends" andthe like despite there seeming to be some unstated hom*osexualundertones. In the flashback to 1953 seen in Citizen V & theV-Battalion: The Everlasting#1 (2002), it was more blatant when, at thefuneral of Brian Falsworth, Roger becomes angry at some of the otherV-Battalion members and nearly blurts out that his lover had just diedin his arms before stopping himself. It was outright stated andofficially confirmed that Brian and Roger were lovers in the Destroyerentry in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Golden Age 2004(2004).
So, the real reasonthat Roger Aubrey's hom*osexuality wasn't hinted at until 2001 andconfirmed until 2002 is that he is a fictional character, and that hewas not originally written to be hom*osexual. I am not trying to arguethat Roger is not gay by any stretch of the imagination, just detailingthe history of the character--Snood.
Our own Loki details it best as follows:

When I worked on the Union Jack profiles I came across RoyThomas' statement about this, and back in 2014 Paul Cornell sent a writerworking on a paper discussing LGBT (and especially T) representation in comics,who asked me the samequestion. So here's what I saidto her:Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (55)

No, it wasn't in theInvaders. It was in eitherThunderbolts circa 2000 or a mini-series that spun off fromThunderbolts,Citizen V and the V-Battalion (2001). The modern day Roger Aubrey wasreintroduced and it was revealed that he and Brian had been lovers.This wasdefinitely made clear in Citizen V, but it might have been mentioned inThunderbolts - I'd have to re-check the issues to be sure. Both were bywriter Fabian Nicieza, who, when asked about the reveal, said he wasjust confirmingsomething he felt the Invaders writers had hinted at but been unable toopenlysay back in 1976. However, Roy Thomas subsequently stated that hehadn'tintended to hint anything like this - he's introduced GLBT characterssincethen, but it wasn't on his mind when he was writingDestroyerandUnion Jack, who he considered just close friends. There is one Invaders issue,#34, which focuses on the pair somewhat and which was written by Don Glutinstead of Roy, and I know some people cite some of the art in that as evidenceof the creators hinting at them being lovers, but it is unconfirmed and I'd besurprised if the artist, Allan Kupperberg, who worked with Roy on several otherissues, would have snuck in something so major for Don Glut, a guest writer,without at least mentioning it to Roy.

Back to current response: In terms of Invaders#34 the"evidence" cited is literally a single panel (see the image to the right):

Allegedly the way Roger looks at Brian, and the fact thetext says they were "close" friends, areclear hints that theywere a gay couple. Me, I think that's stretching worthy of Mr. Fantastic.

I'll check over the profile and give feedback. Off the topof my head the handbook entries for the characters make it clear whichDestroyer was which in the Golden Age stories, and the general decision wasthat any of the stories that depicted the Destroyer working back in the U.S.A.were Marlow and the ones set in Europe subsequent to the first U.S. adventurewere Brian and then Roger.

Andthen Jacob correctly detailed the information as first hinted and thenconfirmed in Citizen V and the V Battalion#1 and Citizen V and the VBattalion: The Everlasting#1, respectively.

Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (56) In his Golden Age appearances, thecolors of the Destroyer's costume would sometimes randomly change, asevident by two different images utilized above (and the one to the left here). For example, when hefirst shows up in the All-Winners Comics I#8 story, his trunks areinexplicably colored pink, and later in that same issue, his face iscolored Caucasian rather than his usually gray mask. Although one couldargue that one, as it occurred moments after a large bomb blast and theforce of the blast could have loosened the Destroyer's face mask. He'sseen with the mask in the next panel though he could have corrected theissue. It's more likely, however, that it was just a coloring error. Inone panel of USA Comics I#8, his skullcap appears white instead of itsusual red (see image at left).

Despite being referred to asCaptain Krause throughout the story in All-Winners Comics I#9, theDestroyer (& the narrator) refers to Krause as "Storm" on the lastpage of the story. Since Krause's main soldier ally was neveridentified, perhaps "Storm" is his name...?

Roger Aubrey's Crusaders group wascreated as a counterpart to DC's Freedom Fighters, a group of heroesformerly owned by Quality Comics. Each of the members of the Crusadersmirrored a DC / Quality character. For example, Captain Wings=BlackCondor,Dyna-Mite (Roger Aubrey)=Doll Man, Ghost Girl=Phantom Lady, TommyLightning=The Ray, the Spirit of '76=The Fighting Yank andThunderfist=The Human Bomb. In fact, the entire story in InvadersI#14-15 (1977) was sort of an unofficial DC crossover in the sense thatDC characters of the same group name appeared in Freedom Fighters#7-9(1977) and each of DC's Crusaders characters mirrored Marvel's Invaderscharacters: Americommando=Captain America, Barracuda=Namor theSub-Mariner, Fireball=Human Torch, Rusty=Bucky and Sparky=Toro.

