When is the best and worst time to post on Instagram in 2023? (2024)

Table of Contents
The best time to post on Instagram according to the week Global best times to post on Instagram The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Monday The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Tuesday The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Wednesday The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Thursday The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Friday The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Saturday The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Sunday Best Night to Post on Instagram The best time to post on Instagram reels according to the locations Best time to post on Instagram Australia Best time to post on Instagram in the USA Best times to post on Instagram UK Best time to post on Instagram in Malaysia Best time to post on Instagram in Canada Best time to post on Instagram in Europe Best time to post on Instagram in India Optimal Instagram Posting Times for Special Occasions The best time to post on Instagram according to the Industries Best Time to Post on Instagram for Travel and Tourism Fashion and Apparel: Stylish Times for Stylish Posts Best Time to Post on Instagram for Fitness and Wellness Food and Beverage: Savory Lunchtimes and Cozy Evenings Digital Marketing/Social Media: Business Hours for Business Minds Best Time to Post on Instagram for IT Brands The Three Pillars of Instagram Engagement How to get YOUR own best time to post on Instagram The worst time to post on Instagram Additional tips to garner engagement apart from the best times Our Other Studies: Conclusion Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

According to Instagram statistics for 2024, 2.4 Billion people people are active on Instagram on various times of a day. No wonder finding the best time to post on Instagram is crucial as 28% of GenZ makes the first move by exchanging Instagram handles and not phone numbers.

Instagram’s growth as a key space for sharing stories has led to a competitive landscape, particularly for those aiming to stand out.

While some have successfully expanded their reach, newcomers often find it challenging to attract views and interactions. A vital yet sometimes overlooked element in this struggle is timing your posts effectively. Knowing when to post can dramatically increase visibility and engagement.

So, without any further ado, let’s drop the time bomb!

The best time to post on Instagram according to the week

The success of your Instagram posts often hinges on timing. Certain times of the week, known as the best times to post on Instagram, can significantly enhance the engagement rate of your content.

By aligning your posts with these peak periods, you’re more likely to capture your audience’s attention and boost your engagement rate. Let’s delve into the optimal posting schedule to schedule Instagram posts for each day of the week to help you make the most of your Instagram strategy.

Global best times to post on Instagram

When is the best and worst time to post on Instagram in 2023? (1)

The chart indicates that posting at certain times can yield better interaction with your audience. For instance, the early afternoon hours, specifically around 1 pm and 2 pm, show increased activity, making them good times to post.

Engagement seems to dip slightly afterward but picks up once again around 3 pm and 4 pm, maintaining a solid level of engagement through 5 pm. This pattern suggests a window of opportunity for content creators to capture their audience’s attention while they are most active.

However, as the evening approaches, the question arises: is 6 pm still within the ideal range? The data suggests that 6 pm is indeed a good time to post on Instagram, as user activity remains high.

Conversely, posting at 8 pm or 9 pm may not be too late, but it’s edging towards less active periods, indicating that the level of engagement might not be as high as earlier in the day.

By 10 pm, we see a more pronounced drop, which continues into 11 pm, suggesting that these are less optimal times for posting.

When considering late-night or early-morning postings, such as at 1 am and 2 am, one might wonder if these are good times to post on Instagram.

The chart shows these times fall into the less active periods, which could lead to posts not performing as well due to lower user activity. As for midday postings, 12 pm appears to be a promising time, aligning with lunch hours when users may be checking their feeds.

The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Monday

Start your week strong by posting early in the morning, specifically around 7 a.m., to catch users as they begin their day. There’s also notable engagement at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m., offering additional windows to connect with your audience.

If you are wondering if Monday is a bad day to post on Instagram thanks to Monday blues, don’t fret. While people work away during office time, they do pay attention to Instagram in their off-work hours. It makes Mondays as good a day as any to post on Instagram.

The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Tuesday

The best time to post on Instagram on Tuesday is at 9 a.m., 1 p.m., or 2 p.m., when user activity peaks, aligning well with mid-morning starts and midday breaks.

