When Is The Best Time To Post On Instagram? (2024)

Wondering when you should post on Instagram to get the most visibility and engagement?

The best time to post on Instagram isn’t an exact science, but as a general guideline, the best time to post is roughly morning to midday. If you conduct an extensive search, you’ll be simply surprised to see all sorts of variations.

But we bet the underlying statement will stay the same. Every study acknowledges that the best time to post will vary per account.


Because every business is different, and every audience is different. Depending on your brand, you may appeal more to early risers, while another brand appeals more to nighthawks.

Before we break down the exact steps to finding your best time to post, let’s see why this is even an integral part of Instagram strategy.

Table of Contents

  • Why does it matter when you post on Instagram?
  • 3 Factors that impact the best time to post on Instagram
    • 1. Audience location
    • 2. B2B vs. B2C
    • 3. Industry
  • When is the best time to post on Instagram each day of the week?
  • What are the average best times to post on Instagram?
  • How to determine the best time to post on Instagram?
  • What is the best time to post Reels and Stories on Instagram?
  • What about the posting frequency?
  • Final words
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • 1. Do the best times to post on Instagram vary by industry or niche?
    • 2. Is it better to post at the same time every day or to vary your posting schedule?
    • 3. How long should I analyze my engagement data after changing my posting schedule?

Why does it matter when you post on Instagram?

Instagram’s algorithm prioritizes new content. Therefore, you will see the best results and gain the most followers if you post content when your audience is currently online. Your post will have better traction in the first few hours of the posting itself.

That’s why post when your target audience is most likely to binge-scroll. If that’s the end goal, it’s the key to unlocking more engagement, thus, massive conversions. Additionally, posting at the right time can help improve your account’s overall performance and increase the chances of your posts being featured on the Explore page.

Now that you are clear with the why part, let’s sort the factors in priority that decide your best time to post on Instagram.

3 Factors that impact the best time to post on Instagram

There are countless factors that could impact your best time to post, but here are the most impactful ones:

1. Audience location

If your audience is in one time zone, finding the best time to post is probably easy with some experimentation. In case you have an international audience, or an audience spread across several time zones, you should stagger your posts by hitting the optimal posting time in each key time zone throughout the day.

Explore your audience demographics with Keyhole

2. B2B vs. B2C

If you post B2B Instagram content that’s meant to appeal to people when they are in “work mode”, you should post during core business hours. If you have a wider consumer audience, your post timings don’t need to be as restricted.

At the same time, if you cater to customers who are individuals, then your best time to post is when they are enjoying a much-deserved break. Grab their attention when they are most likely to shop for themselves or loved ones to ensure your brand gets imprinted in their minds for a while.

3. Industry

Different industries see different peak engagement times. For example, some studies have found that travel and tourism posts fared best on Friday mornings, whereas media and entertainment posts fared between Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.

The best way to determine yours is to monitor a few competitor profiles and see what time range works best for them. This is a hit-and-trial method but worth a shot.

When is the best time to post on Instagram each day of the week?

People’s routines change based on the day of the week, which means their social media routines will be impacted too.

As per Statusbrew studies, they have pretty much summed up their findings as follows:

  • If you want to get the most engagement on your Instagram posts, try Tuesdays!
  • Want to keep your engagement levels consistent? Posting between 10 AM and 3 PM from Monday to Friday is your best bet.
  • We all know Sundays are for relaxing, but they’re also the worst day to post on Instagram. Keep that in mind!
  • Late nights might seem like a good time to post, but they actually have the lowest engagement. Stick to posting during the day for better results.

While Influencer Marketing Hub cites the following:

  • Tuesday and Wednesday are great days to post on Instagram for maximum reach and engagement.
  • On Tuesdays, post between 4-10 AM to catch people during their morning routine.
  • For Wednesdays, aim to share your posts between 7-11 AM to reach people during their workday.
  • Finally, consider posting early in the afternoon on Fridays, around 2 PM.

See what Search Engine Journal concludes with:

  • On Mondays, try posting at 6 AM, 11 AM, or 1 PM during their morning and lunch breaks.
  • For Tuesdays, aim for 8-10 AM or 2 PM to reach people during their morning commute or mid-afternoon slump.
  • Wednesdays are great for posting between 9-11 AM during the mid-morning work break.
  • Thursdays are a good day for posting between 11 AM-2 PM or 7 PM, as people are active on Instagram during their lunch hour or after work.
  • Fridays are best for posting between 10 AM-12 PM or 2-4 PM, as people often wind down for the weekend.
  • On Saturdays, try posting between 8-11 AM.
  • Finally, Sundays are great for posting between 6-8 PM, as people often relax at home and scroll through their feeds.