It's been established that RogerAubrey became Dyna-Mite in early 1942 and by 1942's end (around Fallgoing into Winter), he had taken up the mantle of the Destroyer.However, in Invaders I#14, in which Dyna-Mite & the Crusaders firstmeet the Invaders, Captain America makes a reference to the"Casablanca" movie, a film he claims to have seen "last week."According to real life facts, "Casablanca" first released in November1942 with a more wide release occurring in January 1943. So eitherDyna-Mite & the Crusaders didn't meet the Invaders until sometimebetween November 1942-January 1943, or the "Casablanca" movie releasednearly a year earlier on Earth-616 than it did in real life reality(Earth-1218 for you novices)....

On one panel in Thunderbolts I#40,Roger Aubrey was miscolored to resemble the Thunderbolts' Atlas, withhis hair and eyes colored to match Atlas' (red and red, respectively).Similarly, Roger Aubrey's hair is mistakenly colored brown inThunderbolts I#46 & #48 (where his eyes were also mistakenlycolored brown). His eyes also seemed to be colored brown throughout hisappearances in the New Invaders series but that could easily be writtenoff as artistic interpretation.

Citizen V & the V-Battalion I#3suggested Aubrey had an antagonistic past with the original androidHuman Torch and it was insinuated that the reason why was well-knownbut I could find no issue prior to that where Aubrey and the Torch hadproblems with one another.

In New Invaders I#2, the Thin Manshows the android Human Torch his Infiltrator ship and at one pointshows a bunch of screens showing scenes of the various allies the newInvaders had made. Roger Aubrey is present on the screen in hisV-Battalion-era Destroyer costume and the Thin Man mentions that Aubreywas one of the first recruited into the new Invaders' allies. However,Aubrey's last appearance before that issue (Citizen V & theV-Battalion: The Everlasting#4) ends with him saying he was tired ofbeing a Destroyer and he quits the V-Battalion. Apparently, he wasn'tTOO tired of being a Destroyer because he was fairly soon afterrecruited into the new Invaders' allies in his Destroyer guise. TheThin Man introduces him as Roger Aubrey the Destroyer, former head ofthe V-Battalion, so his recruitment into the allies of the new Invadersclearly occurred after he left the V-Battalion so I guess he justdecided to not quite retire the Destroyer identity. Additionally, oneof the screens the Thin Man shows also shows Citizen V and Iron Crossbut Helmut Gruler, the Iron Cross who was with the V-Battalion and whowore the particular armor shown, was dead at that point. It's unclearwho this Iron Cross is but whoever it was allied with Citizen V andpossibly the V-Battalion. It seems unlikely to be Oskar Mors, whoseemingly died in 1945, as even if he had survived getting hit with theGerman V-3, he would be very very old in the modern era plus, as aNazi, he probably would not be palling around with Citizen V and aidingthe new Invaders. There was a modern era Iron Cross that debuted in2010 but it seems unlikely to be that person either due to that IronCross' neo-Nazi alliances. My theory is that the Iron Cross seen on thescreen in New Invaders I#2 (and at Jim Hammond's funeral in NewInvaders I#9, standing behind Captain America) was a new Iron Crossserving the V-Battalion, having succeeded Helmut Gruler upon Gruler'sdeath and possibly outfitted with Gruler's own armor. Perhaps it was arelative of Gruler's or some other form of legacy hero...maybe evenHelmut's daughter Clare, who later wore a variation of Helmut's armorin the All-New Invaders series before being transformed into arobot-like form by dormant Inhuman genes. Given that her nickname whilewearing the armor was "the Iron Man of Germany," perhaps it was Clarewearing Helmut's old armor, which she later modified to appear morefeminine (given the masculine nickname) before eventually transforminginto robot-like form. It beingClare actually makes logical sense since many of the V-Battalionmembers were legacy heroes, the children of WWII era heroes. That beingthe case, it would make sense for her to perhaps hang around withV-Battalion to honor her father and perhaps was given his armorfollowing his death or something like that, much in the way that DallasRiordan briefly became the new Citizen V as part of her own V-Battalionlegacy.

In his New Invaders appearances,Roger Aubrey was seen alongside a man named Nigel but it was unclear ifNigel was simply a close friend or if he was a lover. They attended theDymhurst Pride festival together but during the fest, Nigel beratedAubrey for being grumpy despite being surrounded by several single men,which might suggest Nigel wasn't Aubrey's lover since he wasinsinuating Aubrey could meet someone at the fest. Nonetheless, Nigelwas seen by Aubrey's side when Aubrey visited Brian Falsworth's graveat the end of New Invaders I#5 and was seen next to Aubrey during JimHammond's funeral in New Invaders I#9. So while Nigel suggesting Aubreycould meet someone at the Pride festival could be a clue that Nigel wasnot Aubrey's lover, the fact that he was by Aubrey's side throughoutthose appearances seems to suggest that Nigel might have been more thanfriends. No definitive answer was given in those issues and during hisCaptain America: Sentinel of Liberty II appearances, Roger mentionsBrian Falsworth as the only man he ever loved...

