The Paris Morning News from Paris, Texas (2024)

THE PARIS MORNING NEWS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1919 THE MORNING NEWS Every Morning Except Monday Office, Boyd Building, North Main Street, Opposite Court Hotist. addresses changed as often as they wish. In ordering ad dress changed, please give OLD as well as NEW address. Entered at the Postoffice at Paris, Texas, as second-class matter. Notice to the public: Any erroneous reflection upon the character, standing or reputation of any person, firm or corporation which may appear In the columns of The News will be gladly corrected upon being brought to the attention of the publishers.

Member of The Associated Pres? The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republicatlon of all news credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news published herein. ii'iilj Election April 1 For City Marshal: 1919 I E. F. HARRELL WILL RUSSELL. For City Secretary: W.

G. GEORGE. JUDD WRIGHT. For Recorder. A.


PERSONAL Mel Brame and wife of Antlers visited H. G. Armstrong an dfamily clay. Engineer J. D.

Fry of the Frls and wife returned Tuesday night from a visit to Mrs. brother in Forr City, Mo. Virgil Milam, stamp clerk in the postoflice, who has boon through a siege of pneumonia, has recovered end is hack at his post. Mrs. T.

B. Monroe left yesterday for Memphis, to visit daughter, Mrs. Sam Bejaek. J. Durham will leave today for Stephens county on a business trip.

His wife will accompany him as fir afc (Mineral Wells. A. T. Ford, wife and son, living on the river near Be Hi, 1 -ft yesterd iy afternoon for San Antonio to his son, who has just returned fr France and is in the hospital at Camp Travis. Miss Luc He Poster went to Wolfe City yesterday afternoon to spend a few days with friends.

Rev. 1). J. Murry of Valley View was in Paris yesterday on his way Deport, wheor he preached la sit night at t'lie Presbyterian church. J.

F. MoRoynolds went to Dallas yesterday afternoon on a business trip. B. B. Kinney has returned from a trip to Baylor and Knox counties, do reported the wheat crop looking fin1, Mrs.

Jo Graham left yesterday alter noon for Cleburne to spend a fe. days visiting relatives. Dr. J. L.

Levcrett, wife and little left yesterday afternoon for Mineral Wells to spend a few days. John Waterman left yesterd vy afternoon for Fort Worth to look a shipment df hogs. A. Vaughan and wife of Hugo are visiting r. latives in Paris.

Judge S. L. Oakes was in the ritv last night from Frrgville, Ok. E. O.

Armstrong and wife of Id i- bel. were in Paris last night. J. A. Stover of Mingus was am last nights arrivals In Paris.

H. H. Cooper of DeQueen. was in Paris last night. L.

L. Lawson of Bogata 1 nignt ill Paris. proved last night. He is the father of Mrs. T.

F. Hearon of Paris. There were a number of yrst rday from lloport and oither points who made the trip in automobiles. They reported the roads drying up quickly, but stated that they were very rough. The Daughters of the Cnnf7 doracy will meet Friday afternoon at at the home of Mrs.

Wm. Conkin on Waslrngr. street. Jno. T.

Dickson was taken suddenly ill at his home on Bonham street about 7 yesterday morning and has ben in a senii-unronscioua condition since then. His many friends will tegret to learn that his condition is serious. He was reported. however, slightly improved last night. Mrs.

Luther Springer of Roxton was op rated on at the Sanitarium the of the week. Mrs. Robert Coone and daughter, Miss Louise, are ill at their home on Ros savenue. A marriage license was issued yes- rday to Henry I). Seabolt and Miss Lola Moore live in the north-1 east part of the county.

March England, who brought in the ballot box from Springhill yesterday, reported that it cast sixty- five votes for and none agaisnt the bond issue. Somebody suggested that the voting that voted solidly for the bonds ought to be the first to have good road when the construction begins. Dick Strother, with the American army in France, writes his father, F. 15. Strother of Max'ey that his command entertained President and Mrs.

Wilson and Geenral Pershing at dinner Christ mas day. Miss Johnnie Bills, who was recently operated on at the Sanitarium, continues to improve. Sh'e is now able to see visitors. Mrs. J.

O. Alexander, living on Nort h20-th street, was operated on at St. Infirmary yesterday morning, and was reported doing well last night. Deputy Sheriff McDonald was called to Howland yesterday afternoon to arrest an alleged crazy negro. He went down on the Midland, but find him in time to catch the Midland train (back and went ovter to Roxton and the (larky in on the Santa Fe last night.

An alarm was turned in a littl before 8 last night for a nre at the hom*o of Sam Hope at the end North 27th street. From some un- I known cause a dress hanging up in a mir LOSE BOTH ETES Hood Waller of Ben Frankiio, one of the best known and most fearless officers in Delta county, was badly hurt in a difficulty which occurred at that place yesterday )ruing, It was learned wlvethc er the injury inflicted was the result) of a personal encounter between him and th other man, or whether it wstsj hilo the latter was restating arrest. The difficulty occurred about 11 only a short while before thoi northbound Santa Fe passenger train was due, and the officer was placed I a'hoard it and was brought to the Sanitarium. Nearly all of the wounds were in Dieted in the face, and while most oi in were the result of blows, it was reported that a knife was also used, it reported that a cut across the face would cause him to lose the sigh? of both eyes. Last night it was said lie might lose the sight of only one.

Some of bones in his face and his nose wore broken. It was stated that his condition was serious. It was understood Inst night from a pn- nger who came in on the train that Constable Waller went to a farm to arrest a negro who was wanted on: some charge, and the farmer win had him inplnyed objected to his taking him. The attack was said to have been the result of the officer in-j sistfng on arresting the negro. Allow Us To Congratulate The Progressive Citizenship Of Old Lamar For her stand in the election for Good, Roads Roads.