Remember, these are just suggestions, and it’s important to experiment with different posting times to see what works best for your audience.

What are the average best times to post on Instagram?

We did our own digging, and these were the best times to post on day to day basis:

When Is The Best Time To Post On Instagram? (1)

How to determine the best time to post on Instagram?

To determine the best time to post for your Instagram account, experiment! Here are some ways to do that:

1. Use Instagram Insights

When Is The Best Time To Post On Instagram? (2)

If you have a business account on Instagram, you can access Instagram Insights, which provides a wealth of data on your audience’s behavior. Check out the “Audience” tab to see when your followers are most active on the app.

2. Experiment with different times

When Is The Best Time To Post On Instagram? (3)

Try posting at different times of the day and track your engagement data. You can use third-party tools like Keyhole to schedule posts and analyze your results.Keyhole lets you schedule unlimited posts so keep the ball rolling.

This is the best-ever hack if your audiences dwell in multiple time zones. Schedule as many posts as possible to find your preferred timings.

Schedule your weekly posts in one go

3. Consider your audience

When Is The Best Time To Post On Instagram? (4)

Think about the demographics of your audience and when they are most likely to be online. For example, if your target audience is youth, they may be more active on Instagram during the late night or weekends.

You can use Keyhole’ optimal post time feature to see when your posts fetch you most engagement.

Know your best time to post on Instagram

4. Analyze your competitors

When Is The Best Time To Post On Instagram? (5)

Check out the Instagram accounts of your competitors or similar brands to see when they are posting and what kind of content is performing well.

Get granular insights by tracking multiple Instagram profiles of your competitors on Keyhole. You’ll get a baseline for your overall Instagram posting strategy from the number of posts to monitoring their engagement rate.

Find your engagement rate on Instagram

What is the best time to post Reels and Stories on Instagram?

Generally, the best time to post reels on Instagram is between 9 AM and 12 PM from Monday to Thursday. The day-wise breakup of the best time to post reels is as follows:

  • Monday: 3 am, 7 pm
  • Tuesday: 12 am, 1 am, 6 am
  • Wednesday: 4 am, 6 am, 9 pm
  • Thursday: 6 am, 4 pm.
  • Friday: 2 am, 11 am, 1 pm

The best time to post Instagram stories is generally during off-work hours, such as early morning (6-7 AM), lunchtime (11 AM-1 PM), and after work (7-9 PM). However, it’s important to consider your specific audience and their behavior.

Track your Instagram Stories and Reels on Keyhole

What about the posting frequency?

Again, this largely depends on the nature of your business. Here’s what is the common recommendation for a decent growth and visibility of your brand on Instagram:

  • Post at least once per day to keep your audience engaged and maintain a consistent presence on the platform. However, quality is more important than quantity, so focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience.
  • There is no set rule for how many reels you should post weekly. It’s better to post one well-produced, relatable reel per week than several low-quality reels that don’t perform well.
  • Instagram Stories are a great way to share behind-the-scenes content, promote limited-time offers, and informally engage with your audience. You can post multiple stories daily, but keep them interesting and relevant to your brand.

Final words

Finding the best time to post on Instagram can be a valuable strategy to increase your reach and engagement and, ultimately, grow your account. While there are suggested best times to post based on research, it’s important to remember that every brand is unique, and you should experiment with different posting times and analyze your engagement data to see what works best for your specific audience.

If you’re looking for a tool to help you track your Instagram analytics and optimize your posting schedule, Keyhole can be a great option. Keyhole offers a 14-day free trial that allows you to track your Instagram metrics, monitor your competitors, and get insights into your audience’s behavior. To start tracking your best posting times, start your Keyhole trial today.

Try Keyhole for free

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do the best times to post on Instagram vary by industry or niche?

Yes, the best times to post on Instagram can vary depending on your industry or niche. For example, if you're in the fashion industry, your audience may be more active on Instagram during the evening or on weekends when they have more free time to browse. If you're in the B2B space, your audience may be more active during work hours on weekdays. It's important to analyze your audience's behavior to determine the best times to post for your niche.

2. Is it better to post at the same time every day or to vary your posting schedule?

Maintaining a consistent posting schedule on Instagram is generally recommended to keep your audience engaged and maintain a presence on the platform. However, it's also important to vary your posting times to reach different audience segments. For example, if you typically post in the morning, try posting in the evening to reach more active users.

3. How long should I analyze my engagement data after changing my posting schedule?

It's recommended to analyze your engagement data at least 2 weeks after changing your posting schedule. This allows enough time to gather sufficient data and see the impact of your changes on your engagement rates. However, remember that Instagram's algorithm is always changing, so it's important to continue monitoring your analytics and adjusting your strategy as needed.