As for whether Tuesday is a good day to post on Instagram, the data does indicate that Tuesdays can be quite effective for engagement, especially during the identified peak times. If you’re planning your social media strategy, you might find that leveraging these windows on Tuesdays could lead to better results for your posts.

The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Wednesday

The best time to post on Instagram on Wednesday is at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m., capitalizing on user engagement during early and mid-morning routines.

If you’re focusing on Eastern Time, the best time to post on Instagram on Wednesday would still be at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. ET, which corresponds with high activity periods for users on the east coast. Can you guess if it changes for the west coast? Think California before you guess!

The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Thursday

Is Thursday a good day to post on Instagram? Indeed, Thursdays can be particularly advantageous for engagement, with the period from 11 AM to 1 PM being the best time to post on Instagram.

During these hours, users are often active on their mid-morning break or beginning to think ahead to their weekend plans, offering a strategic opportunity for content creators to connect with their audience.

The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Friday

Friday is indeed a good day to post on Instagram, especially at 7 a.m., 11 a.m., and 2 p.m. These times capture the users’ anticipation for the weekend, which can enhance engagement with content that taps into the end-of-week excitement.

Is Friday afternoon a good time to post on Instagram? Yes, 2 p.m. on a Friday is an excellent time, coinciding with people winding down their workweek and planning their leisure activities.

As for Friday evening, while it isn’t specified as a peak time in the data, it could still be a good time to post, particularly if your content is related to weekend plans and nightlife. Users may be looking for inspiration and ideas for their Friday night.

Posting on Instagram Friday night can be hit-or-miss depending on your audience. While not traditionally considered a peak time, if your audience is active and your content aligns with nighttime activities, it can still be an opportune time to post.

The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Saturday

Saturdays have their own rhythm on Instagram, with the prime posting time being at 9 a.m. This slot captures users as they wake up and begin to plan their day, making it an excellent time to engage with your audience.

When deciding whether Friday or Saturday is better to post on Instagram, it generally depends on your content and audience. Fridays can be great for capturing the pre-weekend excitement, whereas Saturdays are effective for reaching users as they plan their weekend activities.

Is Saturday morning a good time to post? Absolutely, especially at 9 a.m., when users are typically checking their feeds for the day’s inspiration.

Regarding the evening, is Saturday evening a good time to post on Instagram? It can be, as long as your content suits the leisurely, weekend vibe that many users are looking for at that time.

Is Saturday night a good time to post on Instagram? This is less clear-cut. Posting on Saturday night could go either way; if your audience is more likely to be out and about, engagement could be lower. However, for some demographics, especially if you’re targeting users who are scrolling through their feeds during their night out or in, it might work well.

Is Saturday night a bad time to post on Instagram? Not necessarily bad, but it could be less optimal compared to Saturday morning when engagement is known to peak.

So, is Saturday good to post on Instagram? Yes, with Saturday mornings being particularly strong. The best time to post on Instagram on Saturday would be that 9 a.m. peak when users are most active.

Lastly, is Saturday a bad time to post on Instagram? Overall, no, but it’s crucial to align with your audience’s habits and preferences to ensure the best engagement.

The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Sunday

The Sunday best time to post on Instagram is during the midday period from 11 AM to 1 PM and in the evening from 6 PM to 9 PM, accommodating users’ relaxed pace as they enjoy their day off and start to gear up for the week ahead.

Is Sunday good to post on Instagram? Yes, Sunday can be an effective day for posting on Instagram, especially if your content aligns with the laid-back, reflective mood that many people have on this day.

While some may argue that Sunday is the worst day to post on Instagram due to potentially lower overall social media usage as people spend time with family or engage in offline activities, this doesn’t necessarily hold true for all audiences. Engagement patterns can vary, and for some, Sundays may be a day of high social media activity as they relax at home.

Regarding the evening, is Sunday night a good time to post? According to the observed engagement windows, Sunday night can indeed be a good time to post on Instagram, as people are often on their devices preparing for the upcoming workweek.

Best Night to Post on Instagram

When is the best and worst time to post on Instagram in 2023? (2)

When considering whether midnight is a good time to post on Instagram, it’s essential to understand your audience’s habits. Posting on Instagram at night, in general, can tap into a niche audience that scrolls through their feed during the quieter hours.