The Marvel Database Wiki statesthat Roger Aubrey appears in a photo as the Destroyer in Agents ofAtlas I#3. However, I believe the character the Marvel Database Wikithinks is the Destroyer is actually the Golden Age hero known as theTerror, given the demonic / skull-like face and prominent widow's peakhairline. While Aubrey DID eventually adopt a costume with a moredemon-likemask, that was not until much later, closer to the modern era. As forthe Terror, sure, his powers were essentially faded by 1959 when JimmyWoo was assembling his FBI team but Jimmy was reviewing an old FBIphoto of the Terror and may not have known the Terror was no longeractive at that time...OR maybe the Terror WAS still active and had onlytold She-Hulk that his powers faded "after a year or so" because by thetime he met She-Hulk, he was elderly and could have been misrememberingthe exact time frame his powers disappeared. He was also an amnesiacwhen he first became the Terror so perhaps due to that affliction, hemay have ongoing memory problems. Either that or like I suggested,Jimmy Woo was simply working off old data because the Terror had notbeen seen in awhile by 1959. At any rate, there are a few photos Woowas reviewing that aren't seen 100% in the Agents of Atlas issue (some, weonly see an arm or part of a body due to other photos covering themup). I see no reason why one of those partially obscured photos couldnot be the Destroyer. Aubrey was still active in 1959, after all, aspart of the V-Battalion.

In winter 1943, the Red Skull useda Cosmic Cube to conquer Earth. However, soldier Paul Anselmsubsequently used the Cosmic Cube to restore Earth-616 to normal,diverging the Red Skull-conquered world into Earth-93198. During thereality restoration, Anselm used the Cosmic Cube to summon numerousAllied superheroes to battle the Skull in Avengers / Invaders#12, one ofwhich was Roger Aubrey in his Dyna-Mite identity. The Official Handbookof the Marvel Universe A to Z TPB Vol. 3 Crusaders entry update textsuggests that some of these heroes summoned by Anselm could be CosmicCube-created facsimiles of the actual heroes. I believe that to be thecase with Dyna-Mite and pretty much all of the Crusaders seen in thatissue for a couple of reasons: 1) The Crusaders disbanded in 1942 andmost of the group lost their special abilities and equipment when Naziagent Alfie died, 2) The Spirit of '76 is shown flying inAvengers / Invaders#12 and he cannot fly and 3) Roger Aubrey took overthe identity of the Destroyer around the middle of 1942 so by winter1943, he would have no longer been using the identity of Dyna-Mite butrather, the Destroyer. If anything, the Destroyer seen inAvengers / Invaders#12 would have been either the real Aubrey, the realKeen Marlow or another Cosmic Cube-created facsimile, with the UnionJack present in that scene being Brian Falsworth. Either way, theDyna-Mite and Crusaders present there would have been facsimilescreated by the Cube for the reasons described above. One might arguethat it was the Earth-93198 counterpart of Aubrey that was theDyna-Mite in that issue but I don't think that works either, for thesame reasons I gave (since Earth-93198 diverged from Earth-616's ownhistory and I've established why it couldn't be the Earth-616 Aubrey asDyna-Mite there). Also, I don't believe the heroes / facsimiles summonedby Paul Anselm were native to the diverged Earth-93198 reality butrather, heroes and / or facsimiles summoned from the unaltered,non-divergent Earth-616. Basically, on Earth-616 (restored to normal bya Captain America-wielded Cosmic Cube), history played out with theheroes being present to defeat the Skull whereas in the divergentEarth-93198, the Skull succeeded in conquering the world and many ofthose Golden Age heroes were killed. As such, I've included a mentionof the Avengers / Invaders issue in Aubrey's history with a note to seethis particular comment for an explanation of what exactly had happened.

In Captain America: Sentinel ofLiberty II#9, Roger Aubrey claims he was jealous of Brian Falsworth'scodename of the Destroyer when they first started seeing each other, ashe was dubbed Dyna-Mite. However, that statement doesn't exactly matchup chronologically. Brian and Roger had known each other for years bythe time Brian became the Destroyer and while Roger did had thenicknameDyna-Mite, he didn't take it as a codename until he was brainwashed in1942, also years after he and Brian became friends then lovers. Onemight try toargue that Brian and Roger had been friends for years before becominglovers but even that doesn't exactly work because the brainwashing ofRoger as Dyna-Mite lead directly into the events in which LordFalsworth and Spitfire bring Roger to Germany and his memory isrestored upon seeing Brian (suggesting the two already had a strongcloseness, which later learn was more than just friends) and by the endof theadventure in Germany, Brian had become the new Union Jack and Roger,the new Destroyer. Roger couldn't have been jealous of theDestroyer name when he first started seeing Brian because he'd metBrian years before Brian became the Destroyer. A few modern Handbookentries (and a few later retcons) mention Brian and Roger being loversprior to the two being captured in Nazi Germany (the point in whichRoger was shrunkdown in size to use Dyna-Mite as a codename & Brian first becamethe Destroyer). Therefore, Rogermight've been jealous of the Destroyer codename but it couldn't havebeen when theyfirst met or started seeing each other because Brian wasn't using thatname at that point. I'm leaning more towards Aubrey's remarks weremeant to reference the first time he saw Brian after his memory wasrestored not the actual first time they'd met or starting seeing eachother. That seems to make more sense, as when Roger first saw Brianagain, he was using the Dyna-Mite codename and Brian was the Destroyer.