-Better WITH BATTLE SCABS We are proud of our county and city citizenship. Now let us pull together for the biggest, best and most prosperous year ever lines in Truck and Automobile business in particular. room near tlv- baok porch caught on fire and the blaze extended up the wall to the ceiling, burning the paper and scorching the wood a little. The damage was about $10. Miss Carrie Ligon, daughter of Dr.

R. 11. Ligon of Ben Franklin, was opora'ted on at the Sanitarium yesterday for throat trouble. A complaint was lodged in the county court yesterday against a train charging him with giving liquor to a minor. The membership of the Odd Fellows lodge at Milton having dwindl down on account of members moving away, and from other causes, it has voted to consolidate with the Minter lodge.

The merger will take place next Saturday night, and John McArthur of Paris, deputy grand master, has appointed Dr. T. W. Buford of Minter to officiate in his place in the consolidation. Urbano Williams, the son of J.

D. Williams, who lives on Maple Avenue, returned Tuesday night from France, where he saw service at the front wit lithe 90th division. When the United States entered the war he tried to enlist through a recruiting office at Paris, but was turned down on account of some trouble with his heart. He made other efforts to enlist without success and was finally drafted and to Camp Travis. He landed in France June 20, and his first oxiperience in fighting was at St.

Mihid, where he was pretty severely) gassed Sept. 12, but after being at casual camp a short while he slipped away and joined his company in the fighting in the Argonne Forest he had the index finger of his right hand shot away with a machine gun bullet, His speech is still very much affected fro mhaving been gassed end his voice sounds as if he was suffering from a bad cold, ell stated that two other Lamar county boys were in the fighting with him, one of whom, William Whaley of Roxton, was killed, and the other. Van Anderson, a son of Rev. F. M.

Anderson of Faught, was wounded. Walter Harris Automobiles and Accessories. We Are Here to Keep You Running. him asBsaaHaar HD US OF HIS SISTER'S DEITH NEWS A good deal of cotton is being shipped in to the compress hero at present. The press at Hugo has been closed down since the 15th instant, and all of the cotton that would go to it if it were running is being sent herte.

Ed Gray, colored, who was arrested (by (Constable Tuesday evening on the charge of burglary, waive 1 preliminary 'examination before Justice of the Peace Jay Hall yesterday and his bond was placed at Sowing oats was resumed by some of the farmers yesterday, and a number of others who re in t.nvn yesterday stated that they expected to sow today. The Literary Society at Embersvn will have a program tomorrow night. The condition of J. T. Re veil received a message yesterday from Louisville, announcing the death of liis sister, Mrs.

T. N. Williams. She had been ill a year and a half with rheumatism. She visited her brother in Paris just before the fire and will Ire remembered by sk veral friends.

She was born in Bonham and was married there to her husband while he was pastor of the Presbyterian ehun h. He has been a minister in Louisville the past years. Besides her husband she is survived by five children and by two brothers, one of whom lives in Sherman, and a sister, who lives In Louisville. A DEATH NEAR MINTER PROM HEART FAILURE Stonewall Jackson, a tenant far-jgl mer who lived three miles east ofjjj Minter, died suddenly at his home last Sunday morning about 10 o'clock. He had been through a long attack of influenza and had pneumonia, from which he had recovered about ton days fore his fatal illness.

He went to Cunningham last Saturday and after spending the day there returned home feeling well, but a little weak from the long illness through which he had passed, Ho was taken suddenly ill after night, and his death wa ssaid to have been due to heart trouble as a result of influenza. He was about thirty years old and left a wife and one child, 11 was a member of the Wo oilman camp at Cunningham. SAFETY-FIRST And No Broken Arm KETCH-A-KICK FOR FORD CARS Cheapest Insurance Against a Broken Arm sl a and make the cranking of your Ford safe. KETCH-A-KICK THEIBFIHSTPHIGTIuE Does not with spinning the crank. It is made of Malleable Iron, with Steel Axle and best Spiral Spring.

PRICE The sum of $140 was eontribut last week to the baseball club of the Paris High school by merchants and business men of the city, and the boys expect to got in shape to pull off some first-class games during th 3 approaching playing season. Snaprp, a local baseball favorite, will act as coach for the team, which by itself will go a long way toward securing victory for the team in its match games with other teams. Le- Howell of I Roy Smith lias been sUeeted as man- Wade, who has critically ager. Six of last players will hen district court opened ve tor day morning the suit of Mrs. Bess Bittick against (h (Sovereign Camp Woodmen of the World to recover th; am nintof tut insurance policy on the life of the deceased bus band had not been concluded.

The court waited all the morning for the attorneys to get ready to resume proceedings, which Were delayed on account of waiting for a witness to appear who had been summoned, and who had already given testimony th day before. Court finally took a recess until after dinner. At the expiration of the recess the plaintiff requested and was granted permission to take a nonsuit, the court having intimated that according to his interpretation of the lav Of the case he would have to instruct the jury to return a verdict for the deefndant. The taking of a nonsuit ill at St. Joseph's Infirmary the thUyear.

The first sW th- plaintiff right to to tow days, was riportai Im- gamo was yertarday. mitute th. suit anew at any time. 2.50 R. D.

STERNE DISTRIBUTORS FOR TEXAS Paris, Texas We want good live Agents in territory and have many counties lo pick from, hustler, see us. Phone 1138 If you are a.

The Paris Morning News from Paris, Texas (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

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Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.