We asked someone who works in the nightlife niche and has an active Instagram page. Even they recommend avoiding nights if you can.

The best time at night to post on Instagram may vary, but typically, engagement begins to wane as the night progresses. However, posting at night on Instagram could be strategic if your target audience is active during these hours, including night owls or those in different time zones.

Friday nights might capture an audience looking to kick off their weekend and engage with content related to leisure and entertainment, potentially making it a good time to post.

On the other hand, Saturday nights could be hit or miss; while some users are out enjoying their weekend, others might be browsing their feed, creating an opportunity for certain types of content.

For Sunday nights, the scenario changes; it is generally a good time to post on Instagram as users are winding down and preparing for the week ahead, often spending time on their devices.

Posting late at night on Instagram on a Sunday can catch this audience, providing a calm end to their weekend.

In conclusion, while posting at night on Instagram is not inherently bad, its success is contingent on the nature of your content and the lifestyle of your followers.

To maximize engagement, consider the days of the week and the unique patterns of night-time activity among your audience.

The best time to post on Instagram reels according to the locations

Worried about finding the best local times to post on Instagram when you live in different regions around the world? Don’t fret! We’ve got you covered.

In this section, we’ll provide insights into the best times to post on Instagram for various locations. Whether you’re in Australia, the USA, the UK, Malaysia, Canada, or Europe, we’ll help you navigate the ideal best times to post on Instagram to boost your Instagram engagement and reach your audience effectively.

Let’s dive into the specifics of when and where to make the most of your Instagram posts.

Australia6 PM – 8 PM11 AM – 1 PM
United States of America8 AM, 5 PM9 AM
United Kingdom8 AM, 5 PM12 PM – 2 PM
Malaysia12 PM – 2 PM, 6 PM – 8 PM10 AM – 12 PM
Canada9 AM, 6 PM10 AM – 12 PM
Europe8 AM, 5 PM10 AM
India7:30 PM8:30 PM

Best Time to Post Reels on Instagram: Generally, early mornings and late afternoons on weekdays and mid-mornings on weekends are effective across multiple locations. Adjust these times based on the specific engagement patterns of your audience in their respective time zones.

Best time to post on Instagram Australia

When is the best and worst time to post on Instagram in 2023? (3)

In Australia, the best time to post on Instagram is during weekdays from 6 PM to 8 PM, capturing the post-work and relaxation period. Weekends show a shift, with 11 AM to 1 PM being prime as Aussies enjoy their midday leisure time, often checking social media during brunch or outdoor activities.

Best time to post on Instagram in the USA

When is the best and worst time to post on Instagram in 2023? (4)

In the United States, the best times to post on Instagram are at 8 AM and 5 PM Eastern Time on weekdays, catching both the morning rush and the post-work unwind. On weekends, 9 AM Eastern Time is particularly effective as people enjoy a slower start to their day.

For specific regions within the U.S., like Florida, aligning with Eastern Time means that 8 AM and 5 PM are also the most effective times to post on weekdays, and 9 AM on weekends. In California, where Pacific Time is used, adjusting these times to 8 AM and 5 PM Pacific Time on weekdays and 9 AM on weekends will help maximize engagement with local audiences.

Best times to post on Instagram UK

When is the best and worst time to post on Instagram in 2023? (5)

In the United Kingdom, the best times to post on Instagram are 8 AM and 5 PM on weekdays, which cater to early risers and those winding down after work, respectively. Weekend activity sees a peak between 12 PM and 2 PM, capturing users during their midday break.

For Saturday specifically, the optimal time to post on Instagram in the UK is between 12 PM and 2 PM, taking advantage of the high user engagement during lunchtime hours.

Best time to post on Instagram in Malaysia

In Malaysia, the best times to post on Instagram are from 12 PM to 2 PM and again from 6 PM to 8 PM on weekdays, aligning well with lunch breaks and post-work relaxation periods. Weekend Instagram activity is most effective from 10 AM to 12 PM, capturing users during their leisurely morning routines.

For Saturday specifically, the optimal time to post on Instagram in Malaysia is between 10 AM and 12 PM, when users are typically engaged in casual browsing and social interactions.