When Is The Best Time To Post On Instagram? (2024)


When Is The Best Time To Post On Instagram? ›

The best times to post on Instagram

Is 1 o'clock a good time to post? ›

The worst hourlong periods to post on social media are 2:00 AM, 3:00 AM, and 1:00 AM in your target audience's time zone. The best times the top . 5% of organizations post on social media are 12:00 PM, 6:00 PM, and 9:00 AM in their target audience's time zones.

Should I post on Instagram at the weekend? ›

Weekend posting tends to be one of the worst times to post your content, mainly because when people are home for the weekend, they are not quite as concerned with scrolling Instagram. There is one exception, however, namely when it involves Instagram Stories and Instagram Reels.

How consistently should I post on Instagram? ›

Here's how often you should post according to industry best practices:
  1. Most brands share Instagram posts a minimum of 2-3 times per week and no more than 1-2 times per day.
  2. For determining the best time to post on Instagram for your account, use the professional dashboard inside the Instagram app.
Jan 24, 2023

Is it better to post early or late on Instagram? ›

The best times to post on Instagram are weekdays generally between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., with Tuesdays and Wednesdays engagement times extending to 4 p.m. We recommend scheduling posts Tuesdays through Thursdays between 10 and and 3 p.m. for optimal engagement.

When to not post on Instagram? ›

The worst time to post on Instagram

Late Night and Early Morning Hours: During both weekdays and weekends, very late at night (after 9 PM on weekdays and after 10 PM on weekends) and early in the morning (before 6 AM on weekdays and before 8 AM on weekends) are typically not optimal for engagement.

What is the perfect post time? ›

Overall, the best time to post on social media is during the mid-week days (Wednesday and Thursday) in the mornings (7 AM to 9 AM), early afternoons (1 PM to 3 PM), and in the evenings (7 PM to 9 PM).

Does the time you post on Instagram matter? ›

Our data shows that the time you post on Instagram does matter. Analyzing more than 5 million Instagram posts showed that content posted at specific times had higher engagement rates. That said, a high-engagement posting time is not going to be enough to save a low-quality Instagram post.

Should I post on Instagram Friday morning? ›

Best Times to Post on Instagram (in Your Local Time Zone)

Wednesday: 5 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m. Thursday: 5 a.m. to 6 a.m., 11a. m. to 1 p.m. Friday: 7 a.m., 11 a.m., 2 p.m.

How many hashtags should I use on Instagram? ›

Instagram recommends using between 3-5 hashtags on a single post. However, you can use up to 30 hashtags if you place them within the first comment on the post for even greater visibility. Do hashtags work for Instagram? Yes, you can use hashtags within a post, Reel or Story, and we highly recommend you do so.

Does Instagram want you to post everyday? ›

It's recommended to post three stories a day evenly spaced out around popular viewing times for your target audience. Instagram isn't particularly forthcoming with tips on how to optimize your strategy for its algorithm, but it has occasionally given some advice.

When you post too much on Instagram? ›

As a result, you may lose key ranking signals and your reach and engagement may continue to suffer. On a practical level, creating too much content can also cost your business. Producing posts, short-form videos, and stories isn't free. Overloading your content calendar can get expensive quickly.

Should I post at the same time everyday on Instagram? ›

Is it better to post at the same time every day or to vary your posting schedule? Maintaining a consistent posting schedule on Instagram is generally recommended to keep your audience engaged and maintain a presence on the platform.

How to schedule Instagram posts? ›

  1. Open the Instagram app, tap and tap Post or Reel.
  2. Select a photo or video and add a caption, effects and filters. Tap (Android) or Next (iOS).
  3. Tap Advanced settings.
  4. Tap Schedule.
  5. Select a date and time up to 75 days away.
  6. Tap Done.
  7. Tap the back button.
  8. Tap Schedule to schedule the post or Reel.

Which time do Instagram reels upload today? ›

What are the Best Times to Post Reels on Instagram?
Day of the WeekBest Time to Post Reels on Instagram
Thursday10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Friday11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Saturday9:00 AM – 10:00 AM 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Sunday9:00 AM – 10:00 AM 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
3 more rows
May 17, 2024

What's the best time to post on Instagram Reddit? ›

Lastly, based on our extensive support experience, we observe user behavior and provide recommendations on the optimal posting time for the platform.
  • Monday:12:00 PM.
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM.
  • Wednesday: 11:00 AM.
  • Thursday:11:00 AM.
  • Friday: 2:00 PM.
  • Saturday: 9:00 AM.
  • Sunday: 7:00 PM”
Jan 20, 2024

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.