In later years, Roger Aubrey woreglasses when not in costume. While it was never explained in-story, itseems likely that he had special lenses in his Destroyer costume toaccount for the vision issues so that he could still see properly whilein action.

Captain America X#750 (September,2023) shows Roger Aubrey's funeral and the Love Unlimited InfinityComic#49 (May, 2023) shows Captain America dedicating the inauguralRoger Aubrey Center, the first in a series of centers that Aubrey hadleft money aside to found upon his death. Therefore, despite beingpublished online several months earlier than Captain America X#750(Roger's funeral), the Love Unlimited Infinity Comic takes place afterCaptain America X#750 because it deals with the aftermath of Aubrey'sdeath& funeral.

Roger Aubrey's death date of 2023 is topical dueto Marvel's sliding time scale.

Modern stories have established that Montgomery,Lord Falsworth never truly approved of Roger's relationship withhis son Brian, even to the point of Lord Falsworth not allowing Rogerto take up Brian (and earlier Lord Falsworth's himself)'s identity asUnion Jack following Brian's death. If that's the case, then LordFalsworth must have deliberately tried to ignore the fact that Brianand Roger were lovers, as there are several stories that show LordFalsworth aiding both Roger and Brian while only referring to them as"close friends" rather than lovers and, in most cases, straight upseeming to be completely unaware that they were lovers. Perhaps theoutdated and probably less-than-accepting, elderly Lord Falsworthconvinced himself that Brian and Roger were only friends in denial ofthe fact that his son was gay, to the point that he outright feignedignorance of the fact. After all, it was a time period during whichhom*osexuality was not very accepted in society. That would explain whyLord Falsworth seemed unaware that Brian was gay at Brian's funeral asseen in Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#1. LordFalsworth mentioned how hard Roger must be taking Brian's death giventheir close friendship, prompting Roger to mutter to himself about howLord Falsworth had no idea how close they were. Clearly, Lord Falsworthwas somewhat aware of it, as he subsequently prevented Roger was takingup the mantle of Union Jack following Brian's death and again, it wasestablished later that Lord Falsworth had never approved of Brian'srelationship with Roger. Perhaps Lord Falsworth had no actual ill willtowards Roger (given that he did help restore his memories & normalsize during the Invaders stories) but just didn't approve of hishom*osexual relationship with Brian without ever stating his disapprovaloutright, instead outwardly feigning ignorance of Brian's relationshipwith Roger. That might also explain why Lord Falsworth declined toallow Roger to assume the role of Union Jack using the excuse thatRoger should find an identity better suited to him rather than outrightstating his disapproval of Roger. Perhaps Lord Falsworth loved his sonBrian but blinded himself to Brian's hom*osexuality, allowing Brian toassume the mantle of Union Jack from him because Brian was his belovedson but not Roger, who was Brian's hom*osexual lover.

In New Invaders I#5 and only New Invaders I#5,Roger displayed the ability to shrink down to a size of 12 inches, anability he admitted he rarely used. Whether this was an ability hedeveloped over time or if it was an ability he had since his time asthe Dyna-Mite remains to be seen...

Though we never saw theminteract (for obvious reasons), he'spresumably affiliated with Keen Marlow to some degree - they must haveco-ordinated if only just a little to maintain their pretence of beinga single individual. - Loki

It's feasible that the Destroyer in The Twelve#1 was Marlow rather thanAubrey, though the latter is more likely. - Loki

According to TheMarvels Project#7, Brian Falsworth only went to Germany in 1941, and asa spy under the name of Keen Marlow, rather than in 1938 under his ownname as a would-be appeaser. However, this tale was the account givenin the Angel's diary, and that in turn was based on events Angel wasn'tpresent for and so only pieced together from tales he had heard fromothers, so it's the very definition of an unreliable narrator. NotablyAngel's version doesn't explain Roger's presence. It is possible thereis some truth to Angel's account, and perhaps Brian AND Roger went toGermany in 1938 as spies but under the guise of being appeasers;however, that then begs the question of why they tried to flee when warbroke out instead of posing as collaborators. I suspect that the realworld reason for this attempt to retcon the timeline was that MarvelsProject writer Ed Brubaker wanted Steve Rogers to be the first personto take a Super Soldier serum; however, there are others who pre-dateRogers regardless (cf Protocide). For my money, Brian and Roger went toGermany in 1938 as appeasers, were arrested when war broke out inSeptember 1939, and Roger was a victim of Nazi experimentation andmind-control from 1939/1940 until freed in 1942; if Angel's diary isconsidered the more accurate account, then Brian went to Germany as aspy after war broke out, was captured, gained his powers in 1941, andthough not mentioned presumably the same details hold true for Roger,making him a Nazi pawn for only a few months. - Loki

I concur with the comment that it's the Terror in the photos in Agentsof Atlas I#3, not the Destroyer. - Loki

In terms of Montgomery not permitting Roger to take up the mantle ofUnion Jack, that might have had more to do with Montgomery consideringit a family legacy and Roger wasn't a Falsworth. Yes, Montgomeryeventually let Joe Chapman take up the mantle over his grandson KennethCrichton, but that was decades later when Montgomery had time torethink his position, plus Montgomery was barely clinging to life whenthat decision was made and so in no position to raise objections. Andonce Joe had helped slay Baron Blood, the dying Montgomery would haverecognised Joe had earned the title and hardly be so churlish as towaste his final moments demanding Joe surrender the costume to someonewho didn't even want it. - Loki

Profile by Proto-Man.