Best time to post on Instagram in Canada

When is the best and worst time to post on Instagram in 2023? (6)

Canadians are active at 9 AM, catching the morning crowd, and again at 6 PM, just as they are wrapping up their day. On weekends, the late morning hours from 10 AM to 12 PM see higher engagement, likely as Canadians enjoy a slower start to their weekend days.

Best time to post on Instagram in Europe

Europe’s diverse time zones don’t hinder the consistency of Instagram engagement, with 8 AM and 5 PM on weekdays being popular. These times capture the start and end of most people’s daily routines. On weekends, 10 AM sees a spike, fitting into a relaxed weekend morning schedule across the continent.

Best time to post on Instagram in India

In India, the best times to post on Instagram for maximum engagement are around 7:30 PM on weekdays and Saturday evenings at 8:30 PM. These times are optimal for catching users during their leisure and relaxation periods.

Optimal Instagram Posting Times for Special Occasions

New Year’s Eve: The best time to post on Instagram on New Year’s Eve is in the late afternoon, around 4 PM to 6 PM, when people are preparing for evening celebrations and likely to be checking updates and sending greetings.

Christmas Day: On Christmas Day, early morning posts around 8 AM to 9 AM are effective as people begin their day and share festive moments, while a later post around 5 PM to 6 PM can catch those winding down from the day’s activities.

Halloween: For Halloween, posting in the early evening, around 3 PM to 5 PM, is optimal as it captures the excitement before nightfall when costumes and festivities begin.

Labor Day: Labor Day tends to see good engagement when posting in the morning around 9 AM to 11 AM, as people enjoy a relaxed start to the holiday, often checking social media during breakfast or brunch.

Mother’s Day: The best time to post on Instagram on Mother’s Day is mid-morning, around 9 AM to 10 AM, when many are sharing tributes and family photos.

Valentine’s Day: On Valentine’s Day, posting early in the morning around 8 AM to 9 AM is effective for reaching those looking to celebrate or share messages of love, as well as an evening post around 7 PM to 8 PM as celebrations continue.

Overall, while these times are generally effective, it’s crucial to consider your specific audience and any regional differences in how these holidays are celebrated.

The best time to post on Instagram according to the Industries

So far we have seen the best times to post on Instagram according to days and locations. But what if you belong to a particular industry? How will you crack the code?

No need to worry! In this section, we’ve customized the optimal posting times for Instagram stories, reels, and posts according to the different industries like travel, fashion, fitness, food, digital marketing, and IT.

So, say goodbye to confusion, as we provide straightforward industry-specific posting times. Let’s explore these tailored insights and elevate your Instagram strategy.

IndustryWeekdaysWeekendsBest Days
Travel and Tourism10 AM – 12 PM, 7 PM – 9 PM9 AM – 11 AM, 4 PM – 6 PMTuesdays, Wednesdays
Fashion and Apparel12 PM – 2 PM, 7 PM – 9 PM9 AM – 11 AM, 5 PM – 7 PMSaturdays
Fitness and Wellness6 AM – 8 AM, 5 PM – 7 PM8 AM – 10 AM, 4 PM – 6 PMTuesdays, Wednesdays
Food and Beverage12 PM – 2 PMSunday eveningsWeekends
Digital Marketing/Social Media9 AM – 11 AM, 1 PM – 3 PMN/AMondays to Thursdays
IT Brands10 AM – 12 PMWeekend afternoonsTuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays

Best Time to Post on Instagram for Travel and Tourism

When is the best and worst time to post on Instagram in 2023? (7)

For travel and tourism, the ideal Instagram times are weekdays between 10 AM to 12 PM and 7 PM to 9 PM, capturing the imagination of audiences planning their next adventure.

Weekends from 9 AM to 11 AM and 4 PM to 6 PM also work well, aligning with leisurely browsing. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the standout days for engagement in this sector.

Fashion and Apparel: Stylish Times for Stylish Posts

In the fashion and apparel industry, posting between 12 PM to 2 PM and 7 PM to 9 PM on weekdays aligns perfectly with fashion enthusiasts’ lunch breaks and evening relaxation times. On weekends, aim for 9 AM to 11 AM and 5 PM to 7 PM, especially on Saturdays, when engagement peaks as people seek style inspiration for the week ahead.