The Destroyer
should be distinguished from:

  • Destroyer - Asgardianconstruct of Odin, intended as final defense against the Celestials,activated by life force--Journey into Mystery I#118
  • Destroyer (Kevin "Keen"Marlow) - WWII era hero, shared costumed identity first with BrianFalsworth and later Roger Aubrey--Mystic Comics I#6
  • Destroyer - shared costumed identity used by Brian Falsworth during WWII before taking up the mantle of Union Jack--Invaders I#18
  • Destroyer (CharlesStanton) - costumed Soviet spy, smuggled info via submarines, defeatedby Human Torch (Johnny Storm)--Strange Tales I#101
  • Destroyer - identity used by Alex Power during a brief period in which he possessed energy abilities--Power Pack I#25
  • Destroyer - identity used by Jack Power during a brief period in which he possessed energy abilities--Power Pack I#52
  • Destroyer- Lord of Darkness & Eater of Worlds, demon-like being who visitedMaruthea, taken down by the FPA Death's Head--Doctor Who Magazine I#173
  • Destroyer - Outer Circle agent, killed in a blast of antimatter--Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#1
  • Destroyer (Sharon Carter) - costumed identity used by Sharon Carter in honor of Roger Aubrey--Captain America: Cold War Omega
  • Destroyer Darkmass of Earth-1161 - destroyer & remaker of a million realities that empowered the Sentry--Age of Sentry I#6
  • Destroyer of Demons - Yoruba tribe, received Sacred Amulet from aged witch doctor--Ghost Rider II#60
  • Destroyer of Demons - Yoruba tribe, son of the original--Ghost Rider II#60
  • Destroyer of Demons - father of Rev. Joshua Grimly, passed Sacred Amulet on to Joshua--Ghost Rider II#60
  • Destroyer of Demons (JoshuaGrimly) - Church of the Living God, encountered Ghost Rider (Blaze)& sought to stop him until seeing him save innocents--Ghost RiderII#60
  • Destroyer of the Sacred Seven - Spider-Man video game--Amazing Spider-Man Family I#6
  • Drax the Destroyer (Arthur Douglas) - human resurrected to destroy Thanos, later joined Infinity Watch & Guardians of the Galaxy--Iron Man I#55
  • Shiva the Destroyer (Si Fan Chung) - astronomer transformed by the Nest--Marvel Team-Up I Annual#1
  • or any other "Destroyer" characters
images: (without ads)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#9, frontcover (Destroyer, main image)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#7, p7, pan5(unmasked Roger Aubrey headshot, with glasses)
Invaders I#19, p8, pan2 (younger Roger Aubrey in polo outfit)
Invaders I#14, p7, pan1 (Dyna-Mite in the palm of Spirit of '76's hand)
Invaders I#22, p2, pan3 (Dyna-Mite jumping over a boat railing)
Invaders I#26, p10, pan3 (Roger Aubrey's debut as the Destroyer)
Invaders I#34, p15, pan3 (Roger Aubrey holding Destroyer uniform)
Marvels I#1, p44-45, splash page (Destroyer parachuting into Germanywith a gun)
All-Winners Comics I#6, p19, pan6 (Destroyer with bomb satchel)
All-Winners Comics I#6, p20, pan7 (Destroyer leaping over a barbed wirefence)
All-Winners Comics I#6, p21, pan5 (Destroyer disguised as a Nazi sentry)
All-Winners Comics I#7, p40, pan1 (Destroyer running from explosion)
All-Winners Comics I#7, p42, pan2 (Destroyer in undercover disguise)
All-Winners Comics I#8, p43, pan1 (Destroyer in pink trunks)
All-Winners Comics I#8, p46, pan1 (Destroyer turned to stone)
All-Winners Comics I#8, p50, pan5 (Destroyer without mask)
USA Comics I#9, p18, pan1 (Destroyer disguised as a Nazi gunner)
Avengers / Invaders I#12, p14-15, splash page (Destroyer, headshot,standing next to Blue Diamond)
Kid Komics I#4, p19, pan3 (Destroyer running down a hallway)
Kid Komics I#4, p20, pan6 (Destroyer posing as Nazi scientist Carl)
All-Winners Comics I#11, p40, pan7 (Destroyer disguised as a Nazipatrolman)
All-Winners Comics I#11, p42, pan4 (Destroyer pretending to be Hitlerto mess with Nazi patrolmen)
All-Winners Comics I#12, p40, pan6 (Destroyer running across the Frenchcoastline)
Marvel Comics Presents I#156, p9, splash page (Destroyer on the edge ofa rooftop)
Kid Komics I#6, p20, pan3 (Destroyer wrangling Nazis)
Kid Komics I#6, p22, pan6 (Destroyer disguised as a factory worker)
Marvel's Voices: Pride I#1, p1, splash page (Destroyer running intoaction)
The Twelve I#1, p1, splash page (Destroyer punching a Nazi)
History of the Marvel Universe II#2, p13, pan2 (Destroyer leaping withguns)
Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#1, p1, splash page(Roger Aubrey on crutches circa 1953)
Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#2, p3, pan5 (Aubrey inV-Battalion uniform circa 1971)
Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#3, p2, pan1 (Aubreycirca 1981)
Thunderbolts I#40, p7, pan2 (Roger Aubrey in V-Battalion PenanceCouncil uniform)
Thunderbolts I#40, p21, pan2 (Roger Aubrey in modern era Destroyercostume)
Thunderbolts I#42, p17, pan2 (Roger Aubrey, headshot in suit)
Thunderbolts I#46, p10, pan6 (Roger Aubrey with brown hair)
Thunderbolts I#49, p17, pan4 (Roger Aubrey leading the V-BattalionPenance Council)
Citizen V & the V-Battalion I#2, front cover (Roger Aubrey's dualidentities as head of the V-Battalion Penance Council & theDestroyer)
Citizen V & the V-Battalion I#2, p1, splash page (Roger Aubrey,full body image in V-Battalion uniform)
Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#1, p16, pan1 (RogerAubrey in an alternate V-Battalion Penance Council uniform)
Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#3, p6, pan5 (RogerAubrey, nearly full body image in alternate Penance Council uniform)
Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#4, p14, pan4 (RogerAubrey's soul form)
New Invaders I#4, p5, pan2 (Roger Aubrey in Destroyer sweatshirt)
New Invaders I#5, p10, pan4 (Roger Aubrey geared up)
Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America-Iron Man, p10, pan3 (RogerAubrey at Captain America's funeral)
All-New Invaders I#10, p18, pan2 (Roger Aubrey in modern Destroyercostume saying "My Goodness.")
All-New Invaders I#12, p17, pan1 (Aubrey headshot in modern Destroyercostume)
Fantastic Four V#643, p2-3, pan1 (Destroyer battling interdimensionalmonsters)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#1, p11, pan1 (Roger Aubrey inrobe)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#2, p2-3, pan3 (Roger Aubrey asRadio Two)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#7, p7, pan2 (Roger Aubrey incivilian clothes)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#8, p20,splash page (Destroyer, back in original costume)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#9, Ron Lim variant cover(Destroyer among the Invaders)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#10, p20, pan1 (death)
USA Comics I#8, p16, pan2 (Destroyer with white skullcap)