Best Time to Post on Instagram for Fitness and Wellness

When is the best and worst time to post on Instagram in 2023? (8)

For fitness and wellness content, early mornings (6 AM to 8 AM) and evenings (5 PM to 7 PM) on weekdays are key, resonating with users’ workout routines and wellness activities. On weekends, the target audience is active from 8 AM to 10 AM and 4 PM to 6 PM. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are especially good for engaging with health-conscious followers.

Food and Beverage: Savory Lunchtimes and Cozy Evenings

The food and beverage industry sees the most interaction during lunch hours (12 PM to 2 PM) on weekdays and Sunday evenings. This timing is perfect for sharing mouth-watering content when people are thinking about their next meal. Weekends generally are great for engaging foodies planning their culinary adventures.

Digital Marketing/Social Media: Business Hours for Business Minds

For digital marketing and social media content, the best times to post on Instagram are within standard business hours on weekdays, particularly from 9 AM to 11 AM and 1 PM to 3 PM. This aligns with professionals and businesses being active online, mostly from Monday to Thursday.

Best Time to Post on Instagram for IT Brands

When is the best and worst time to post on Instagram in 2023? (9)

IT brands find the most engagement during late mornings (10 AM to 12 PM) on weekdays, a time when tech enthusiasts and professionals take breaks to check updates. Weekend afternoons also offer a significant window for engagement.

Peak days for this industry are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, aligning with when tech audiences are most receptive to new information and innovations.

To summarize, in terms of the best time to upload stories on Instagram, it’s important to consider when your audience is most likely to be checking their phones for updates.

Typically, morning hours like 9 AM to 11 AM and evening hours from 7 PM to 9 PM on weekdays are ideal, with adjustments based on industry-specific trends as noted above.

For instance, if you’re in the travel industry, posting stories early in the morning or late in the evening can capture your audience’s attention as they plan their day or unwind.

Similarly, the best time to upload reels on Instagram should align with peak user activity times within your specific industry. For example, for fitness and wellness, early morning and evening are key times when followers might seek motivational content.

In the fashion sector, midday and late evening slots can be particularly effective to showcase new outfits or fashion tips when followers are likely to engage with leisurely content. Each industry’s highlighted times provide a useful guide to maximizing the impact of your reels by posting when your audience is most receptive.

The Three Pillars of Instagram Engagement

Getting in touch with the three main pillars of engagement can help a user boost their Instagram profile with ease. These are not just pillars but are a secret weapon to your Instagram engagement.

Want to know which are those? Well then, move to the next section:

Interest: The Instagram algorithm is very smart. It shows or suggests users content similar to what they’ve already liked or interacted with. This implies if you are generating content that is enjoyed by your followers, then the likelihood of them staying on your page increases. Think of it as your friend recommending a few films after discussing them based on interests.

Recency: Timing is everything, right? Instagram thinks so too. The platform favors newer posts, putting them front and center. So, if you post when your audience is most active, you’re playing right into Instagram’s hands, giving your content a better shot at being seen. It’s like catching someone just as they’re looking for something to watch.

Relationship: Instagram is all about building community and not just about likes and views. If people regularly interact with your posts – think comments, shares, likes – Instagram takes this as a sign that they value your content. So, it bumps your posts higher on their feed. Hence, create content that sparks conversations and strengthens your bond with your followers.

How to get YOUR own best time to post on Instagram

If you are just starting out, then you might want to follow the general best time to post on Instagram given by the experts, i.e. between 9 AM to 4 PM on weekdays, as during these hours people are habituated to using their phones more often.

However, if you are still not getting the results then we recommend you use this tried and tested method, given by our experts. By using this method you will gain a good insight into what works for your engagement and what doesn’t. The good news, it is a more personalized approach to finding YOUR best time to post on Instagram. Here is a short tutorial on this method:

Access Instagram Insights: First, make sure you have a Business or Creator account on Instagram, as this gives you access to Instagram Insights. Go to your profile, tap the menu (three lines), and then tap ‘Insights’.

When is the best and worst time to post on Instagram in 2023? (10)

Analyze Your Audience’s Active Times: In Insights, under the “Overview tab” look for the “Total followers” option. Scroll down and you’ll find data about when your followers are most active on the platform, broken down by days of the week and hours of the day.

When is the best and worst time to post on Instagram in 2023? (11)

Record the Data in a Spreadsheet: Open a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. If you prefer Google Sheet a template is attached below. If you prefer your own Excel sheet then, create a new sheet and label columns for days of the week and rows for hours of the day. Input the data from Instagram Insights into the spreadsheet, noting the peak activity times. Every time there is a good response, add one to the cell for that day and hour. Every time the post goes bust, subtract one for that day and hour.

When is the best and worst time to post on Instagram in 2023? (12)

Identify Patterns: Over several weeks, regularly update your spreadsheet with the latest data from Instagram Insights. Look for patterns to emerge – the darker cell represents the best time, while the lighter ones represents the least or worst.

When is the best and worst time to post on Instagram in 2023? (13)

Test and Adjust: Based on your findings, schedule posts on Instagram during these identified peak times. Keep an eye on the engagement these posts receive. In your spreadsheet, track likes, comments, shares, and any other relevant metrics.

Iterate and Refine: Over time, you’ll gather enough data to accurately identify the best times to post for your specific audience. Adjust your posting schedule as needed based on ongoing insights and trends.

Stay Updated: Remember that audience behaviors can change, so it’s important to periodically revisit your analytics and update your spreadsheet to reflect any new patterns.

For your ease, we have linked the spreadsheet below. All you need to do is make a copy of it and then use it.

The worst time to post on Instagram

Like best times, exist worst times that one should be aware of while posting on Instagram. Here are a few of them.

Time FrameWeekdaysWeekendsNotes
Late Night and Early MorningAfter 9 PM and before 6 AMAfter 10 PM and before 8 AMLow engagement as most are sleeping or inactive
Standard Work Hours9 AM to 5 PMN/ALower engagement due to work/school activities
Weekend Afternoons (Saturday)Not ApplicableAfternoon (Time Varies)Drop in engagement due to outdoor activities
Sunday EveningsNot ApplicableEvening (Time Varies)Mixed engagement as users prepare for the week
During Major EventsVaries (During event times)Varies (During event times)Engagement drops as attention shifts to events

Late Night and Early Morning Hours: During both weekdays and weekends, very late at night (after 9 PM on weekdays and after 10 PM on weekends) and early in the morning (before 6 AM on weekdays and before 8 AM on weekends) are typically not optimal for engagement.

Most people are either sleeping or just starting their day and not actively checking their Instagram accounts. Given these trends, posting late at night on Instagram is generally not recommended as engagement tends to be lower, with most users less likely to be active and scrolling through their feeds during these hours.

Standard Work Hours on Weekdays: On weekdays, the hours from 9 AM to 5 PM often show lower engagement because many people are occupied with work or school activities.

Weekend Afternoons: Specifically, on Saturdays, afternoons can experience a drop in engagement as this is a common time for outdoor activities, errands, or social events.

Sunday Evenings: Engagement can be hit or miss on Sunday evenings. While some users might be active, others may be preparing for the week ahead and less engaged on social media. Sundays are thus the worst days to post on Instagram.

Check out our comprehensive guide on the best and worst times to post on social media for maximum engagement!

During Major Events: Anytime there is a major event, like a popular sports game or a significant cultural event, Instagram reels activity can decrease as attention is diverted elsewhere. My mentor always said It is the worst time to post Reels on Instagram if people are busy watching a bigger screen.

Additional tips to garner engagement apart from the best times

Collecting the best times to post on Instagram is just a part of the puzzle. Here are some extra tips to stimulate your engagement:

Be Authentic and Consistent:Authenticity is key on Instagram. Show the real you or the true essence of your brand. Also, do not forget to be consistent in your posting schedule as consistency in posting keeps your audience engaged and looking forward to your content. It’s like being a reliable friend who always has your back.