All Winners Comics I#6 (September, 1942) - "The Stone-Man Slayer!"story - uncredited writer, Mike Sekowsky (art), Stan Lee (editor)
All Winners Comics I#7 (December, 1942) - "Strike Hard!" story -uncredited writer, Mort Leav (art), Stan Lee (editor)
All Winners Comics I#8 (March, 1943) - "Spawn of the Devil!" story -uncredited writer, Mort Leav (art), Stan Lee (editor)
USAComics I#8 (May, 1943) - "Death Strikes Back" story - uncreditedwriter, Bob Oksner (pencils), Allen Bellman (inks), uncredited editor
All Winners Comics I#9 (June, 1943) - "The Flight from Peril" story -Mickey Spillane (writer), Bob Oksner (art), Vince fa*go (editor)
USA Comics I#9 (July, 1943) - "Death-Rides the Rails!" story - MickeySpillane (writer), uncredited artist & editor
All Winners Comics I#11 (December, 1943) - "The Real Hitler Inside"story - uncredited writer, Fred Bell (art), Vince fa*go (editor)
Kid Komics I#4 (1944) - "The Wings of Death" story - uncredited writer,artist & editor
USA Comics I#11 (January, 1944) - "The Commandos Strike!" story -uncredited writer, artist & editor
AllWinners Comics I#12 (March, 1944) - "The Beachhead Blitz!" story - OttoBinder (writer), Don Rico (pencils), Fred Bell (inks), uncredited editor
Kid Komics I#5 (1944) - "The Phantom Invaders" story - uncreditedwriter, artist & editor
Kid Komics I#6 (1944) - "The Dealers of Hate!" story - uncreditedwriter, Allen Bellman (art), uncredited editor
Invaders I#14 (March, 1977) - Roy Thomas (writer, editor), FrankRobbins, Frank Springer (art)
Invaders I#15 (April, 1977) - Roy Thomas (writer, editor), FrankRobbins, Frank Springer (art)
Invaders I#18 (July, 1977) - Roy Thomas (writer, editor), FrankRobbins, Frank Springer (art)
Invaders I#19 (August, 1977) - Roy Thomas (writer, editor), FrankRobbins, Frank Springer (art)
Invaders I#20 (September, 1977) - Roy Thomas (writer, editor), FrankRobbins, Frank Springer (art)
Invaders I#21 (October, 1977) - Roy Thomas (writer, editor), FrankRobbins, Frank Springer (art)
Invaders I#22 (November, 1977) - Roy Thomas (writer, editor), JimMooney, Frank Springer (art)
Invaders I#23 (December, 1977) - Roy Thomas (writer, editor), FrankRobbins, Frank Springer (art)
Invaders I#26 (March, 1978) - Roy Thomas (writer, editor), FrankRobbins, Frank Springer (art)
Invaders I#34 (November, 1978) - Don Glut (writer), Alan Kupperberg,Frank Springer (art), Roy Thomas (concept, editor)
Marvels I#1 (January, 1994) - Kurt Busiek (writer), Alex Ross (art),Marcus McLaurin (editor)
MarvelComics Presents I#156 (Early June, 1994) - "Der Zerstorer in EinsNacht" story - Dan Slott (writer), James Fry (pencils), Mark Badger(inks), Richard Ashford (editor)
Midnight Sons Unlimited I#9 (May, 1995) - "The Blazing Skull & theSpearheads of Vengeance" story - Dan Slott (writer), James W. Fry III(pencils), Andrew Pepoy (inks), Evan Skolnick (editor)
Thunderbolts I#35 (February, 2000) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), MarkBagley (pencils), Greg Adams (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Thunderbolts I#38 (May, 2000) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Mark Bagley(pencils), Scott Hanna (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Thunderbolts I#39 (June, 2000) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Mark Bagley(pencils), Scott Hanna (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Thunderbolts I#40 (July, 2000) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Mark Bagley(pencils), Scott Hanna (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Thunderbolts I#41 (August, 2000) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Mark Bagley(pencils), Greg Adams (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Thunderbolts I#42 (September, 2000) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), MarkBagley (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
ThunderboltsI#45 (December, 2000) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Patrick Zircher(pencils), Walden Wong (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Thunderbolts I#46 (January, 2001) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), MarkBagley (pencils), Greg Adams (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Thunderbolts I#47 (February, 2001) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), MarkBagley (pencils), Greg Adams, Scott Hanna (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
ThunderboltsI#48 (March, 2001) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Mark Bagley (pencils),Greg Adams, Mark McKenna (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Thunderbolts I#49 (April, 2001) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), PatrickZircher (pencils), Al Vey (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Thunderbolts I#50 (May, 2001) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Mark Bagley(pencils), Greg Adams, Al Vey, Scott Hanna (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Thunderbolts I#51 (June, 2001) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), PatrickZircher (pencils), Al Vey (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Citizen V & the V-Battalion#1 (June, 2001) -Fabian Nicieza (writer), Michael Ryan (pencils), Sean Parsons (inks),Tom Brevoort (editor)
Citizen V & the V-Battalion#2 (July, 2001) - FabianNicieza (writer), Michael Ryan (pencils), Sean Parsons (inks), TomBrevoort (editor)
CitizenV & the V-Battalion#3 (August, 2001) - Fabian Nicieza (writer),Michael Ryan (pencils), Sean Parsons (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Thunderbolts I#57 (December, 2001) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), PatrickZircher (pencils), Al Vey (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Thunderbolts I#58 (January, 2002) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), PatrickZircher (pencils), Al Vey, Adams, Perrota (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Thunderbolts I#60 (March, 2002) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), PatrickZircher (pencils), Al Vey (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