Make Use of Analytics: Instagram Analytics is a perfect tool that should be utilized to get a better insight into what’s working for you and what’s not. It’s like having a customized and detailed map of what your target audience likes, their tastes, and when they are online. By regularly reviewing your Instagram Analytics, you can track changes in your engagement rate.

Use Trendy and Relevant Hashtags: Using trending and relevant hashtags can help your posts reach a wider audience who are interested in those specific topics. Even many great influencers and experts have advised us to use hashtags wisely. Think of hashtags as a way to get your content into the right circles.

Use Trendy Music: Adding popular music to your stories or reels can make your content more relatable and enjoyable. It’s a simple touch that can add a lot of personality and appeal to your posts.

Don’t Ignore New Instagram Features: In recent years Instagram has updated its platform with a ton of new features, like Reels, IGTV, or Stories stickers. So, try using them to stand out and show you’re up-to-date with the latest trends.

Try Different Post-types: Mix it up with reels, photos, videos, carousels, and different content types. Variety keeps your feed interesting and caters to different preferences in your audience.

Our Other Studies:

  • Best time to post on Facebook
  • Best time to post on TikTok
  • Best time to upload to YouTube
  • Best time to post on Twitter
  • Best time to post on Pinterest
  • Best time to post on Reddit


To thrive on Instagram, timing your posts correctly is crucial. It’s about sharing your content when most of your followers are online, which boosts the chances of it being seen and interacted with.

Understanding when your audience is most active isn’t just about posting; it’s about connecting meaningfully with them. This requires observing your audience’s behavior and adapting your strategy accordingly.

Use Instagram’s analytics tools to track your followers’ habits and experiment with various posting times for the best results. The digital world is always changing, so flexibility and responsiveness in your approach are essential. With a thoughtful strategy and consistent effort, you can enhance your presence on Instagram and engage effectively with your community.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I post on Instagram?

Well, there’s no perfect answer for the query, but generally, posting on mid-week days like Tuesday to Thursday, especially during lunch hours (11 AM to 1 PM) and evenings (7 PM to 9 PM), works great. Just keep in mind, your audience’s routines and their time zones can make a difference here.

Is Monday a good day to post on Instagram?

Yes, Monday can be a good day to post on Instagram, particularly if your audience is looking to kickstart their week with fresh content. It’s often a time when users are getting back into their routine and may be more likely to check social media to catch up after the weekend. For specific industries like digital marketing or social media, Monday is especially effective, as it’s a prime time to engage professionals who are setting their agendas and looking for updates at the start of the work week.

What’s the best day of the week to post on Instagram?

The best day of the week to post on Instagram can vary depending on your audience and their habits, but generally, midweek days like Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday tend to see high engagement. Many studies and data analyses suggest that these days are effective because users are well into their weekly routines but not yet winding down for the weekend, making them more likely to engage with content. Specifically, posting on Wednesday has often been cited as optimal for achieving maximum visibility and engagement.

When to post on Instagram on a Sunday?

On Sundays, the best times to post on Instagram are typically during midday from 11 AM to 1 PM and in the early evening from 6 PM to 9 PM. These times align with how people generally use their Sundays: relaxing, scrolling through their feeds during a leisurely lunch, or preparing for the week ahead in the evening. Posting during these windows can help you capture your audience’s attention when they’re more likely to be relaxed and engaging with content.

Does it matter what time you post on Instagram?

Yes, the time you post on Instagram can significantly impact the engagement your content receives. Instagram’s algorithm tends to prioritize showing newer posts in users’ feeds, so posting when your audience is most active is crucial for maximizing visibility and interaction.

Is Saturday a good time to post on Instagram?

Saturday can be a good time to post on Instagram, but it often depends on your audience and the nature of your content. Saturdays generally see different user behavior compared to weekdays, with people typically engaging more in leisure activities and potentially checking social media at different times.

When is the best and worst time to post on Instagram in 2023? (14)

Dinesh Agarwal

Dr. Dinesh Agarwal is a research scientist turned entrepreneur. He is fascinated with the social media world and has been working in the industry since 2013, where he built his first social media management tool that got acquired a few years later. He likes sharing his experience on podcasts, conferences and via his articles.

When is the best and worst time to post on Instagram in 2023? (2024)


When is the best and worst time to post on Instagram in 2023? ›

According to 2023 HubSpot research, the best time to post on Instagram is from 6PM-8:59PM. 8PM in particular is the best time to post for optimal engagement. The best day to post is on Friday, followed by Saturday and Wednesday.

How to check best time to post on Instagram in 2023? ›

According to 2023 HubSpot research, the best time to post on Instagram is from 6PM-8:59PM. 8PM in particular is the best time to post for optimal engagement. The best day to post is on Friday, followed by Saturday and Wednesday.

What time is Instagram highest usage? ›

✅ From Monday through Friday, between 10 AM and 3 PM, you are likely to get the most consistent levels of engagement. ✅ Sunday is the worst day to post on Instagram (no surprises for guessing here!). ✅ From around 11 PM to 3 AM, late-night hours are seen to have the lowest engagement for almost every day of the week.

What is the best time to post reels on Instagram today 2023? ›

Overall, the best day and time to post Reels on Instagram is between 9 AM and 12 PM from Monday to Thursday. We've reached this conclusion after monitoring the Reel engagement of over 50,000 Instagram accounts across various industries and locations. But that doesn't mean that these time frames will work for everyone.

What is the most popular Instagram post 2023? ›

According to that, the year's biggest posts came from entertainment multi-hyphenate Selena Gomez, soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo, and a photographer who captured a colorful sky. The top post on that list from 2023 is a reel of a vibrant sunset from user @jiangzhibin24, which has about 34.5 million likes.

Is it better to post early or late on Instagram? ›

The best times to post on Instagram are weekdays generally between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., with Tuesdays and Wednesdays engagement times extending to 4 p.m. We recommend scheduling posts Tuesdays through Thursdays between 10 and and 3 p.m. for optimal engagement.

How many hashtags should I use on Instagram? ›

Instagram recommends using between 3-5 hashtags on a single post. However, you can use up to 30 hashtags if you place them within the first comment on the post for even greater visibility. Do hashtags work for Instagram? Yes, you can use hashtags within a post, Reel or Story, and we highly recommend you do so.

Should I post everyday on Instagram 2023? ›

For brands that maintain a healthy mix of stories, reels, carousels, and single static images, it's best to post 2-3 feed posts per week. That's the industry standard.

How to get Instagram posts seen? ›

8 Ways to Get Noticed on Instagram
  1. Choose Appealing Aesthetics.
  2. Find Your Niche.
  3. Use Engaging Captions.
  4. Be Smart With Your Hashtags.
  5. Post at the Right Time.
  6. Be Interactive.
  7. Use Instagram Stories.
  8. Look at Your Competition.
Aug 16, 2023

How to check when your audience is most active on Instagram 2023? ›

Click on your profile photo on the bottom left of the window to navigate to your Instagram account. Click on the View insights link underneath your Instagram bio. Scroll down to Followers to see your audience's most active times.

What is the best post format for Instagram 2023? ›

Instagram recommends an aspect ratio of 16:9 for horizontal photos. The height of these photos should be at least 1080px. Standards for Square photos are 1:1 with the resolution being 1080px by 1080px. Meanwhile, vertical posts have a standard ratio of 4:5 with an image size of 1080px by 1350px.

How do I increase my reach on Instagram 2023? ›

10 Easy Way To Increase Your Instagram Engagement In 2023
  1. Instagram Engagement Through Stories Stickers. ...
  2. Use Powerful Memes. ...
  3. Create Saveable Graphics. ...
  4. Share Valuable Information in Carousel Posts. ...
  5. Include Call to Actions In Your Captions. ...
  6. Use Your Personality. ...
  7. Scheduling on Instagram Is Key. ...
  8. Giveaway And Contest.
Sep 13, 2023

Can you schedule a post on Instagram 2023? ›

After years of users asking for it, Instagram finally added in-app scheduling near the end of 2022. Users are able to schedule up to 25 posts per day and up to 75 days in advance. Keep in mind, only business profiles have access to this feature. Personal profiles are unable to schedule content.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Views: 6428

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.