CitizenV & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#1 (March, 2002) - FabianNicieza (writer), Lewis LaRosa (pencils), Jim Royal (inks), TomBrevoort (editor)
Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#2 (May, 2002) - FabianNicieza (writer), Lewis LaRosa (pencils), Jim Royal, Scott Koblish,UDON Studios (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
CitizenV & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#3 (June, 2002) - FabianNicieza (writer), Lewis LaRosa (pencils), UDON Studios (inks, colors),Tom Brevoort (editor)
Citizen V & the V-Battalion: The Everlasting#4 (July, 2002) -Fabian Nicieza (writer), Klebs Junior (pencils), UDON Studios (inks,colors), Tom Brevoort (editor)
X-Men: The Chaos Engine, Book3: Red Skull (December, 2002) - Steven A. Roman (writer), Mark Buckingham (frontispiece), Dwight Jon Zimmerman (editor)
New Invaders I#2 (November, 2004) - Allan Jacobsen (writer), C.P. Smith(art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: GoldenAge2004 (2004) - Ronald Byrd, Michael Hoskin (writers), Mike Sekowsky(Destroyer entry art), Pondscum (artreconstruction), Jeff Youngquist (editor)
New Invaders I#4 (January, 2005) - Allan Jacobsen (writer), C.P. Smith(art), Andy Schmidt (editor)
New Invaders I#5 (February, 2005) - Allan Jacobsen (writer), C.P. Smith(art), Andy Schmidt (editor)
New Invaders I#9 (June, 2005) - Allan Jacobsen (writer), C.P. Smith(art), Andy Schmidt (editor)
Agents of Atlas I#3 (December, 2006) - Jeff Parker (writer), LeonardKirk (pencils), Kris Justice (inks), Mark Paniccia (editor)
FallenSon: The Death of Captain America - Iron Man (August, 2007) - Jeph Loeb(writer), John Cassaday (art), Bill Rosemann (editor)
TheTwelve I#1 (March, 2008) - J. Michael Straczynski (writer), ChrisWeston (pencils), Garry Leach (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
OfficialHandbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC Vol. 3 (2008)- Jeff Christiansen (head writer, coordinator), Mike Fichera (writer,art refurbishment, coordination assistant), Madison Carter, StuartVandal (writers, coordination assistants), David Wiltfong (writer, artrefurbishment), Sean McQuaid, Ronald Byrd, Michael Hoskin, Eric J.Moreels, Mark O'English, Al Sjoerdsma, Chad Anderson, Chris Biggs,Jacob Rougemont, Rich Green, Gabe Shechter (writers), David Sexton,Bill Lentz, Barry Reese, Jonathan Couper-Smartt, Anthony Flamini (pastwriters), Mike Sekowsky, John Forte, Alan Kupperberg, Frank Robbins(Destroyer (Marlowe / Aubrey) entry art), Abe Waranowitz (artrefurbishment), Pond Scum (art reconstruction), Jeff Youngquist,Jennifer Grunwald (editors)
Avengers / InvadersI#12 (August, 2009) - Alex Ross (plot), Jim Krueger (plot, script),Steve Sadowski, Jack Herbert (art), Stephen Wacker (editor)
The Twelve: Spearhead#1 (May, 2010) - Chris Weston (writer, pencils,inks), Gary Erskine (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
All-New Invaders I#10 (November, 2014) - James Robinson (writer), StevePugh (art), Mark Paniccia (editor)
All-NewInvaders I#12 (January, 2015) - James Robinson (writer), Barry Kitson(pencils), Marc Laming (pencils, inks), P. Craig Russell (inks), MarkPaniccia (editor)
All-New Invaders I#15 (April, 2015) - James Robinson (writer), StevePugh (art), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Fantastic Four V#643 (April, 2015) - James Robinson (writer), LeonardKirk (pencils), Karl Kesel (inks), Mark Paniccia (editor)
History of the Marvel Universe II#2 (October, 2019) - Mark Waid(writer), Javier Rodriguez (pencils, colors), Alvaro Lopez (inks), TomBrevoort (editor)
Sub-Mariner: Marvels Snapshots#1 (May, 2020) - Alan Brennert (writer),Jerry Ordway (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Marvel's Voices: Pride I#1 (August, 2021) - "Introduction" story -Luciano Vecchio (writer, art), Sarah Brunstad (editor)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#1 (August, 2022) - JacksonLanzing, Collin Kelly (writers), Carmen Carnero (art), Alanna Smith(editor)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#2 (September, 2022) - JacksonLanzing, Collin Kelly (writers), Carmen Carnero (art), Alanna Smith(editor)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#7 (February, 2023) - JacksonLanzing, Collin Kelly (writers), Carmen Carnero (art), Alanna Smith(editor)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#8 (March, 2023) - JacksonLanzing, Collin Kelly (writers), Carmen Carnero (art), Alanna Smith(editor)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#9 (April, 2023) - JacksonLanzing, Collin Kelly (writers), Carmen Carnero (art), Alanna Smith(editor)
CaptainAmerica: Sentinel of Liberty II#10 (May, 2023) - Jackson Lanzing,Collin Kelly (writers), Carmen Carnero (art), Alanna Smith (editor)
Love Unlimited Infinity Comic I#49 (May, 2023) - Josh Trujillo(writer), Cara McGee (art), Alanna Smith (editor)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#11 (June, 2023) - JacksonLanzing, Collin Kelly (writers), Carmen Carnero (art), Alanna Smith(editor)
Captain America: Cold War Alpha (June, 2023) - Jackson Lanzing, CollinKelly, Tochi Onyebuchi (writers), Carlos Magno (art), Alanna Smith(editor)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty II#12 (July, 2023) - JacksonLanzing, Collin Kelly (writers), Alina Erofeeva (art), Alanna Smith(editor)
Captain America: Cold War Omega (August, 2023) - Jackson Lanzing,Collin Kelly, Tochi Onyebuchi (writers), Carlos Magno (art), AlannaSmith (editor)
Captain America X#750 (September, 2023) - "Nothing But a Fight" story -Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly (writers), Carmen Carnero (art), AlannaSmith (editor)
Captain America: Finale#1 (October, 2023) - Jackson Lanzing, CollinKelly (writers), Carmen Carnero (art), Alanna Smith (editor)
Thunderbolts V#1 (February, 2024) - Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly(writers), Geraldo Borges (art), Alanna Smith (editor)

First posted:06/04/2024
Last updated: 06/04/2024

Any Additions / Corrections? please letme know.

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Destroyer (Roger Aubrey, WWII era hero) (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.